Chapter 142

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 142

As the prayers echoed, Garrett Nordmark's entire body shivered. Who was that person flying in the sky? What kind of person could fly like that?

An advanced spellcaster? A high-ranking priest?

Even teachers couldn't fly! The person soaring in mid-air, the voice of prayer spreading for miles, how strong were they? Level ten? Eleven? Or even higher?

Or perhaps, did they use some magical item to assist them? If that person was coming after them

"Bernard, do you know their level?" Garrett whispered. Though far away, he was afraid the other person might hear, instinctively lowering his voice. Bernard shook his head in a low, muffled voice: "I don't know. We'll find out when we face them."

Too late to fight! Garrett touched his pouch and then the mana pearl around his neck, yet he felt no sense of security. God, Buddha, Nature, please don't let them be discovered! Fear attracts what you fear. The prayers ended, and the sphere in the person's hand suddenly radiated a brilliant light, illuminating everything within ten miles. Garrett and his group, initially concealed in the darkness, were now completely exposed by this bright light.

"To the east!" The voice of the praying person echoed once again, a gentle and clear tone, but the words sent shivers down Garrett's spine: "Sly heretics, enemies of the Holy Fleet, clinging to the mountain wall, fleeing to the east!"

The white light on the sphere went from scattering to condensing, forming a dazzling light beam that firmly locked onto Garrett and his companions. The light spots on the ground were the size of houses, visible even to the pursuing team several miles away, revealing the direction of the enemy.

Garrett felt a chill all over. Reflexively, he shouted, "To the right! Run along the mountain wall! We'll be safe if we turn inside the mountain wall!"

Such powerful divine magic, it can't move arbitrarily! If that light sphere could float outward continuously, keeping the light beam above us, I would acknowledge defeat! Garrett thought fiercely. Without him reminding, the team had already turned, running along the mountainside, striving to escape to the east. Suddenly, a scream rang out as the fifth-level shield warrior, York, tumbled to the ground with his horse!

"York!" Captain Barnes exclaimed. The shield warrior rolled a few times, struggling to get up, and immediately checked his mountjust one glance made him grimace, "Captain, the horse won't make it!"Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

These mounts had suffered tonight. No proper food, no rest, dozens of miles of back-and-forth in the dead of night, and now, after a short rest, they had to carry their owners again, running for their lives.

Fortunately, the mountainous terrain finally started to curve inward, and the sphere hanging high in the air indeed couldn't move. The sound of hooves gradually faded into the darkness, and Garrett finally breathed a sigh of relief: This is the first time I've truly felt that the shelter of darkness can be so comforting.

God bless, may the people behind also slow down! He looked around, trying to find favorable terrain, preparing to set up an ambush. Well, the mountain path ahead is quite narrow; I could probably stretch a few tripwires. Further ahead, there's a bend; we could dig some pits behind it, if there's enough time.

Oh, if only there were a cliff, we could directly trap them...

Garrett picked and chose, constantly brainstorming, but none of the terrains satisfied him. Before he could make up his mind, among the pursuers behind, a uniform roar erupted: "For the glory of the Radiant Lord!"

In the midst of the roar, the black-armored knights unsheathed their large swords, advancing uniformly. Garrett happened to turn his head to look, only to see the bright white light bursting out from the tips of their swords, illuminating the entire mountain hollow!

"#$%^!" Garrett swallowed a curse, urgently closing his eyes, tears streaming down from the irritation. How does it even come with its own illumination? With the light, many cunning tricks would no longer work!

Luckily, Bernard was carrying him on his back. If Garrett were running on his own, a moment of eye irritation might have caused him to stumble! Yet, the pursuers had more than just illumination. While Garrett jostled on the barbarian's back, he suddenly heard a twang. Immediately after, Bernard lunged forward, almost falling to the ground. Arrows whizzed by, and the dual-blade warrior beside Captain Barnes let out a heart-wrenching cry, shouting: "They have strong bows! Powerful bows!"

"Don't shoot him!" Someone shouted from behind to stop them. Just as Garrett breathed a sigh of relief, that somewhat sinister voice continued: "The heretic priest in the front! The mage! Stop! The Radiant Lord is a tolerant and benevolent god. As long as you are willing to convert, I, Gordon Menewa, in the name of the Tribunal, guarantee your safety!"

I believe you as much as I believe in ghosts! Suppressing the urge to turn around and curse loudly, Garrett clenched the Corpse Explosion ring tightly. He poked Bernard, signaling the barbarian to carry him to Captain Barnes, whispering: "After we pass the bend up ahead, kill two horses!"

"Block them in front?" Bernard asked.

"Yes!" Garrett raised his fist, showing the ring to the captain. "Given by the necromancer!"


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