Wanda, our educator, didn’t find me dozing off using holy magic.

If you snore, you’re out, but I wasn’t aware of that.

If I told Jeanne, she would say, “What are you doing ……!” She would surely scold me. 

“I’m feeling much better now that I’ve slept.”

Hirune murmured in a good mood as she wiped the sacred tools with a clean cloth.

It’s also the job of a saint apprentice to keep the sacred tools clean. 

The tools are neatly lined up in the large sacristy.

Each of the saint apprentices had scattered to their respective positions and were diligently polishing the sacred tools.

(Polishing is also tiring. …… Can’t we use holy magic to clean them? I’m sure it’s better than wiping them manually.)

“Hey, you. Do you have a minute?”

The person who approached me was a girl who was also a Saint Apprentice. A girl with distinctive light blue hair, clear-cut eyes and a distinctive nose. She also looked a little strong-willed.

(Oh, I was curious about the color of her hair. Light blue is so otherworldly ……)

“What is it?”

“Didn’t you just fall asleep a while ago?”

“ …… Are you sure It’s not just your imagination?

“I was praying next to you, and I heard your breathing breaking up every once in a while by a suuuu, suuu, suu, That’s the one you make when you’re asleep, right?”

The light blue-haired girl explained with a demonstration, and then directed her gaze at Hirune.

Hirune looked up at the ceiling. 

(But it’s true that I did fall asleep.)

“I’m sorry. I was asleep.”

In the end, she decided to be honest.

“I, I see.”

The light blue haired girl nodded her head and raised her eyebrows in confusion, perhaps not expecting Hirune to admit it so clearly.

“Even If you were, you didn’t even lose your posture. How were you doing that?”

“Holy magic. Was it physical manipulation scripture…? I guess… I used it.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

The girl let out an exasperated sound at Hirune’s words.

Perhaps her voice was too loud, the Saint Apprentice working near the girls glanced at them.

Noticing her gaze, the light blue haired girl coughed and leaned closer to Hirune.

“You can use Holy Magic now? You’re under the guardianship of Archbishop Zekyutos, aren’t you?

“I can use it, it seems to work. Yes, Archbishop Zekyutos is my guardian.”

“You know that holy magic can only be practiced by reciting scripture, right? If you say it in a quiet place, I’d have known immediately.”

“I just sort of chanted it in my mind and it worked.”

Hirune turned her sleepy blue eyes towards the girl.

“That’s not–“

“Oh, I’m sorry I was late in greeting you. My name is Hirune. Lovely colored hair, what’s your name?”

The girl flinched as she stared into her unclouded eyes.

“I’m Holly, ……. I passed my exam three months ago and became an apprentice.”

(Holly-san …… has nice hair, I’ll remember that.)

“I see. How old are you?  I’m eight.”

“Me too.”

“It’s reassuring to meet a senior of the same age. I look forward to working with you.”

“Yeah. …… Nice to meet you.”

Holly said this with caution, she was troubled by Hirune’s relaxed demeanor. It was so genuine that she had a hard time reacting.

She was wondering what kind of girl the Archbishop was guardian of. She decided to be careful here and show her dignity as a senior. Holly was a serious girl who cared about hierarchical relationships.

“ You’re a strange girl for someone so beautiful.”

“Is that so?”

“There’s no way you can recite scriptures in your mind.”

“It works. …..See.”

Hirune used the Holy Magic of purification to instantly clean the cup she was holding.

Holly’s body shook as she saw the cup glow and stardust fluttering around it. She stared at Hirune with a stunned look on her face. 

“What? What? Was that the holy Magic of purification just now?”

Holly peered into the cup that Hirune was holdings.

“All of it is so clean…. Even I can only purify one side of it…”


“No. Of course not. I can do it better than you.”

When Holly denied it in a loud voice, all eyes focused on her at once.

She covered her mouth with her hands and shrugged her shoulders.

Then Wanda, the educator, walked up from the back of the room and raised one eyebrow. She had the air of a knight’s instructor rather than an educator.

“Holly, what are you doing fussing with a sacred tool in your hand?”

“Wanda-sama, this is …… No, I’m sorry.”

Holly glanced at Hirune and bowed her head in resignation.

