Chapter 169

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 169

Upgraded again?

Is it the priest’s level that’s upgraded again?

Garrett Nordmark glanced wearily at the oak staff, no longer surprised. If the priest’s level is upgraded first, then let it be. Anyway, when the priest’s level is raised, the mental strength limit will also increase. As for the mage level and such...

Garrett made an effort, his face turning red from the strain, but the meditative environment remained undisturbed. Garrett wasn’t in a hurry; encountering some opportunity again, he would probably level up.

After all, he didn’t believe it would take a year or more.

He jumped off the bed, reaching out to grasp the oak staff. Two leaves adorned the staff’s head, one on the left and one on the right. The one on the right was a deep green, slightly rigid to the touch. The one on the left, however, was a fresh, light jade green, seemingly translucent under the bright desk lamp.

...Growing like this, it practically shouted "Level Two" on the front and "Newly Upgraded" on the back. Garrett was sweating profusely. Could we not have our levels written on our faces? Even if they are, does it have to be so obvious?

The oak staff remained still in Garrett’s hand, the leaves not swaying at all, as if it had nothing to do with the sudden appearance of the leaves just now. Garrett shook it a couple of times, fiddled with it, but the wooden staff remained motionless, as if saying, "I’m just a piece of wood; don’t bother me..."

And communicating with plants? Sorry, after Garrett leveled up to Priest Level 1, he was busy all over the place, one thing after another. He didn’t have time to stay by the teacher’s side and understand this skill...

Now, with the staff in his hand playing dead, Garrett, apart from poking and shaking it, had no other way. He couldn’t even bite into it, right?

And he couldn’t bite it anyway!

Garrett silently threw the staff back to the desk and lay down to sleep. However, writing was fun, organizing the crematorium, Garrett spent nearly ten days to complete the paper —

Copying dozens of charts several times, copying magic had its limitations and couldn’t be used for drawing. Drawing, drawing, and drawing again, eyes were getting tired, and hands were getting sore...

Fortunately, making multiple copies was useful. This time submitting the paper, the assistant of the training class already had a deep impression of him, quietly guiding him:

"The article you submitted to me is considered homework, and the chances of being recorded by the council are not high. It was lucky last time that Archmage Qifar was willing to help you submit it, but it’s best not to gamble on that probability.

"You can’t touch them..." A soft laughter sounded in front. Garrett raised his head and saw a girl in a deep blue long dress smiling at him. When she noticed him looking over, she gently bent her knees in a bow, with a sweet and playful smile:

"Respected mage, I am Angelina, the receptionist of the council. May I ask what business you are here for?"

"I’m here to submit new magic and a paper."

"To submit magic, go to the right, the fourth office. Your Excellency Mage, don’t you have your own badge yet? During the waiting time for the paper feedback, you can go to the adjacent Mage Management Department to register. With a badge, receiving research points and transferring contribution points will be more convenient."

Garrett thanked her with a smile, followed the guidance, and entered the corridor. Most of the offices in the review area were closed, but the fourth one had its door wide open, and there was a continuous

shimmering light inside. Garrett politely knocked on the door, and a mechanical voice answered flatly:

"Please come in."

Garrett stepped inside. The office wasn’t large, only about thirteen or fourteen square meters, with half a person not visible inside. Garrett was still looking for the staff when the mechanical voice from the central table began:

"To submit magic, press 1; to check paper feedback, press 2; to receive paper rewards, press 3; to replay, press 4; for customer service, press 0..."



I feel like I went to the wrong place, no, I went to the wrong world altogether, right? Garrett silently muttered in his mind and, on the desktop crystal keyboard — the layout of which also resembled the numeric keypad from his previous life — pressed 1. In an instant, the second round of mechanical sound started:

"For submitting only the paper, press 1; for submitting the paper and magic scroll, press 2; for submitting the paper and magic items, press 3; for submitting magic of level 5 and above, press 4; for replay, press 5; for customer service..."

Garrett hurriedly pressed 1. The desktop cover slid open to both sides, and a box about a foot square rose, the mechanical voice continued flatly:

"Please put the paper into the teleportation magic array—"


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