Chapter 19: (2)

Sure! Kaiyan, dont overdo it, and be careful! Kaiyan had asked Uncle Jeff to fight near that Tarien guy during the battle. After experiencing yesterdays battle, he realized that the combination of knights and soldiers worked well. But for that to happen, the initial phase needed to be resolved quickly. The knights could help from the central battlefield, after all.

That Tarien guy doesnt seem like someone who would stick with the soldiers in the initial phase. Thats why he had no intention of following Tarien in the initial phase. If he was with the soldiers following him, they could quickly resolve the initial phase. Of course, this was only possible because he was a Centurion of the 7th Special Unit.

Lets go!

Lets go! Show them the power of humans!

Kill them all! As Kaiyan rushed forward, around a hundred soldiers who had fought with him yesterday naturally followed behind him.

Their initial target was the large-sized monsters scattered in all directions due to the long-range attacks of the Allied Forces. There were no easier opponents to deal with than the monsters that were separated from the main battlefield.



You there, here! The soldiers drew the attention of monsters rushing toward Kaiyan, creating opportunities for him.


Boom! A monster excited by the soldiers attacks swung its arms in all directions, threatening the soldiers. But since their goal was to draw its attention, they had already created a sufficient distance between themselves and the monster. It would be absurd to think that these experienced soldiers couldnt dodge the monsters attacks from that distance.

You, not there, here!

Keep stabbing!

Great. Penetrating Stab! After confirming that the soldiers were able to avoid the monsters attacks with ease, Kaiyan took advantage of the opening and swiftly leaped forward, extending his sword.

Swoosh! Without any resistance, his sword pierced through the tough skin of the monsters sturdy legs and mercilessly struck its vitals. The length of the sword that penetrated the monsters body was over 50 cm, dealing a highly lethal blow.


That ones down! Be careful!

Fall back! Quickly! In the moment of surprise, as the monster fell, Kaiyan momentarily froze, but the soldiers shouted, and the monster started to collapse. He pushed it away and retreated.

Boom! The monster fell to the ground with such ease that it felt anticlimactic. The soldiers cheered at the sight and rushed forward with their spears raised.

Now! Attack!

Dont give it a chance to get up!

Its my turn! Keep attacking! The soldiers and Kaiyan, not missing the opportunity, thrust their weapons forward, and dozens of weapons mercilessly pierced the monsters body.


At this rate

Greed had taken over Kaiyans mind.

After confirming the astonishing performance of the changed sword, greed surged within Kaiyan.

Could they venture deeper?

The real central battlefield where the central unit is breaking through is a place where monsters are scattered like grass. Moreover, most of them have been injured by the central troops. It should be considered a place where overwhelming level-ups are guaranteed if Kaiyan can just enter.

No. Lets not overdo it. It would be better to go in with the knights once the initial phase is resolved.

Kaiyan made an effort to shake his head and calm his mind.

I still cant use Aura for a long time.

Using the time in the early morning when everyone was asleep, Kaiyan attempted the Aura Manual.

The sensation of the unruly power entering Kaiyans body through the Manual was indescribably thrilling. At that time, Kaiyans heart was pounding and throbbing with excitement and overwhelming emotion. It felt as if it would burst at any moment.

Well it was good up to that point.

However, not everything continued to flow smoothly.

Initially, intoxicated by the wonder of Aura, Kaiyan had dedicated himself practice the Aura Manual. But no matter how long he practiced, the amount of Aura Kaiyan felt within his body did not expand beyond a certain point.

Only later did Kaiyan realize his mistake. It was when they read through the engraved Maeslin aura Manual in his mind again that they found the answer.

The reason why the Maeslin Manual method is known as a failed Manual method

It was because, by normal means, it was impossible to accumulate Aura beyond a certain amount.

To become an Aura user and go even further to become an Aura expert, the only method available was to obtain Aura by killing living beings.

But its not bad for me.

If Kaiyan couldnt accumulate Aura through normal means

I can accumulate it by killing monsters. Since Ill keep killing monsters.

To obtain great power by killing the loathsome creatures.

How appealing is that Manual method?

Kaiyan even felt that it was better not to spend time on normal training with this Aura Manual. Since He will continue to kill monsters as he has been doing, thats all he needs to do.