Chapter 159

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 159

Garrett Nordmark had been at the headquarters of the Magic Council for over a month, and this was his first opportunity to climb the mountain and witness the core group of mage towers. The small train clanked along the tracks, ascending steadily. As the train gained height, the outside light gradually dimmed.

Moisture began to cover the glass windows. Garrett reached out to wipe the mist away and looked outside. The train had entered into a thick fog, reducing visibility to less than 20 meters. Climbing further, rain started to fall, creating dots on the windows that quickly formed into streaks.

"I didn’t bring an umbrella!"

Garrett pleaded for help from the red-robed mage. High-level mages might have magical protection, like Master Karel, who effortlessly walked in the rain with water parting around him. However, Garrett, being only a 1st-level mage, didn’t possess such abilities.

"Don’t worry; you won’t get wet," chuckled the red-robed mage, Harvey. Garrett felt a bit relieved, thinking the rain might stop once they reached the mountaintop. The rain did stop, but...

A fierce snowstorm ensued.

Before the train even stopped, howling winds carried snowflakes, pounding the windows. The glass rattled, and the train carriage itself seemed to sway suspiciously.

Garrett: "..."

How strong is this wind? Seven levels? Eight levels? Maybe it’s even beyond nine levels? At this point, I’m not worried about getting wet; I’m concerned about being able to walk!

The red-robed mage opposite him remained silent, still smiling. The train ascended a little, reaching a plateau. After advancing another thirty meters, the carriage suddenly quieted down, the wind slowed, and the snowstorm disappeared, as if entering another world.

"Welcome to Igor Peak."

Harvey Mage had been enjoying Garrett’s astonished expression all along. Finally, as the train came to a stop, he smiled and pointed forward:

"What you see is the defense system of the Mage Tower group, Igor Lock. Igor Peak experiences thunderstorms and blizzards all winter, so the lock is usually activated. It not only regulates the climate but also actively absorbs power from the storms."

This... is a large active meteorological defense system?

And it absorbs energy actively?

Even advanced technology in my previous life couldn’t achieve this!

"Garrett Nordmark? Your paper mentions limited experimental conditions, making the results uncertain. So, what conditions do you need to ensure accuracy?"

"Animal types, quantity, caretakers, experimental environment, equipment," Garrett fluently replied. "For the experiment, there should be at least mice, rabbits, pigs, sheep, horses, and, if possible, add pigeons and dogs. It’s even better to have monkeys. Seek healthy adult specimens, an equal number of males and females, according to a configuration of 100 multiplied by the number of bat species. Bats should be at least 3 to 5 species... Personnel... Housing... Experimental equipment..."

I’ve been wanting to ask for a lot! When I sought help from Elder Wood, the experimental conditions were cut and cut again until it couldn’t be cut anymore. It’s like the Southwest Union University building, going from three floors to two, from two floors to a single-story building, from brick walls to adobe walls, from blue tiles to thatched roofs...

"If you’re given all these conditions, can you produce the same results?" Master Zephyr patiently asked.

"No. I can only say that the more complete the experimental conditions, the greater the probability of obtaining results," Garrett replied without hesitation.

"But with your proposed conditions, the consumption would be significant," Master Zephyr said with a hint of a smile. "If you can’t guarantee results, why would the Magic Council agree to a redo?"

"I’ve done my best," Garrett answered without hesitation. "I’ve issued the warning, submitted the paper. Whether to spend money on it, whether to repeat the experiment – aren’t these decisions for the Magic Council to make? If the patient refuses to pay,

refuses to undergo examinations, we can’t force them, can we?"

"Consider this assignment; you just need to give me a score, and I have no issues with anything else," he said frankly. Master Zephyr’s smile deepened:

"Then I’ll consider it as your agreement!"

Before Garrett could respond, he grabbed a pen, scribbled two lines on the paper, and handed it to Harvey:

"Organize the experimental conditions Garrett needs, make an assessment, and apply urgently to the Magic Council. Once approved, let him lead and conduct the experiment again."

Garrett: "...Hey!"

What did I agree to? I didn’t agree to anything! If you want to repeat the experiment, do it yourselves! I have a lot of things to research, a lot of magic to learn, meditation to do, and upgrades to achieve!

Archmages are cunning!


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