“You’re not a serious person. Be careful.”

“Okay, …….”

Holly bowed her head again and made the sign in front of her chest.

“Is the person you were talking to…… Hirune? Your prayer earlier was good, but the next time I catch you napping, you will be punished by cleaning a thousand corridors. Do you remember those words?”?” 

After Holly, the spearhead was directed at Hirune.

“No, I don’t remember. I’m sorry.”

Hirune was too honest.

“…… Honesty is a virtue, but not remembering is also a problem.”

“I’m sorry. I was careless.”

(Hmm, I was too sleepy to remember. In the company mistakes were faked and fixed later. …… Even if I was honest, I was yelled at and got a pay cut. …… It’s great to be able to apologize honestly. Yeah, this is a very open workplace.) 

Something feels a little different, but while Hirune was convinced by herself, Wanda exhaled lightly and said, “Work quietly,” then left.

After watching her back disappear, Holly opened her mouth.

“Hey, can you try again?”

“Okay. …… Yes, purification.”

With a poof, the next cup she held glowed, shiny and new.

Holly’s eyes widened.

She hurriedly wiped the cup in her hand, took another one, and used the Holy Magic of Purification, chanting the scriptures in a soft voice.

A pale light shone, and the cup was purified.

“I can only …… do one side, and with no scripture. …… Are you a genius?”

Holly looked at Hirune in frustration.

Just being able to use holy magic at the age of eight is quite a talent, and it was whispered that Holly would break the record for the youngest saint, nine years old.

To become a saint, one must be well-behaved and be able to purify a certain area with holy magic.

Apprentices slowly increase their power through daily training.

Since each person has different talents, some girls become saints at the age of nine, while others blossom at the age of fifteen.

“Holly, when you have time, could you teach me the scriptures?”


“I can use holy magic, but I can’t become a saint if I can’t recite the scriptures, right? You can’t be a saint if you’re mute at ceremonies.”

“Yes, but ……”

“The scripture you just said was wonderful. It’s much easier to understand than the uncle priest who came yesterday.”

“Yesterday’s scripture was definitely harder to understand. Old people form habits when it comes to the scriptures. ……”

Holly nodded earnestly.

Scripture is a difficult string of words, and different people hear it differently.

“Also, please don’t call the man who teaches scripture to apprentices without compensation an uncle priest.”

“I’ll tell you what. Come to my room when you’re free.”

“To your room?”

“Yes. This is the farthest room on the second floor of the dormitory, at the end of the hall. Would that be okay with you?”

“No, it’s fine …….”

“Good. I’m usually sleeping or lounging around, so I’ll be fine anytime. Also, If there’s anything else I can do to help, please let me know.”

Hirune fluttered her long eyelashes and stared at Holly.

Holly brushed her hair back a few times and nodded her head.

“If you insist so much, I don’t blame you. Since I’m your senior, I’ll teach you everything I know “

“I look forward to working with you, Senpai-san.”

Hirune nodded with a smile.

Completely caught up in Hirune’s pace, Holly’s cheeks turned slightly red and she looked down at the cup in her hand and began to wipe it.

Then, Hirune thought of something and held her hands.

“Holly, by the way. I have something to ask.”


“Is there any way to get a futon as an offering?

“What? A futon ……?”

“Yes, that’s right. The bedding in my room is so flimsy it’s not even comfortable.”

Holly’s eyebrows twitched. She was a serious person, so she didn’t want to hear any of it.

“You can’t be drowning in desires as a saint….. a saint should not be consumed by greed. You can’t live a better life than other people. In the first place, a saint is…”

Then Holly’s lecture of the saints continued for a while.

(Working while secretly chatting……what a relaxing time. I want to cherish this kind of time. ………… Oh, I’m starting to feel…… sleepy again… …)

In the quiet of the sacristy, we huddled together and talked.

It makes me really happy when I remember how hard I had worked.

“… Fah … Ahuh …”

“Hey, are you even listening to me?”

“I’m listening. …… Huuh……”

“Big yawn. Well, okay. Let’s talk while moving our hands.”

Holly’s lecture of what it means to be a saint was a long one.

Hirune dozed off in the middle of the story and was scolded by Holly.

It was a blessing in disguise. Somehow she was happy.