Chapter 201

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 201

Garrett finally began studying those meditation techniques.

Before that, Master Kairel grimly took away two scrolls and a crystal. As for the usage of the magic crystal, he did tell Garrett before leaving: simply delve his mental power into the crystal and then receive information.

As for whether he could withstand such a massive flow of information and how much he could receive, well... it’s up to fate.

Anyway, it wouldn’t hurt to try several times.

Garrett: "..." He constantly felt like his blood vessels were about to burst at any minute. He should probably prepare some blood pressure medication or have a bottle of glucose nearby...RêAd lateSt chapters at Only

He silently put down the crystal in his hand and prioritized looking at the scrolls. As expected, the meditation rules provided by the Thunder Horn for novice mages were concise and clear, written in universal magical script. After half a year of study, Garrett had already mastered this language, so reading it was effortless.

However... this meditation technique called "Stargazing Meditation" emphasized using one’s own mental power to stir the stars in the sky, find one’s destined star, and use starlight to aid in one’s cultivation. It was said that this kind of meditation was closely related to luck. With good luck, if the star resonated strongly with oneself, it could create a powerful mage.

Garrett pondered for a moment how many light-years away the nearest stars were and felt that his mental power didn’t have such high intensity. He silently put the scroll back...

The meditation technique written on the inner side of that golden fur, however, was written in another ancient magical language unfamiliar to Garrett. After flipping through books for a long time and consulting Master Kairel, Garrett finally understood the principle of this meditation technique:

- The fur was taken from a powerful ancient exotic beast and, after thousands of years, it still remained intact. Mages needed to sense the breath on the fur, synchronize their mental power with it, and finally, let their mental power transform into the exotic beast, gaining its ability to manipulate lightning and roam the void.

Garrett: "...Isn’t this more like regressing the more you advance? I’m a human, why should I approach a wild beast? And, simulating an ancient exotic beast with a piece of fur, isn’t it like a blind man touching an elephant, touching whatever part he touches?"

If there were genetic engineering, it would be more reliable to clone a living creature from the fur first, then synchronize mental power with the living exotic beast.

Helpless, Garrett could only touch the crystal and lie back on the bed.

He couldn’t produce glucose now, and even if he could, he wouldn’t dare to use it on himself. That stuff was for intravenous injection, and without enough pure, sterile water and equipment to control the infusion rate, injecting it into his veins recklessly would be suicidal!

Of course, if the mental shock was too great, and the blood vessels in his brain were about to burst, there was another approach: lowering blood pressure. He couldn’t produce Western medicines like Metoprolol or Nitrendipine, and as for Chinese medicines... Panax notoginseng, cassia seed, Gastrodia, Eucommia bark...

Forget it.

The region wasn’t right, and even if these medicinal materials were available, he wouldn’t recognize them if they were placed in front of him.

The one he wanted... the one he wanted...

Garrett unconsciously drew circles with his fingers on the glass of the cabinet door. Circles upon circles, spiraling outward. He suddenly froze:

Isn’t this a spiral?

At most, it’s a conical spiral, at most, it’s a conical tube!

I can describe it with functions!

Use mathematics, use mathematics to guide this curve, use mathematics to construct this model, and the meditation shell made in this way is the most reliable!

Garrett almost crawled back to the table. He spread out the paper, picked up the pen, and then

... froze.

What was the function of a conical spiral again?

How should the parameters be set?

Oh no, I forgot...

He closed his eyes and concentrated. Thanks to the memory bestowed by crossing over, "Advanced Mathematics for Medical Use" appeared vividly in his mind, page by page. It was indeed studied and even scored well back then, but not used for so many years. Some of the formulas listed in the book seemed familiar, some looked... cough, face-blind already...

No need to say more, let’s review!

Garrett rang the bell to summon the invisible servant who appeared silently. He showed a smile that was both embarrassed and a bit tragic:

"Get me a piece of paper... uh, bring two bottles of ink, and as for pens, bring ten first?"


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