Hirune’s sleepy eyes opened wide as she listened to the explanation of the holy Quartz.

(It’s cool in the Summer and warm in Winter! If we use Holy Quartz for the floor, it’ll be the most powerful floor heater, right? I’ll definitely need that stone for my Great Church!)

She dreamed of herself lounging around in a comfortable room.

She’d lie on Jeanne’s lap, getting her ears cleaned, and nap all day long. When she’d get hungry, she’ll invite Holly over to eat strawberry bread, and then take a break from eating to lie in the sun. She’d have the luxury of changing her pillow depending on her mood that day.

Hirune’s eyes gradually droop as she imagined the Great Church of the future that she was yet to see.

(Ohhh, I can’t stop wanting to relax. I can’t get rid of the habit of slacking off ever since I was reincarnated. ……)

Hirune’s thoughts flew to the smile of the goddess, and then further back to her previous life.

(The last house I lived in was terrible. ……. 30,000 rent, no air conditioning, drafty windows, and you could hear the neighbors’ conversations ……. It was hot in summer and cold in winter. ……)

Hirune looked distantly up at the sky, remembering the cheap apartment she had lived in in her previous life.

“Great Saint, Hirune-sama ……?”

Everyone gulped when they saw the Great Saints’ sudden change of air.

Old man Pompey, with his white beard, and Baldic, a strong man with a black beard, stared at Hirune with bated breath, wondering if they had caused offense by starting an argument.

(Yeah…… I’m getting sleepy again just thinking about it……)

Hirune blinked several times as drowsiness overtook her.

Wanda, who had been staring at her, cleared her throat, and Hirune widened her eyes to show that such wasn’t the case. 

“How many hours from here is the mining site of the Holy Quartz?”

Pompey answered immediately in a hushed voice.  

“Three hours by horse.”

It was a blunt statement, but it was filled with respect for Hirune.

(Oh, it’s not that far. Then I’ll have to go there right away to purify it and start the repair of the Great Church. ……)

After pondering on this, Hirune had a thought. 

(But if my house is the only one with the luxurious holy Quartz, people will say that the Great Saint is lining her own pockets. ……. I think everyone should be able to use the same holy Quartz as well.)

“Pompey-san. I have a question for you.”

“What is it?”

“Can the Holy Quartz go to your homes as well as the Great Church?”

“…… We won’t know until we mine it. Why do you ask?”

“I thought it would be wrong to use the holy Quartz only in the Great Church where I live. I would like all the citizens to use it as well.”

Pompey, Baldic, and the other artisans were impressed by this statement, they carefully made the holy seal and hung their heads. Jeanne was so moved by Hirune’s spirit that she was about to applaud.


Hirune tilted her head, and Pompey said in a hushed voice.

“The Holy Quartz is only suitable for the Great Saints.”

Baldic, the strong black bearded man next to him, spoke up.

“I’m with Pompey on this one.”

“What? I thought you didn’t want to use holy Quartz?”

Pompey glared at Baldic.

“No, that’s not true. The mining area to the west is covered in a noxious miasma, so it’s dangerous. Besides, the Great Saints’ words changed my mind.”

Baldic looked to the west.

“If it is possible to purify it, we should mine both the Holy Quartz and the Cross Stone Stauros, then you can distribute the cross-stone Stauros to the general public.”

“Oh? The Holy Quartz and the Cross Stone Stauros are both buried in the west mining area?”

“My apprentice told me he saw some cross-stone stauros ore before. There’s a mountain of cross-stone stauros. It’s easy to process and weighs less than the Holy Quartz. It also comes with holy blessings. I’m sure everyone will want one.”

(Oh, it’s convenient to get both. Moreover, everyone wants the cross stone Stauros, and it’s easy to distribute. This is a good suggestion. If everyone uses the Cross Stone Stauros, the Great Saints won’t be pointed at. ……He’s got muscles, and he’s smart.)

Hirune has the mentality that if everyone has it, no one would be offended.

She looked at Baldic, who looked like a rugged craftsman, and nodded.

“You can get both at the mining site to the west, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Then I will purify the quarry.  We’ll leave when we’re ready.”

“Thank you very much! Now we’ll have material flowing into the city!”

“Thank you. ……”

Baldic and Pompey bowed deeply.

Although they were rugged, Hirune smiled, feeling a great sense of gratitude.

After that, Wanda, who had been looking at them with worried eyes, took charge of the situation, and they made arrangements to go to the west mining site tomorrow morning.


The next morning.

Jeanne dragged Hirune out of bed and went to the Church square.

(I’m sleepy, but it’s for my good sleep stone. …… Let’s do our best. ……)

“Fuaaaa … Ahu …”

It seems that her head is not working due to drowsiness.

Hopefully, she doesn’t rename the holy Quartz, a high-grade material, as the good sleep stone without permission. 

In the square, there were soldiers on horseback and stonemasons Pompey and Baldic. They were also on horseback. It seems that Hirune will use a horse-drawn carriage to get around.

“You’re late. We’re running out of time.”

Holly, who was accompanying them, had arrived earlier and was waiting with Wanda, dressed seamlessly in her saint outfit.

“You’re the last person. You don’t have enough awareness …… as a Great Saint.”

“Good morning, Holly.”

“Good morning. Come on, go and say hello to everyone.”

She approached Hirune with a small smile and walked quickly beside her.

Wanda and Jeanne smiled at the saint and the great saint who were so close.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience.”

Hirune said, biting back a yawn, and the troop leader leading the soldiers dismounted from his horse.

He was a man in his early forties with a large scar on his face.

He had the appearance of a warrior.

“I’m Carlos, the troop leader in charge of the East gate. I volunteered for this expedition.”

Captain Carlos had a lot of time on his hands since the city was protected at night by Hirune’s ward.

Thus, he could move his soldiers freely. He feels very much alive.

(Carlos……Carlos….. I’ve heard that name before.)

Hirune stared at Carlos with sleepy eyes and remembered.

“Ah, you must be the captain who sent that messenger with the message, right?”

“Yes! I’m honored that you remember me!”

Carlos saluted with a look of great emotion.

“Did you get to bed at eleven that night?”

“I didn’t get much sleep because I usually work at night.”

Carlos chuckled and answered honestly.

“That’s not good. I hope you will continue to go to bed at eleven, okay?”

(Reversing night and day is not good for you. …… I know.)

“Yes, I understand.”

“Don’t drink alcohol or smoke before going to bed. It’ll make it difficult to fall asleep. Wipe yourself off properly, change into your nightgown and go to bed. When you go to bed, think about something happy for a while and you will sleep better.”

The sight of a forty year old man being told to go to bed early by a ten year old girl was surreal, but no one laughed.

The soldiers smiled proudly at the Great Saint Hirune, as it was proof that the nights in Ixendahl were now safe.

“For example, …… imagining yourself with a belly full of bread or something like that before you sleep. Also, freshly washed sheets and a familiar pillow are the best. ……” 

A small yawn escaped Hirune’s lips.

“I was just talking about …… Huh……. I’m sorry, I’m getting sleepy.” 

Everyone laughed at the Great Saint’s comment.

Wanda and Holly smiled bitterly.

“I understand.”

Carlos looked Hirune in the eyes and nodded with a small smile.

A new era was about to begin, and hope was swelling in his heart.

“ Leave the guiding and guarding of the west quarry to us, we’ll protect you. Please enter the carriage.” 

With a smirk on his face, Captain Carlos urged Hirune on.

“Thank you.”

Hirune bowed and boarded the carriage with Jeanne, Holly and Wanda.