Chapter 176

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 176

Since the consultation began, Garrett Nordmark had been pondering incessantly on how to treat the condition.

Through questioning, physical examination, auscultation, and two magical scans of X-rays and ultrasonography, the diagnosis had become clear: mechanical intestinal obstruction caused by roundworms, incomplete but chronic—had it been acute, the young lady wouldn’t have lasted this long.

Normally, such cases fell under gastroenterology; even in the emergency department, it would be handled by internal medicine. Only when complications like strangulation, perforation, or necrosis arose, one would be rushed to the surgical emergency department.

But why hadn’t they acted sooner?

Nevertheless, in this alternate world, there were no IV fluids, no tubes, no medicines. Garrett Nordmark assessed the severity of the intestinal obstruction in his mind, analyzing possible outcomes and complications, then turned to Elder Wood:

"Elder, what approach would you take?"

"I... am uncertain." Elder Wood frowned, pondering for a while before shaking his head.

The cause of the young lady’s abdominal distension lay in something sinister within her belly—the chaotic life signals Garrett had noted earlier. If it were up to him, he’d employ divine magic alongside medication to eradicate these threats, then ease her pain, provide warmth, and massage her abdomen to aid expulsion. But with her belly so distended...

After a moment’s thought, he continued shaking his head:

"It’s highly probable she’ll suffer severe abdominal pain like the previous patient and may not survive."

Iris Meinlan grew paler as she listened. Gone was the flush from Garrett’s touch, replaced by sheer dread. Clutching the sleeve of the female knight’s garment, she shook her head desperately:

"Sister, I don’t want to die—I don’t want to die, waaah..."

Seraina whispered soothingly as she held her. The old mage glanced at his daughter, then at Elder Wood, troubled and uncertain, pinning his hopes on Garrett:

"What’s your plan?"

"If it were me—"

Garrett already had a plan formulated. After hearing Elder Wood’s strategy, he made some local adjustments. Opening his notebook, he quickly sketched an anatomical diagram of the abdomen and began to explain:

Heart issues like arrhythmias, heart attacks, failure, sudden cardiac arrest...

After filling the paper, Master Tolga’s face darkened upon receiving it:

"So... many risks?" He shook the form, almost wanting to stick it to Garrett’s face:

"All this from opening her abdomen?"

"It implies these are possible outcomes." Garrett patiently explained, as he had done countless times in his past life:

"Read it carefully, ask if you have any questions. If you understand and accept, sign here. No signature, no surgery, but rest assured, I’ll assist Elder Wood in preliminary treatment."

The old mage gripped the form tightly, his fingers digging in. He glanced around, at his daughter’s pale face, then Elder Wood’s furrowed brow, and finally sighed:

"Let’s treat her first! Signing can wait until abdominal surgery is necessary!"

"Alright, I’m in."

Elder Wood rose with his oak staff, turning to Garrett:

"You mentioned... gastric and intestinal decompression. How’s that done?"

Garrett gave an awkward smile.

In his previous life, it was simply inserting a gastric tube and suctioning. But in this world, no such devices existed.

"That... Elder, Master Tolga, we might need your divine magic and magic to help with that..."

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