Chapter 194

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 194

The teleportation array shimmered incessantly.

One by one, papers materialized from the teleportation chest, descending into the sorting center on the 10th floor of the Tower of Heaven. The delivery mouth of the sorting center was smooth and inclined slightly downward, allowing the papers to slide smoothly into the array below. Above the array, a blue light illuminated, casting directly onto the cover of the papers, highlighting the area where the keywords were written.

"Keywords: Necromancy, Invocation, Orcs, transfer to Necromancy faction."

Outside the array, a three-foot diameter disc rotated three-eighths of a circle, halting precisely. The array tilted slightly, pouring the central paper into the teleportation chest directly ahead. With a flash of light, it vanished.

"Keywords: New Plant, Toxicity, transfer to Divination faction."

The disc continued its clockwise rotation. After five-eighths of a circle, a teleport chest labeled "Divination" came to a stop, retrieving the paper. Any new items were automatically categorized into the Divination faction for identification, adding to the resources of their appraisal techniques.

"Keywords: Thermometer, Manufacturing, Body Temperature? Transfer to Alchemy faction..."

With a soft thud, Garrett’s paper titled "On the Production of Simple Thermometers and Their Role in Medical Temperature Measurement" slid forward, dropping into the teleport chest of the Alchemy faction. The teleportation magic activated, and in the next moment, it appeared atop Igor Peak, on the 11th floor annex of the Alchemy faction, lifted by invisible arms.

"A new paper? No magical enhancements..."

Another array hummed to life. Lines of text, drawings, appeared on blank papers, duplicating the incoming paper into two copies. Invisible hands retrieved the papers, placing them into separate chests, pulling open the drawer on the side of the alchemical puppet, and stuffing them inside.

"Direct transfer to Mr. Aslan, Mr. Sloan."

"Yes, directly to Mr. Aslan, Mr. Sloan~~~"

The alchemical puppet sweetly responded. Its wheels turned beneath it, squeaking as it drifted out of the room. Through the corridor, into the elevator, arriving at the corresponding floor, it retrieved the paper and placed it in the inbox of the duty magician.

That’s how Garrett’s papers were distributed one by one. Two papers related to healing went to the Necromancy faction, focusing on medical practices. Two papers related to microscopy were sent to the Divination faction, while the one demonstrating the containment of dysentery, like other papers spreading epidemics, was teleported to the Necromancy faction.

"Edgar! Remember that Garrett you mentioned last time? He submitted papers to us!"

Negative 12th floor of the pyramid—yes, beneath the Tower of Heaven’s pyramid-shaped mage tower, there lay a symmetrical inverted pyramid. On the negative 12th floor, a crow with white specks on its wings flew in, landing outside the magical barrier, cawing loudly.

"Papers submitted?"

So, armed with these broken lenses and skewed platforms, he began laboriously reading the papers, writing evaluations cautiously...

Ten days later, half of the trainees received job offers or invitations to visit certain mage towers or organizations. Meanwhile, Garrett remained empty-handed, receiving only sporadic feedback on some papers:

"The invention of the thermometer occurred at least a hundred years ago. It is suggested that the author broaden the scope of his readings, or at least... visit more magic equipment shops?"

...Alright, small places, poor places, that’s just how it is. Why doesn’t the Magic Council set up an automatic paper query system, similar to something like Zhiwang?

Garrett shrugged and continued reading the second reply: "The classification of battlefield injuries holds no magical originality for medical spells. It is advised that the author focus on magic and not be distracted by other fields."

Is this scolding me for neglecting my duties, or advising me not to write filler papers? Anyway, another "not passed." With no research points or contribution points awarded, these two papers were as good as useless.

The paper discussing the principles of sterility received a meager basic score and contribution point; the two on microscopes also received basic ratings... Garrett looked at the broken microscope in the box and the shattered lenses, speechless for a moment, but he understood why he received such evaluations. As for the one about dysentery...

The evaluation was filled with enthusiasm:

"This paper, using innovative research methods and solid evidence, demonstrates the transmission of dysentery, as well as ways to contain it. It holds significant reference value for the entire branch of epidemics... It is recommended to award 30 research points and 50 contribution points..."

Who did this fall into the hands of? Or is the Black Crow Swamp trying to make a gesture of goodwill towards me? Garrett was speechless for a while. Paragraph after paragraph of evaluation filled nearly half a page, implicitly suggesting, "Come to us, research whatever epidemics you want..."

Perhaps I should just join the Necromancy faction? Garrett hesitated. Anyway, joining the Necromancy faction would at least allow him to dissect corpses at will...

With some reluctance, Garrett tightened his grip on the paper. He walked out of the White Tower, looked up at the direction of Igor Peak. Thick clouds covered most of the peak, and Garrett knew that within those clouds stood eight mage towers of various shapes, along with the towering Tower of Heaven in the center of the peak...

Oh, why haven’t they replied to my paper on the igneous substance yet? They wouldn’t actually be repeating the experiment... By the way, when Lavasii did that experiment back then, it lasted for twelve days...


A thunderous shock reverberated through the sky. Garrett’s pupils contracted as he saw a massive hole blasted open in the thick clouds shrouding the tower. The clouds billowed and dissipated, revealing the towering spire of the Tower of Heaven.


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