Chapter 137

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 137

The necromancer, without saying a word, dragged Garrett Nordmark away, complaining incessantly along the way. The complaints only ceased when they entered the necromancer's tent. He pulled out a leather chest from beside the bed and dumped its contents onto the table.

"These are all my spoils of war! Come on, take a look and see if there's anything you can use. Just take it!"

In the candlelight, various rings, necklaces, and amulets sparkled, making one wonder if he had raided a jewelry store.

Garrett opened his mouth in astonishment. He glanced at Linde Ferrell, then at the pile of items on the table, and back at Linde. How many people have you killed? It's been less than a month since the war started, and you seem to have been on a killing spree instead of being a scout!

"Can't decide? Or don't recognize them?" Seeing Garrett's surprised expression, Linde took the initiative to introduce:

"This ring should have a 'Cold Resistance' enchantment, quite useful. I already have one; you can take this one.

I'm not sure about this amulet, but judging by the magic circuits on it, it seems to be an offensive divine spell. You can give it a try.

This necklace carries the power of light, which I can't use, but you probably can..."

Garrett couldn't refuse fast enough. He was about to randomly pick something, even if just to be courteous. However, when his gaze swept over the pile of items, his heart skipped a beat.

"Wait! What's this?"

Linde followed his pointing finger and saw a bottle of inconspicuous dark purple powder, faintly shimmering in the candlelight, revealing a scaly metallic sheen. Linde nonchalantly explained:

"Purple Scale Stone, an alchemical material. I don't know how it ended up herethis thing is not very useful, and if left unattended, it turns into a lump of black ash. Interested? Take it if you want."

"I'll take half." Garrett cradled it like a treasure, examining it from all angles. The color, shape, and sheenall were familiar to him, from middle school to college. When he saw this thing, his intuition shouted four words:

"Potassium Permanganate! Potassium Permanganate!"

This substance is not stable in nature; it easily decomposes, and no one knows which deity synthesized it. If it really is potassium permanganate, it would solve a significant problem for him.

Garrett asked Linde for a brown bottle, carefully poured half of it in, sealed the bottle, and handed it back. Linde didn't take it, so Garrett insisted, shoving it into his hands:

"This stuff is useful! If it's what I think it is, it will be incredibly valuable! Hey, come with me. Once I confirm it, I'll tell you how to use it!"

Linde followed him outside, weaving through winding paths, back to Garrett's residence. After clearing the table, Garrett dragged out an alchemy box. When he turned around, he saw Linde sitting there bored, so he handed him a stack of papers:New novel chapters are published at

"These are my recent research findings. You can read these first. Oh, and this is a microscope; play with it while I conduct experiments. I'll call you when I have results!"

Linde was caught off guard, receiving a pile of articles with titles he had never seen before. Without delving into them, he shouted:




Fire Spark Spell!


A crackling sound of ignition. The faint, originally capable of igniting only paper and dry leaves, Fire Spark Spell burst out much brighter on the muddy ground in the center of the tent!

Even the necromancer was startled by this. Linde lifted his head from the paper, looked at Garrett, and used his gaze to inquire what had happened. Garrett came over with a happy smile:

"I improved a spell! Let me tell you about it!

Oh, and read the article 'Demonstration of the Essence of Combustion through Heated Mercury.' Quickly, read it! After you finish, I'll tell you how the magic works!"

Reading articles, observing experiments, and then studying Garrett's drawn spell model chart, Linde tried hard to remember and meditate. The spell model wasn't difficult for Linde the mage, but understanding the article, grasping the principle of combustion, and then reaching the train of thought for a new spellthis was quite challenging. Garrett conducted experiments and explanations tirelessly, almost drying up his saliva, and Linde finally started to understand a bit.

Over an hour later, two mages were carried away by barbarians, one in each hand, sneaking out of the military camp like the wind, heading far outside the camp to test their magic.

Fire Spark Spell!

Incredibly bright sparks.

Burning Hand!

A bright white, intensely powerful cone-shaped flame.

Flame Sphere Spell!

The burning fireball flew far away, exploding in the sky with the power equal to a higher-level Fireball Spell!

Linde, the mage, stared at the fireball, dumbfounded. When he could finally speak, every syllable of his speech trembled:

"Garrett, do you... do you know what you've given me?!"


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