Chapter 191

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 191

Secret Eye.

A 3rd-level spell.

Creates an invisible magic sensor that transmits visual information. It can move and traverse spaces no smaller than a 1-inch diameter hole or gap (Garrett strongly suspects it’s because the Secret Eye itself has a 1-inch diameter).

To the mages who created it or to those who maintain the enchantments, this spell is a very useful reconnaissance magic during risky journeys and a handy surveillance tool in everyday life. But to Garrett, the Secret Eye only means one thing:



Esophagoscopy! Gastroscopy! Colonoscopy! Bronchoscopy! Laparoscopy!

Although figuring out how to send the Secret Eye into the body requires additional consideration, designing light sources and sampling cutters, and so on, it must be resized significantly—whether it’s the esophagus or the trachea, their diameters are much smaller than 1 inch. Not to mention laparoscopy; the inner diameter of trocars is usually around 5.5mm, 10.5mm, or 12.5mm. If the Secret Eye isn’t reduced to a 1-centimeter diameter, it won’t fit anywhere.

But having a ready-made spell and a direction for modification is still better than brainstorming alone!

Garrett lay on the glass window, staring fixedly at the nearest light curtain, trying hard to understand how the Secret Eye presented its images:

How far can it see? What’s its range?

Does the image distort?

Does the color get distorted?

If possible, it’s best to put it in a dark environment to see at what brightness level it can display images, whether it needs additional light sources...

He almost pressed his eyeballs against the wall. Mage Anthony couldn’t bear it and grabbed him:

"What are you looking at here?... The Secret Eye? The Secret Eye is a divination school spell. What’s the point of lingering in the Lock Hall?"

"Ah...? Ah?"

Garrett was dragged away dejectedly.

Divination school? He’s never been particularly interested in the divination school. With so many basic spells, he only learned Detection Magic, Reading Magic, and Linguistics...

If he wants to learn the Secret Eye, he doesn’t know if his knowledge base is sufficient.

This thing must be acquired!

"Oh, by the way, this is also a third-level spell..."


So you also need to be at level five to carry a portable operating room with you?

Garrett counted on his fingers. He arrived through the portal in early April last year, became a mage apprentice in mid-April, reached level one mage in mid-June, taking two months; reached level two mage in February this year, taking eight months. According to this speed, if everything goes smoothly, he might reach level three next year, and then three more years to reach level five?

Feels so slow... With this much time, you could graduate from a five-year clinical medicine program...

His mood suddenly dropped. In the Tower of Heaven’s 15th floor, a magician watching him flashed a glance, quickly jotting down a note:

"Garrett Nordmark... not interested in the curse school? He seems more interested in the Secret Eye..."

Schools pick mages, and mages pick schools. Especially these seedlings sent from small rural areas to training camps, showing great potential but haven’t been scooped up by anyone yet.

This visit to the Tower of Heaven, each school tried their best to showcase their features, all in order to attract outstanding young mages, to make them willingly join their school...

The visiting group descended. The bewitchment school, Garrett showed no expression, breezing through the entire tour; the illusion school, continued breezing through; the protection school, slightly interested but not too excited; the transformation school...

"What spells are more interesting? Petrify? Giant Transformation? Malicious Transformation? Ahhhh Master Meinlan assigned me a task..."

Garrett glanced, then continued breezing through. What’s the point of turning someone into a frog? Where would you find a princess to kiss them? Oh, right, it’s said that the newly crowned king is a queen, and currently unmarried, so there are no princesses in the country, only a prince from the mainland can be brought over...

The Tower of Heaven’s elevator continued descending, below the clouds, to the ground, finally deeply into the rock strata. The indicator light for minus twenty floors lit up, and the leading assistant cast a Minor Illusion on himself, raising his voice:

"Please put on your temporary badges and stay close to the group... Next is the area of Black Crow Swamp, please don’t stray, be wary of negative energy damage..."

The elevator door opened, stepping into the corridor, the queue ahead suddenly stalled. Garrett squeezed up to see, on both sides of the eerie glass walls, there were long rows of bodies, humans, orcs, dwarves, all sorts of strange mutants... some intact, some dissected halfway, some with organs in jars, and some reduced to skeletons...

A staggering sight, welcoming them along the way.

Garrett’s eyes lit up again as he leaned against the glass wall.


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