Chapter 203

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 203

The number displayed on the crystal column in the meditation chamber...

It’s not a precise measurement, like assigning a constant value, such as 1 for casting a 0-level spell, then incrementing it with each level.

It’s actually a rough average. For each tier, from mage levels 1-2, 3-4, and so forth, the estimated upper and lower limits of mental strength are divided into roughly 100 parts, serving as a guide for mages’ advancement.

In other words, a mental strength reading around 33-35 on the red tier signifies preparation for advancing from level 1 to level 2; around 100, one can prepare for the third level. Some meditation techniques, with exceptionally abundant accumulations, may suppress to around 110 or even 120 before moving into higher levels.

—Garrett’s previous test result was 65, which nearly meant that he had completed half of the progression from level 2 to level 3, an impressive rate considering he had only been a level 2 mage for a month or two.

But 138?

No sign of advancement yet?!

Apart from Garrett’s substantial accumulation and immense potential, Master Decar, observing the real-time number, had to face a stark reality: Garrett, my student, seems to have hit a leveling barrier at level 2.

...Plans had to be revised.

Originally, Master Decar had planned for Garrett to reach level 3 by meditating, using potions, and studying in seclusion, at least mastering a plethora of second-tier spells. As a level 3 mage, one couldn’t cast fireball spells or transform into a mobile turret, but their survival abilities would be significantly enhanced—

In terms of defense, spells like Mage Armor, Arrow Deflection, and Energy Resistance offered comprehensive protection;

For offense, spells like Acid Arrow, Fireball, Lightning Shield, and Ice Fall allowed for robust attacks and defensive countermeasures;

For control, spells like Fog Cloud, Web, and Trap Creation were invaluable, while for escape, Invisibility, Minor Illusion, and Mirror Image combined could easily facilitate evasion;

And if all else failed, spells like Bull’s Strength, Bear’s Endurance, and Cat’s Grace could bolster one’s physical capabilities for direct confrontation. In short, placing Garrett in the vicinity of Nevis City would provide him with enough space for independent activity—he might not win every fight, but at least he could escape smoothly.

However, now, despite his mental strength surpassing the advancement threshold, he still wasn’t leveling up?

Master Decar sighed:

"Let him complete all the 0-level and 1-level spells first. Memorize the descriptions of common spells from levels 2 to 5. —Until he learns them all, until he memorizes them all, he’s not allowed to leave the Mage Tower!"

Learn them all, and it might take three months, six months even? He wouldn’t believe Garrett couldn’t advance in six months!

...Yet Garrett wasn’t advancing.

Garrett: "Wait a minute, I’m a mage, a healer! I don’t know anything about smelting mithril!"

I’m a doctor! I’m specialized in clinical medicine, not metallurgy or materials!

Why am I being sent to the dwarves! My expertise doesn’t match!

"Don’t know? You’ll still go! Come back when you’ve completed the task! Or come back when you’ve advanced to level 3!"

Master Kairel left with a wave of his robe.

Not knowing?

That’s perfect, because not knowing will let you focus on leveling up!

Was it easy to find such a task?!

A level 2 squishy little mage, at the 4th circle of Arcanist level. Exploration tasks, combat tasks were too risky, and production tasks, like scribing scrolls or brewing potions, were really underutilizing his talents.

The most suitable task was a research task, but such tasks were usually initiated and executed by the mage towers themselves, and recruiting outside assistance was rare, only a small amount released each year...

And it had to be within the vicinity of Nevis City, right under their noses!

And it had to provide him with enough novelty and experience!

And it had to be doable for a low-level mage!

Garrett: "......"

Forget it, short of manpower, sweet tongue. Enjoyed the free training so far, now that a task has dropped, let’s get to work.

Besides, he hadn’t seen dwarves yet! A new intelligent race! In large quantities!

Get the paper ready, get the pen ready, and the badge of the Glorious Church of Radiance—oh no, Linde’s badge of Radiance, get it ready. Seize the opportunity, draw more anatomical diagrams!


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