Chapter 127

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 127

Silence filled the air.

Inside and outside the tent, the notaries counting for both parties, low-ranking priests who came to watch with Hilde, knights and noble offspring transporting wounded soldiers tirelessly, and the just-healed patients by Hilde...

One by one, they were dumbfounded.

Hilde actually admitted defeat?

Garrett, however, wasn't surprised at all. After treating a patient, he bent down to wash his hands again, simultaneously raising his head with a smile.

"You haven't lost. - The patients you treated have all recovered and can return to the battlefield at any time. The ones I treated can only be said to have their lives hanging by a thread, waiting for other priests to further treat or slowly recover on their own. In that regard, you've actually won."Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

After Garrett said this, the priests and noble youths behind Hilde, all relaxed their facial expressions, smiling lightly. That's right, if no one is healed, how can you count it as a successful treatment? That rural lad has a bit of self-awareness; he should admit defeat!

They were satisfied. However, Hilde himself was not satisfied. He took another step forward and spoke earnestly:

"But you saved more lives! - If, as you say, many people can slowly recover, I can only save ten people a day, but you can save thirty! Your healing skills are indeed better than mine. Can you teach me?"

Got another one hooked! Garrett almost wanted to give himself a pat on the back. Facing a big battle, soldiers generally couldn't get divine magic treatment, so saving one person at a time was an achievement. He warmly greeted:

"It's not a matter of teaching or not teaching. Let's work together to save people, and I have a lot to learn from you too!"

"Then it's settled!" Hilde hurriedly walked to Garrett's side. He bent down to look at the just brought-in patients, reflexively wanting to release healing magic. Only when he lifted his hand did he realize that his magic power was already exhausted. He chuckled:

"No magic left for today... What else can I help with?"

"Help me keep records!" Garrett let out a sigh of relief. He pointed to the shelf where he had brought the two stacks of parchment in the morning, all piled up there.

"I say, you record!"

Finally, caught someone who can write medical records! The familiar priests were either too busy or too lazy to help. The soldiers helping carry people didn't have anyone literate!

Hilde the priest plunged into the pile of medical records in this way. He worked tirelessly until the sun set in the west. He watched Garrett cut, sew, and pull, continuously saving the lives of about ten seriously injured patients, and he admired it greatly. Early the next morning, he hastily ate a few bites of food, packed a box of healing potions and mental elixirs, and eagerly ran to Garrett's place.

"Garrett! I'm here! Uh... what is this?"

"The patients haven't been brought down yet. Take your time to read. If you don't understand, ask me. After asking, either follow the rules or leave."

A thick stack of paper fell into Hilde's hands. He looked down and saw on the first page, the title alone was written in two lines:

"On the Sterilization Effects of Various Basic Magics and Divine Arts, a Comparison with High-Temperature and High-Pressure Sterilization, and the Necessity of Aseptic Principles in Different Scenarios"



Every word felt familiar, but when put together, he had no idea what it meant...

Hilde read through the abstract, keywords, and author line by line. The abstract was completely incomprehensible, the keywords... magic, divine arts, and unfamiliar words combined, only made it seem like the author's imagination was vast. As for the author, Garrett Nordmark was followed by the Church of Nature, the Mage Tower, and the hospital. What does that mean?!

He entered the main text and the more he read, the more dizzy he became. The first section was vividly illustrated, describing something called "bacteria," which he found confusing but understood that it could cause diseases.

In the second section, it explained how to see bacteria, which seemed inexplicable to him, only knowing that using something called a "microscope" and a method called "bacterial culture" could reveal this thing.

In the third section, in this paper, he understood that it compared distilled water, magically cleaned instruments, water created by water creation spell, water purified by the "clean diet" divine art, water directly transported from the water elemental pool in the Mage Tower, and instruments sterilized by high-temperature and high-pressure...

"Why not compare healing potions?"

Hilde blurted out. Garrett, busy organizing instruments, didn't even turn his head:

"Can't afford it."


Not so


I also want to research healing potions together, but can't afford it! A bottle of minor healing potion costs 50 gold coins, and to conduct a comparative experiment, you need at least four bottles. How much money does my hospital have in cash? Hey, this Hilde priest is wealthy, should I find a way to dig some money from him?


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