Chapter 216

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Chapter 216

Although Aurora Worton screamed the loudest, she was actually the most efficient when it came to working.Fiind updated novels at

- Bernard splashed water on the walls and floor with a wooden spoon, using the power of wrist vibration to spread the disinfectant as evenly as possible; Garrett brought out a large sprayer; and Aurora Worton...

She cast a levitation spell on the disinfectant bucket, causing it to follow her obediently, then drew out the water, turned it into fine droplets with wind magic, and used a gust spell to spread it evenly on the walls. Just as Garrett finished spraying half of the disinfectant, he turned around to find Aurora had already finished her work cleanly and efficiently.

The stone walls were glistening wet, clearly indicating that the disinfectant had been sprayed quite evenly. This efficiency was comparable to four people sent out by the Disease Control Center carrying large spray cans and advancing shoulder to shoulder for an hour. And after he finished his own work, he even automatically reached out his hand:

"Boss, I got this!"

Garrett: "..." What else could he do but delegate the task?

Ah, indeed, in this world, mages were the primary productive force... Just look at Bernard next to him. Despite being two levels higher than Aurora, his efficiency in work was nowhere near Aurora’s...

Garrett took two steps back, crossed his arms, and leisurely admired the scene of disinfectant spraying. Joy~~~

The biology laboratory sprayed with disinfectant mist was the right biology laboratory! Without this stuff, a biology laboratory would just be a bomb ready to explode at any time!

"Aurora, well done! Keep spraying! Spray more evenly! Spray the adjacent animal pens too! - There have been bats stored there!"

The fine mist of disinfectant spread throughout the room. From the laboratory, to the animal pens, to the swaying tall grass inside the walls, droplets were everywhere. When Aurora finished her work and came over carrying the empty bucket, she wrinkled her nose, sneezed.

"Boss, are we sleeping here tonight?"

Aurora looked around with a bitter expression. This place... it wasn’t that he was too picky, it was just too crude here!

The garden inside the walls, if it could still be called a garden, hadn’t been tended, and the weeds were already taller than a person;

The floor inside the house wasn’t carpeted or floored, not even with marble, but from the texture, it seemed like it had been turned from mud to stone and then from stone to mud again;

There were only two rooms that could barely be considered bedrooms, one had a single bed with bedding that smelled musty, who knows how long it hadn’t been aired out; the other one didn’t even have a bed, just two stone platforms conjured with "stone from mud", with a few wooden planks laid side by side on top. The planks looked familiar, like ship boards brought in from the shipyard, judging by the length, width, and sturdiness of the "bed", it was obviously a barbarian’s bed.

...So where was he supposed to sleep? On the floor of the boss’s bedroom, or share a bed with the barbarian?

There were still mosquitoes buzzing in the room...

He didn’t want to!

"Judy! We’re back!" Worton waved his magic mount away and called out loudly. With a creak, the wooden door opened, and a fourteen or fifteen-year-old maid rubbed her sleepy eyes and hurriedly ran out. When she saw Worton, her eyes lit up:

"Master! You’re back today! - Who are these?"

"They’re my friends." Worton ruffled the maid’s hair, performed a magic trick-like maneuver on himself, and pulled out a brightly colored candy. Seeing the maid smile brightly, Worton smiled too, pushed her to turn around:

"Help us tidy up a bedroom - the best one - and tell Aunt Susan to prepare some


He turned around, looked at Garrett and Bernard, and smiled apologetically:

"Forgive me, they are my family servants. There are more maids and gardeners in the house, all of them are very polite, and they won’t bother you without permission. If you need something, just call out, they will come."

Garrett: "..."

- Since when did he have such a big tree with deep roots?

On the surface, Garrett remained calm, smiled slightly, and nodded:

"Thank you, Aurora."

He turned around and looked at Bernard. The barbarian was blankly looking at the garden and the house, his eyes gradually turning red.

Bernard had no relatives, no property, no home, just a wandering barbarian. It seemed that he had always admired the city life. Garrett couldn’t help but feel a little apologetic. He stretched out his hand and patted Bernard’s shoulder:

"Welcome home."

Bernard was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and nodded, his eyes still red.

"Thank you, boss."

And then they went in.


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