Chapter 49: (1)

Then, why dont you tell me what you want?


Upon the senior knights words, Uncle Jeff and Uncle Max stated their desired requests.

What they wanted was the support of the old knight for the future of their children.

I understand. I will definitely promise you. If your children wish for it, I will raise them as knights.

To give their children a better future, the two uncles staked their lives.

It was a somewhat irresponsible acceptance, but there was no blame towards the uncles. In this place where even the survival of the knights is not guaranteed, there is no assurance that a single soldier will survive.

In a way, risking ones life to obtain what one desires could be considered wise.

Well then

I will also lure the monsters along with the uncles.


You brat! Theres no need for you to do that!

Since before entering the monsters dwelling, Kaiyan had made a vow. If he lives, they live together. If he dies, they die together.

The senior knight looked straight into Kaiyans eyes, filled with determination.

I understand your heart, but arent you still young? You dont have to do this.

No, I will go with the uncles. Isnt it better for three people to lure the monsters from the knights perspective?

Phew I understand.

The senior knight seemed to have realized that my thoughts wouldnt change, so he reluctantly accepted.

Kaiyan! Why are you trying to die!

You brat, who told you to die? Why are you doing something I didnt ask you to!

Jeff Kallein and Max Poland.

Perhaps because they met on the intense battlefield for a short period, indescribable emotions surged within toward Kaiyan.

Its okay.

I will definitely save the two of them.



Leaving behind the uncles who let out sighs of regret, Kaiyan quickly turned his head.

Its too late to think about an effective and good method when the monster luring operation starts. They must come up with such a method during this brief respite.

A method What items should I buy from the shop?

With 1207 G, likely from occasional hunting, it wasnt a small amount. But since survival was not just for himself but for three people, they needed to find items that would be effective, even if only to a small extent.

First, I need to confirm if the items also apply to other people.

According to Riekas explanation, the effects of player-specific items apply only to the player. But what about regular items?

Do regular items also apply only to the player?

Its fine. I dont have any intention to die.

Right, I hope I can see you alive again.

Im not particularly keen on that. Well then


As if expressing his unwillingness to continue the conversation, he forcefully kicked the ground and sprang forward.

This is the beginning. The crossroads of life and death.

Uncles, you must never separate!

Dont worry, we got it!

Just follow me!

While its possible to quietly slip away using the concealment cloak or other items, hell lure the monsters as promised with the old knight.

They staked their lives to save Tarien, so they deserve compensation.

For the uncles to receive compensation, the old knight must survive. And for him to survive, they must lure the monsters as much as possible.

Hey, harpy chicks, over here!

Its not time to sleep!

Clang! Clang!

Even while running, shouting loudly wasnt enough, so he made a loud noise by using his sword and shield.



Only then did the harpies, who had finally left their nests in confusion, spot them and let out shrieks. They must have been quite surprised when they suddenly burst out of the nest.

Theyre chasing us!

Run faster!

Huhaak! Just how many of them are there?

Glancing back, they saw that the dark sky had grown even darker. And that



Thousands, even tens of thousands of harpies covered the sky.

They completely blocked the light of Pwarlin, which used to illuminate the sky instead of the sun.

Its incomparably inefficient. But this is possible precisely because theyre monsters.

I have to make them follow for at least 30 minutes.


However, seeing that the harpy chasing them so closely already made it seem difficult.

Uncles! Do you remember what I told you earlier?

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