Chapter 57: (2)

It was his fault for asking Bisel in the first place.

How did things end up like this?

By the way, Bisel, hasnt Jansen said anything yet?

Well, according to Banson, he said they just need to go a little further. It seems he doesnt intend to enter the Gami-an Great Plains. Its funny enough that he wants to go in that direction in the first place.

About two more days in this direction.

The path was slightly different, but he had passed through that area before. When he finished training at the training camp and was assigned to Gami-an. As far as he could remember, there was really nothing in that direction. At most, occasional small monsters would appear.

Moreover, Jansen was a top-ranking merchant. It didnt seem like a place where a merchant seeking profit would go.

He seemed a bit strange from the first time I met him.

When he first met Jansen, he felt a little uneasy.

However, since Kaiyan had confidence that he could escape with his current abilities, he simply accepted the request.

But as things got weirder, he became more suspicious of Jansen. What on earth was Jansen trying to achieve by heading northwest?

Oh! Kaiyan, no need to worry, look over there. Its the monsters.

Hmm Orcs.

Bisel pointed in the direction with a considerable distance, and there were orc packs lurking around.

How about that? Feeling a little relieved now?

Ha thats not the reason. Anyway, I feel a bit more at ease now.

Looking at the simple-minded Bisel, he felt like he was overthinking things. It could be a coincidence that various events overlapped and created this situation, as Bisel mentioned.


Everyone, its time to work! Orc packs!

Bisel knocked on the carriage and shouted, and the carriage gradually stopped as the mercenaries jumped out.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

Ah, finally! Bisel, how many are there?

Um about 20 or so?

20? That seems like quite a lot.

In a war, one might think that orcs are insignificant, but considering that a single orc has combat power equivalent to a D-ranked mercenary, 20 cannot be ignored as a formidable force.

Moreover, there were only 10 mercenaries, including him.


Using his left leg as the axis, he slightly lowered his waist to dodge one attack.

And while still in the lowered position, he struck the orc in front of him.



Too slow.

Seizing the opening, he countered the attack coming from the right with a shoulder charge.


Finishing thrust through the heart.


The orc warrior grabbed his chest, gasping for air and making choking sounds. Killing the orc creatures was effortless. There was no sense of excitement or thrill in it.

Orcs are just amusement. Wait

As Kaiyan systematically slaughtered the orc warriors one by one, a thought suddenly crossed his mind.

Was there really a difference between me killing them like this and the person who massacred the people at the entrance of the Louis Plains? Just a simple amusement?

If that were the case

There was a high probability that the person responsible for slaughtering Smith and his companions shared the same mindset as me. The act of killing dozens of people for mere amusement.

Yeah, the scattered corpses. It was all for amusement. That person enjoyed the massacre.

Finally, everything fell into place. The reason why that person left behind traces and disappeared with such confidence was clear. They were proud of their actions, leaving behind evidence.

But who exactly are you?

A person with a completely opposite ideology to mine, someone who kills for pleasure. Ive never heard of such a person, even from the experienced Jeff. A person who takes pleasure in killing dozens of people.

And that too, in a place far away from the city.


Between the tightly clenched fist, a warm pain seeped through, and blood trickled down.

If you appear before me, I will tear you apart, piece by piece.

Kaiyan hoped that the killer would show up before him soon. He would use all his strength to kill him to avenge Smith and prevent him from committing further atrocities.

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