Chapter 167

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 167

After the lively event and the delightful feast, the atmosphere among the mages became more animated as they chatted.

Seated around the table were five young men and one woman, six young mages in total. Garrett Nordmark and Bernard sat with them, enjoying their meal and conversation. While the mages engaged in lively talk, Bernard, on the side, happily devoured the remnants of the two golden roast geese selected by Garrett, specifically the remains after extracting the goose liver - crunch, crunch, he relished every bite.

Envious glances shifted from the barbarian to Garrett. Most of these individuals hailed from noble families, and though they hadn’t fully grasped Garrett’s recent display, they understood one thing: this was a type of magic they had never seen before.

To create a new spell as a Level 1 mage indicated limitless potential for Garrett’s future.

Ignoring the focused gazes, Garrett smiled faintly, choosing to remain silent. If it were Elder Elwin or Elder Wood, or even Priest Matthew, he might have shared this extraordinary ultrasound magic. But for these mages, what use would sharing it serve?

Pretending not to notice the admiration from the crowd, Garrett continued to smile. After a moment of quiet, Anthony, the highest-ranked mage present, cleared his throat, raising his glass.

"Firstly, let’s congratulate Corin on successfully advancing to Level 2."

Garrett raised a glass of water, while the others each held a cup of red wine. Bernard, on the other hand, lifted a large beer mug, and they exchanged nods before taking sips. Corin smiled, nodding to the group, and Anthony raised his glass again.

"Next, congratulations to Garrett for the successful publication of his paper in ’Arcane.’"

Another round of toasts ensued. Garrett accepted the congratulations with a smile, seemingly oblivious to his water-drinking amidst the wine-drinking crowd. Then, Anthony raised his glass once more.

"Let’s also wish everyone success in publishing their papers, achieving good results, and completing the training program."

"That’s too difficult..."

"Publishing a paper is not that easy..."

Lamentations filled the air. Anthony’s fork and knife trembled on his plate, creating an unpleasant noise. Corin, with his wine glass near his lips, accidentally spilled some liquid as he sighed. Miles slumped onto the table.


It was the same in his previous life, whether as a doctor or researching medicine, either working in a public hospital or entering a university.

Go directly to a private one after leaving school?

Congratulations, you’ll be cut off from academic development for a lifetime.

And this world emphasizes academic development even more. The higher the mage level, the higher the status. If you can’t advance in level, your strength and status remain stagnant. Want to level up? The broadest and smoothest path is to join a magical organization, like a mage tower at headquarters or a magic academy, and continue researching magic...

"So how do I find research work?"

Garrett poured wine for his fellow mages, sincerely seeking advice. The table fell silent for a moment, then five or six people spoke up simultaneously.

"Garrett, you should be fine..."

"But it’s better to have a few more papers... Well, you already have one in ’Arcane,’ so you should be fine. But having more would certainly be better."

"Right, you should submit your papers to the Magic Council, gain academic points and an academic rating. With this, it’s easier to find work at the headquarters, especially in teaching and research positions."

"Act quickly; the training program and magic academy both graduate at the end of June. Usually, organizations start recruiting around March or April. It’s already February now..."

Understood, the recruitment season for recent graduates is about to begin. During this time, there are many job openings and favorable conditions. Finding a job after the recruitment season would be challenging.

However, does the Magic Council’s recruitment season start in March or April?

In the previous life, the autumn recruitment for recent graduates usually kicked off around July of the previous year... So, is it because the population is scarce, resulting in fewer mages in this world?

Tonight, I’ll go back and write my paper!


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