Chapter 80

Name:A Lady's Tranquility Author:Shi Jing
Recently, when I was learning to play the piano, I basically learned the right hand fingering. After learning each fingering, they are taught the corresponding music to practice. Xie Wei is very strict, and no one dares to be careless.

Even Shen Zhi's clothes were well behaved in the hall.

It seemed that Jiang Xueqin was sitting in the third corner of the class, staring at her coldest eyes.

Xie Wei didn't understand what she was trying to do.

Fortunately, Jiang Xuening didn't have a good rest for two nights, and his eyes were a little sour. After staring at him for a moment, he was sleepy. After a while, he didn't hold on and yawned. It was a matter of great perseverance to keep his eyes open and go to bed on the desk. He couldn't lift any spirit to stare at him.

A class passed by again.

When they went to school, they all knew that Jiang Xuening was always to be picked up by Mr. Xie. No one wanted to stay here and stay with him more, and all the smoke was gone.

But Jiang Xuening couldn't get away.

Xie Wei came down from the hall with Qin in his arms, but asked, "what are you staring at me for?"

Jiang Xuening tried to defend himself after class? You must be wrong. How dare a student do such a thing? "

Xie Wei light way: "not only dare to do, also dare to lie."

Jiang Xuening pretended to smile: "that should be because the students listened to your lecture seriously, and they were absorbed in it for a moment. They had all kinds of admiration for you. They were stunned."

Xie Wei is not moved: "is it?"

Jiang Xuening was angry when she saw his bland appearance, and immediately remembered the expression when the man just frowned and said that she was "not good-looking", so she secretly retaliated and laughed sweetly, saying: "maybe Mr. Xie's speech today is boring and very bad, so the students are confused and can only look at you unconsciously."

Xie Wei

It's boring. I'm at a loss!

If he had been calm before, now after listening to Jiang Xuening's two words, his face suddenly pulled down, and even the temperature of his eyes became a little lower.

No one has ever commented on him in this way -

since he returned to the capital four years ago and began to preside over the Jingyan day speech in wenyuange, no matter he was a teacher or a student, no matter he was a colleague or an emperor, he was highly praised. It was the first time that Jiang Xuening met such a prickly head who opened his eyes and told lies.

Heart stem for a while, Xie Wei thin lip line tight pursed into a straight, there is so a moment is want to attack.

But his eyes fell back to Jiang Xuening, and when he arrived, he forbeared.

He said quietly: "I've been away from work, but I haven't slept. I can't understand it. It's strange that Mr. Qi can't teach. It's also a skill."

Jiang Xuening smile unchanged: "you are right."

It's a bit shameless. She's what Xie Wei says.

Xie Wei was too lazy to care with her, so he went outside the hall.

But I didn't expect that as soon as he turned around, Jiang Xuening gently bit his teeth behind him and muttered in a low voice: "I can't even ask for a wife. I can't appreciate it. Don't I have the courage to say I'm not good-looking! You can do it

"What did you say?"

Xie Wei steps a meal, turn round to see her directly.

Jiang Xuening caught a chill at the back of her neck and quickly picked up the piano. It seemed that the person who whispered just now was not her at all. She walked to Xie Wei and said, "the students say that they are a big old man and don't know how to appreciate anything. Fortunately, Mr. Xie is kind-hearted and willing to give me more advice. Let's learn the piano now."


Is he really deaf?

It's hard to get along with Xie cuner when she comes to Shanghai for three years.

But when she was about to attack, she saw her eyes shining at her.

It's so cute.

When Xie Wei's words of reprimand came to his mouth, he couldn't say them out. He swallowed them back. He just threw his big sleeve robe and said, "it's good to know who is the teacher and who is the student. Let's go."

He turned away.

Jiang Xuening vomited his tongue at his back, and then he followed.

Then to FengChen hall.

Xie Wei put Emei on another piano table and said, "what I've taught these days is the fingering of the right hand. After today's lecture, I should have a little understanding of the fingering of the right hand and be able to play the corresponding music. When I play the piano in the hall, you sit far away. I'm afraid you can't see the fingering clearly. So now I'm going to play it again. You have to see the details of fingering carefully. After I play it, you can practice it and play it again for me. "

Jiang Xuening suddenly got two big heads.

Xie Wei only asked her, "do you understand?"Jiang Xuening sat in front of his piano table, nodded his head sincerely and said, "I understand."

As far as Xie Wei is concerned, one of the ways of playing Qin is at his fingertips.

He played the colorful clouds chasing the moon, which was demonstrated in the main hall of FengChen hall today.

