Chapter 218

Name:A Hospital in Another World? Author:
Garrett glanced at Walton.

Walton glanced at Garrett.

One raised an eyebrow, the other blinked. After a count of three, Garrett raised his index finger, pressing it straight against his lips, making a "shh" gesture.

It’s not the right time to reveal the truth. Let the mage finish his speech first, and if there’s anything to add later, he’ll do it then.

Garrett followed the crowd, brushing past the microscope. He took a glance, clicking his tongue. The magnification wasn’t enough, with only about seventy to eighty times when combining the eyepiece and the objective lens. Definitely not a hundred times.

What’s more, there was no oil mirror, which could provide an additional 10x magnification on top of the eyepiece and the objective lens. It was most likely crafted by the jeweler from Hartland City! Hmm, maybe it’s him...

Garrett smirked disdainfully, uninterested, and moved on to other stalls. As the crowd dispersed from the bottleneck, he strolled among the booths, engaging in transactions, bargaining, and chaos. Around nine-fifteen, a mage suddenly leaped onto a table, blowing a whistle vigorously:


The sound of the whistle sent the whole place into a frenzy. Sellers hastily stuffed their goods into spatial bags, buyers quickly pocketed their money, and those who weren’t buying or selling, like Garrett, were ushered by Walton to the wall.

Everyone pressed against the wall, and the tables at the stalls disappeared into spatial bags. Suddenly, the ground seemed to boil, bubbling up...

Garrett looked around, seeing the mages in the hall remaining calm as if this scene were entirely normal. Then he glanced at the center of the hall, where the rising parts kept changing shapes, lifting, narrowing, stretching, extending... Soon, tables were tables, chairs were chairs, all neatly arranged, and at the forefront, a platform even rose up.

... So, this is Transmutation magic? Your furniture isn’t just moved around; it’s morphed on the spot?

Garrett observed, feeling like he’d wandered into the world of "Harry Potter" by mistake. Once the transformation was complete, the hall’s frontmost part, a large door, opened with a bang, and the big shots began to enter in single file. The hall instantly fell silent, and the mages who came to browse the trade show all quieted down, looking forward.

Three points to note when sealing invisible servants into magic crystals for controlling puppets...

After five or six consecutive presentations, the mage who had bragged about the microscope before finally took the stage with his new discovery. His face was full of excitement as he bowed slightly to the old man in work clothes, then couldn’t wait to speak:

"Esteemed masters, fellow mages, ladies and gentlemen. Please allow me to introduce to you a marvelous alchemical tool I discovered during my travels in the south. It can magnify extremely small, invisible things to the point where we can see them clearly. Without exaggeration, it opens a new door for us..."

"Oh!" The audience was excited. Even the mages sitting on the platform turned their heads one by one, focusing their gaze on the microscope. After personally observing the demonstration, the old man in work clothes even raised a screen of light himself, presenting the shape of the microscope to everyone.

Garrett lightly curled his lips. This screen was somewhat like the effect of the Arcane Eye, but unfortunately, the precision wasn’t there, lacking the ability to observe fine details. The presenting mage continued tirelessly:

"What’s more, it’s an alchemical tool that requires no magic to use. This means that apprentices who have not yet crossed the threshold of magic can also observe this world with it. This has tremendous significance for the Magic Council in training newcomers and allowing them to understand the world as soon as possible..."

He took out various items for observation one by one. Minerals, crystals, cork, insect wings. They were placed on the stage one by one, and the light screen in front of the eyepiece immediately showed the magnified images of these objects.

There was another commotion below. High-level mages took turns gathering around the eyepiece, widening their eyes and exclaiming in amazement. Finally, the old man in work clothes clasped his hands, praising enthusiastically:

"Thank you for bringing this marvelous alchemical tool to the Magic Council. Without a doubt, this is the most meaningful discovery in the past

year for ’Alchemic Stone.’ This year’s annual award rightfully belongs to you.

- Colleagues, feel free to come up and take turns to observe. Let us share the wonders of the micro world together... Oh, sir, do you have any additional comments?"

Aurora Walton raised his hand high. Not only did he raise his own hand, he also grabbed one of Garrett’s hands, holding it high in the air, waving it back and forth incessantly.


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