Chapter 129

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 129

"Help! All priests come over here! Quickly! Ed, go to the Temple of the War God and fetch the Archbishop! Melissa, go to the camp on the other side of the county, see if there are any high-ranking priests, try to bring them over! Old Barney, hold on! Hold on!!!"

It was a severely wounded soldier... and a wounded soldier that the on-site priests couldn't handle or didn't dare to approach. High Priest Hilde followed Garrett Nordmark out of the tent and was immediately stunned.

Outside the tent, there were no stretchers, no wounded soldiers, only the barbarian Bernard holding his arm, standing taller than a person, with a large bone club poking to the side. A grass leaf moved up and down at the corner of his mouth as he chewed, seemingly enjoying himself.

Right... the injured person wasn't a soldier but a knight, and knights wouldn't be brought here. The ones eligible to invite the Archbishop were probably high-ranking knights!

He followed Garrett, rushing forward. Passing by a row of exquisite single-person tents, they reached the central open space and suddenly stopped.

In the center of the open space lay a severely wounded knight, probably Old Barney, with a face as pale as his beard, and a pool of fresh blood beneath him. A spear slanted through his abdomen, piercing straight through to his back.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

A circle of people surrounded Old Barney, with two squires supporting him on either side, letting him lie on his side on the ground. One of them wore armor with the same emblem as Old Barney, crying with red eyes, likely a nephew or grandson of the injured.

Someone went to call a high-ranking priest, someone went to get healing potions, and seven or eight priests surrounded him, chanting spells with all their might. White light fell like rain, but no one dared to touch that spear.

This wound...

Hilde also froze. Treating minor injuries was definitely not enough, and the healing of third and fourth-level priests seemed ineffective. And there was this spear, this spear...

If it's not pulled out, someone will surely die; if it's pulled out, someone will die on the spot...

What to do?

What to do!

"Take off his armor!" a determined voice suddenly rose, and Hilde turned her head to see Garrett rushing past him like the wind.

"Cut off the spear, lift him into the tent! Quickly!"

"The armor is stuck on the spear!" a kneeling squire instinctively replied. Garrett didn't hesitate:

"Disconnect the connections on the side! Cut the plate armor open from the hole and tear it apart on both sides!"

Really, why wasn't this kind of thing prepared in advance? In his previous life, when faced with such steel piercing injuries, someone always dealt with it before going to the operating table. Usually, it was the fire brigadeoh, forgot, there's no fire brigade here. Well, there's no way, just have to hope someone takes the initiative...

Garrett cursed inwardly, kneeling beside Old Barney and reaching to feel the injured's carotid artery. A priest tried to stop him:

"Little Garrett, you"

Hilde tiptoed outside the crowd, stretched her neck to take a look. Between the gap of shoulders and neck, she saw Garrett holding a pointed knife, surveying the surroundings:

"Can anyone cast a Calm Spell?... No one? Well, since he's unconscious, we can only cut directly... Anthony! Mariano! Help me hold the hooks!Hilde! Be ready!"

"I'm here!" Hilde squeezed into the crowd. Before standing firm, Garrett's sharp knife entered the injured's abdomen, cutting down with a single stroke.

Blood surged.


Half of the people present screamed. The priestesses of

the Goddess of Springs collectively took a step back.

"Hilde! Divert the blood flow!"

Garrett yelled urgently.

Reflexively, Priest Hilde began to pray. With each chant, a stream of blood rose like a rainbow, falling to the ground as he directed it with his gestures.

At the same time, two curved hooks, one on the left and one on the right, had already hooked into Old Barney's abdomen, forcefully pulling apart. Translucent mage hands appeared one after another, gently probing between the injured's organs, lifting, turning, searching, pinching a ruptured blood vessel.

"Heal Minor Wounds!"

"Here it comes!"

A white light descended. The lowest-level apprentice priests could easily use Heal Minor Wounds, and third and fourth-level priests could release dozens of them at will. As the white light swept over, the blood vessels instantly healed, and the mage hands gently loosened. Fresh red blood flowed again.

"Heal Minor Wounds!"

"I'm here!"

"Heal Minor Wounds!"

"Heal Minor Wounds!"

In Old Barney's abdomen, the mage hands worked methodically, searching bit by bit. With Garrett's command, healing spells descended one by one, and the gushing blood visibly eased.

"The situation is improving!" the leading level six priest, who was leading the prayers, suddenly exclaimed. "You can slow down the healing spells!"


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