The sound of the zither is murmuring and flowing.

This kind of music is suitable for fingering practice. Its rhythm is simple and light. It's like a drop of water bouncing on the clear and cool spring water, or a bamboo leaf falling down with the stream water. It's not complicated. Xie Wei's playing has a taste of returning to nature.

When he plays the piano, he always has no distractions.

At the end of the tune, he slowly lowered his palms, pressed down the lingering sound, raised his head and said, "you can see clearly --"

"chule" was stuck in his throat and suddenly stopped.

Xie Wei's face suddenly changed to the extreme -

on the piano table next to him, he was sitting upright when he first came in. A moment ago, Jiang Xuening, who opened his eyes wide and answered "I understand", didn't know when he was all over the place.

The piano table is that big.

After lying face down, the Jiao'an Guqin on it was pushed to one side. Her arms were lifted up and pillowed under her head. Her eyes were closed and her breathing became even.

I fell asleep!

Xie Wei's fingers, which were still pressed on the string, suddenly became a little heavy. He was afraid that he would cut the string carelessly, so he slowly lifted his fingers up.

There was no expression on his face.

There was no ruler in the side hall, but there was the music score on the book case. He stood up, picked up the music score, followed the book in his palm, and went to Jiang Xuening to wake her up.

But when he went to her, stood beside her, held up the rolled up music score and wanted to "please" her to wake up, he stopped for a moment.

The palace dress is complicated. It looks gorgeous, but it looks heavy.

The girl's figure is very slim.

When standing or sitting, his back is straight and his eyebrows and eyes are full of hope. I don't think much about it. But now, with his arms on his back, he lies down on the narrow piano table. When he falls asleep, he naturally curls himself up into a small one.

All of a sudden, this gorgeous palace dress looks like a hard armor.

But hidden inside

It's just a fragile little thing.

Girl should be very sleepy, it is under eyelid flutter a layer of powder, also see a little tired light green.

Eyes closed, eyebrows down.

Some of the gorgeous lipstick rubbed on the sleeve of the palace suit because of the action of lying down. It was like a few petals of fallen flowers, or a few random strokes of a fallen brush on the painting paper.

The earrings are made of thin colored glaze.

Outside the sky is not very bright, through the clear purple glass, it reflects a few soft and bright light, reflected on her snow-white skin.

Jiang Xuening always listens to his lectures in the palace these days.

Even when she was asked to meditate in this side hall, she never complained.

Today, however, as soon as he didn't pay attention, she fell asleep.

Xie Wei's eyes fell on her curly and thick eyelashes, and also on her slightly lightly locked eyebrows. He only doubted whether she was having a nightmare. After a long time, he finally took back the music that was about to hit her head. But standing beside the girl who has fallen into a deep sleep, I don't know what to do.

Such a tough student

It's really the first Muslim.

If you had known that, why bother yourself? Does Jiang Xuening's bad study have anything to do with himself

There was a deep feeling in his heart.

Although I can't help thinking whether the little girl was so sleepy today because she was playing too late last night, he won't come to a conclusion arbitrarily after experiencing the last "women's commandments" and misunderstood her once.

After standing beside her for half a day, Xie Wei shook his head and gave a silent smile.

I didn't want to ask her to sleep.

Just unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around and was ready to take advantage of this time to continue to deal with some official documents, someone outside knocked on the door and said to the inside, "Mr. Xie, the emperor is in the Qianqing palace and is discussing business. Please come over."

It was the voice of a somewhat heavy eunuch.

I didn't expect that someone would be sleeping inside, so the sound was a little loud and didn't lower at all.

Xie Weigang frowned and subconsciously turned his head to see Jiang Xuening.

Jiang Xuening is taking off her socks to catch shrimp in the water in her dream. When she is happy, she hears "qianqinggong". She is stunned, and the prawn slips out of her hand. She was in a hurry. She threw herself forward, followed her head forward, and suddenly woke up.

The whole person hasn't responded yet.

Suddenly she sat up and cried, "my fish, my shrimp!"Then a lift an eye, right up Xie Wei that a pair of eyes that suddenly become complicated difficult to say.

Jiang Xuening

Qin is in front of him, Xie Wei is standing in front of him.

She suddenly felt that her heart was very cold, and her whole body was also very cold.

Xie Wei remembers that she had a nightmare before, and suddenly feels that she seems to be too kind recently. At the moment, he just looks at her quietly and smiles: "fish, shrimp, or I'll go to the imperial dining room and invite a chef for Ning Er to have a delicious meal?"

Jiang Xuening: if you don't hit me, I can_ (:з」∠)_