Chapter 146

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 146

"What? Menewa is dead? Four dead, two injured in the pursuit team?!"

Bishop Hoke in the red robe was shocked and angry. His thin face turned from blue to white, then white to blue again. On his sharp, bald head, it seemed like steam was about to burst out

Hoke couldn't help but be astonished and furious. Although he led a massive army, it didn't mean he could command all ten thousand of them freely. In fact, among these ten thousand troops, there were several factions with different backgrounds and motives:

The Holy Knights of the Holy See, the Black Cavaliers of the Tribunal, the armies of the Galorin Kingdom and the Rhine Kingdom, the private armies of local lords along the way...

Each had their own thoughts, each had their own backers.

The royal army always aimed to preserve its strength;

Among the local lords, there were always a few young men orbiting around the Radiant Lady;

The ascetic monks paid no attention to anything but the glory of God;

The Tribunal would occasionally grab someone and execute them...

As the commander of this army, he could handle the army according to the strategy predetermined by the Holy See, but dealing with things that were not particularly publiclike capturing some heretics to execute, searching for the heretics who sank the ship and blocked the river, saving his face as the commander...

For him, the Menewa team was a rare and highly effective weapon.

Moreover, Gordon Menewa himself was a 9th-level knight, just one step away from becoming a grand knight. If he couldn't retrieve the situation, it would be like getting slapped in the face.

"The dignity of the Radiant Lord cannot be profaned! Whoever harms the Holy Knights of the Holy See must pay with blood!" In just a moment, Hoke made up his mind, stood up with dignity, and his red robe fluttered:

"Master Talanto, please come over! Knight Faelmor, please come over! AndDeputy Referee Lusen, please come over!"

Master Talanto was the first to arrive. He was the one who prayed in the sky last night. In the cold weather, he still had bare feet, wearing a rough linen white robe with no hem and a thorny crown on his head. Lowering his head, he twirled a string of wooden beads, seemingly indifferent to everything.

Only when he saw the charred body of Gordon Menewa did he stop twirling the beads for a moment, and a hint of anger flashed in his eyes:


"Brother Menewa was indeed killed by heretics." Bishop Hoke, in the red robe, bowed respectfully. "Master, please discern what kind of evil magic he died under."

Master Talanto lowered his head to look. A knight attendant who had escaped was standing beside him, muttering continuously, describing the tragic situation of the captain. Master Talanto seemed oblivious, focusing on the examination, even reaching down to touch the twisted edge of the armor.

Soon, the sound of armor clanking echoed as Knight Faelmor and Deputy Referee Lusen arrived together. Knight Faelmor, entering the room, immediately said:


Hoke instinctively felt a bit uneasy.

Deputy Referee Lusen stared at him steadily, his eyeballs not turning for a long time, reflecting the figure of Bishop Hoke in the reddened pupils.

Facing each other alone, Lusen's voice became colder, as if a vocal cord had been buried in the soil for twenty years and was unearthed without being oiled:

"Exorcism Compass. Give it to

me... I want to use it to detect evil fluctuations and find those heretics."

... This is my private thing! It was hard to kill a wizard and snatch it! The bishop's heart twitched. However, in the face of Deputy Referee Lusen's icy gaze and considering the consequences of enmity and losing face, he reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth:

"You can borrow it for three days... 7th-level or higher mages should be easy to find."

"Thirty days!"

"Three days are enough, right?"

"Two months!"

"Alright, thirty days then!" Damn, this compass is what I use to hunt mages after landing! This is like splitting it in half!

Lusen nodded silently, took the compass, and left. He returned to his own ship, activated the compass after twenty squads of Tribunal Black Cavaliers landed to search, and looked closely when he reached the place where Gordon died...

"7th-level mage... none.

6th-level... none.

5th-level... still none.

4th-level... they've run twenty miles away! Cowardly devil! Chase after them!"

Hooves thundered, and they rolled away.

Garrett and others huddled in the mountain hollow:... Who are they chasing? Us? Did they go in the wrong direction?


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