Chapter 124

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 124

"Bring them in!" Garrett Nordmark scanned the scene with a single glance, immediately shouting at the approaching group. Turning, he dashed towards his own tent. The city guards behind him collectively breathed a sigh of relief, lifting stretchers and briskly following.

"Garrett, you"

Someone immediately tried to stop him. Fortunately, Garrett had a high reputation in Hartland City. As soon as someone spoke, a companion pulled the speaker aside. If he wanted to treat, let him treat. The healing capacity of a Level One Priest was limited, and wasting it wouldn't offend anyone much.

Garrett had no intention of paying attention to the commotion. He quickly checked the woundedfortunately, no acquaintances. The problem was, either the wounded didn't come, or when they did, there were five of them: one with a head wound and blood streaming, one with an arm chopped off, one with a broken leg, the fourth with a collapsed chest, and the fifth, barely breathing on the stretcher, the nature of the injury unclear.

...But I only have two hands!

Garrett felt immense pressure instantly. Moreover, while others could complain, he couldn't. The task was self-imposed, to save as many people as possible, and it was indeed his wish. He casually picked up a basket, hurried to the entrance of his prepared large tent, and shouted to the side:

"One by one, carry them in! Before entering, let me take a look first!"

The one with the head wound was the first to be brought in. Garrett bent down to inspect, asking on the side:

"How were you injured? Did you faint?"

"Hit by flying rocks! Fainted just now, seems to be waking up now..."

Blunt force impact causing cranial injury. Momentary loss of consciousness. Garrett quickly glanced around the wound, silently adding:

...No sign of brain tissue extrusion for now.

Not going to die so quickly. Garrett immediately ordered:

"Lay him down inside, shave the hair around the wound, wipe away the blood. If the patient vomits, be careful not to choke on vomit. I'll come check on him later. Next!"

The next one had an arm chopped off. The upper arm was tightly bound with a bandage, face pale, unconscious but thankfully still alive. Garrett glanced to see no other external injuries, picked up a spiral tourniquet from the basket, and immediately put it on the patient:

"Lay down inside! Rotate the stick with force, tighten the strap, fix the stick in place, then undo the bandage. I'll come to check later. Next!"

The one with a broken leg was observed for vital signs, bleeding stopped, then carried inside. As for the one with the completely collapsed chest, Garrett checked the neck pulse, breathing, lifted an eyelid, saw no heartbeat, no breathing, pupils dilated 8mm, immediately shook his head:

"He's already dead. Take him away. Next!"

"How is that possible! Save him! Save the captain" the soldier carrying the person reached out to pull him. Garrett stepped aside, shouting:

"Give you an axe, can you accurately chop where I've colored?"

"No problem!" Bernard looked down, patted his chest. Garrett lifted the severed limb, wiped the axe blade carefully with alcohol, handed it to Bernard:

"Chop accurately! Don't cut diagonally!"

Swish! The axe blade whistled down. Body parts that orthopedic experts would take half a day to separate, under the barbarian's axe, fell in one blow.

"Don't! " Another scream came from the tent entrance. The soldier thrown out scrambled over, "Captain, captain! Huh?"

The patient didn't scream or struggle at all. The blood vessels and nerves had been cut beforehand, and this one blow didn't cause much bleeding or intense pain.

The soldier rushed forward, just in time to see Garrett scoop something from a jar and smear it on the broken bone. Then he continued to pick up small forceps, flipped the pre-cut skin flaps, and neatly covered the section.

With a healing minor wound spell cast, the twelve-centimeter-long skin flap incision healed seamlessly.

"Is this... okay?"

"Barely saved his life." Garrett tiredly shook his head. He pointed to the corner of the tent, indicating for the patient to be carried over for observation, wiped the sweat from his forehead:


Femoral closed fracture, detect magic... guided traction reduction!

Skull fracture, X-ray reveals linear skull fracture, not penetrating the brain. No CT, no MRI, throw in a healing spell, let him lie down for observation!

The last one unconscious, found abdominal bleeding, open abdomen exploration, heal the

ruptured spleen, suture the abdomen!

Finally done... Garrett finished the last stitch, straightened his back, and immediately heard a rumbling sound from his stomach. He was about to go out to find something to eat when, outside the tent, an anxious loud voice rang out again:

"Garrett, are you taking in more patients here?!"

"Come in!" Garrett turned and rushed out again: "Line up, one by one, come in and let me take a look first!"


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