The main church of the Mephistopheles Church, located in the center of the royal capital.

The two archbishops and ten bishops, who are the senior members of the church, were gathered around a round table.

In the tranquil conference room, magic stones representing wind, fire, earth and water were shining, and they were permanently chanting soundproof holy magic. The stardust dancing gently in the corner of the conference room was proof of this.

“I’m going to promote the Saint Apprentices Hirune and Holly from the Western Church and make them saints. Does anyone have any objections?”

Archbishop Zekyutos said gravely.

His face was stern, not like a priest’s, and the crease between his eyebrows stretched to the middle of his forehead.

He was a man who few people would forget once they saw him.

“There have been reports of bad behavior, do you have any explanation for that?”

Archbishop Zappan, who was sitting across from Zekyutos, looked up.

He was obese and had shaved all the hair from his head. He was always smiling, which caused deep wrinkles to form around the edges of his eyes. He had a soft gentle impression in contrast with that of Zekyutos.

He was devoted to the mythology of the goddesses and had very little interest in economics. Although he was an inflexible person, he was able to recite all 5,000 of Mephistopheles rituals and had the talent to direct and coordinate them. He keeps a meticulous schedule for the church.

His subordinates could not say in front of Zapan, “Let’s hold a festival because it will be profitable.” They would be met with fierce anger.

“Hirune sees the world differently than we do. It’s true that she often dozes off, but due to her unparalleled amount of magical power and talent, she is more prone to fatigue than others. That’s how I see it.”

Zekyutos replied with a stern look on his face.

If Zappan was an idealist, Zekyutos was a realist.

The staff with inside knowledge of the situation knew that Mephistopheles’ wallet was not torn thanks to him.

Both are indispensable, yet their natures are the complete opposite of each other.

It was only natural that factions would naturally form, even if they didn’t want to.

The atmosphere would have been different if there had been a great saint of the east to mediate between Zekyutos and Zappan.

“Bishop Mamillan also recommends Hirune, right?”


The silver-haired bishop, Mamillan, nodded when Zekyutos spoke to him.

“I have seen Hirune once and felt something special about her. I think we should promote her to the rank of saint as soon as possible, so that she can gain experience.”

Bishop Mamillan, who was a member of the Zappan faction, said it clearly, and the atmosphere of the place quickly changed to one of promotion.

After that, the exchange between Zekyutos and Zappan continued, and the ceremony of promotion to sainthood was to be held on an auspicious day. It would be several months later at the earliest, as it would require a period of preparation.


At the end of the day, Hirune had Jeanne wipe her down.

It’s so easy to just stand there and feel refreshed.

(I would take a bath if I could, though. ……)

Baths are expensive, a luxury of the aristocracy.

(Isn’t there a way to get money from the aristocrats? Well, even if you get the money….you can’t use it yourself…’s hard being a saint. If I become a great saint and get my own church, I can take all the baths I want.) 

While Hirune was absentmindedly thinking about this, Jeanne carefully and skillfully wiped her down.

Jeanne wipes Hirune, who is thinking about such things, neatly and carefully.

They’ve been doing this for a year, so they’re in sync.


When Jeanne releases the washcloth and brings it toward her arm, Hirune unconsciously raises her arm. When finished, the opposite arm. When the arm is done, the back and so on.

Jeanne’s eyes were serious as she cleaned the body as if she was polishing a jewel.

As they finished wiping her body and Jeanne was putting on a dress for her to sleep in, she heard a running sound from the hallway and the door opened.

‘Hirune, I have good news!”

Holly, who usually knocked, came running in, with excitement.

Hirune puts her head through her dress and inserts her hands into her blonde hair, pulling it out from inside her clothes.

Jeanne quickly adjusts the flowing blonde hair.

“No way. ……”

“Yeah, no way.”

Holly’s smile struck Hirune like a bolt of lightning.

“You finally donated your …… comforter?”

“I was a fool to expect a decent response from you, …….”

Shaking her head in dismay, and regaining her composure, Holly closed the door and approached.

“You and I are going to be saints at the same time. The decision was made just a few minutes ago. It’s all over the cafeteria, you know?”

“I’m going to be a saint …… with Holly. I’m glad to hear that. I’m glad.”

“Me too.”

“We can still be together.”

Hirune squinted her sleepy eyes and smiled.

Holly shrugged her shoulders impatiently as she took in Hirune’s unadorned true feelings.

“Yeah, well, I guess I’ll no longer be your babysitter. Now that I’m going to be a saint, of course.”

‘Holly. I hope you’ll continue to be my good luck charm.”

Hirune smiled indulgently and took Holly’s hand.

When their slender fingers intertwined, Hirune felt irresistibly happy for some reason.

(I’m really grateful to Holly. It’s wonderful to have a fellow saint. And such a cute and nice girl. …… Thank you, Goddess, for letting me meet Holly.)

Holly looked down at her clasped hands a few times, not letting go. But looking up at an angle, Her cheeks were red. She seemed to be embarrassed.

“I can’t help it. …… If you ask me that much, I’ll be happy to do so in the future. ……”

“Yes, please do. Please do so.”

“…… I’m going crazy after all.”

“Did you say something?”

“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

Embarrassed, Holly took her hand away from Hirune and looked at Jeanne, who was smiling at her to change the subject.

“I hear you’re going to be Hirune’s maid, Jeanne. You’re graduating from the apprenticeship with us.”

Holly gave her a quick wink and Jeanne made a surprised face and clasped her maid’s uniform.

“Are you sure, really ……?”

“Yes. Your work has been recognized by everyone in the Western Church. There are many apprentices who follow your example as a person of effort. Didn’t you know?”


Jeanne looked at Holly slowly, as if she couldn’t believe what Holly was saying, and turned her steeplechase colored eyes to Hirune.

With a big smile on her face, Hirune squinted her blue eyes.

It was thanks to Hirune’s blessings that Jeanne became less tired and her physical abilities improved, but it was her hard work that helped her learn the work of a maid. Jeanne was determined to be as good a maid as Hirune deserved, and no matter how many times she was berated by the senior maids and Wanda, she never gave up. She was always positive about her work, and her attitude is now highly valued.

Jeanne felt a burning sensation in her chest as her dream of becoming a Saint’s maid came true. Tears welled up in her eyes and large drops started to fall. She remembered how she had failed so many times before.

“Uu…… I’m so glad……”

Clenching the hem of her skirt, Jeanne squeezed her eyes shut. Tears welled up in her closed eyes. A feeling of joy she had never felt before ran through Jeanne’s body.

“When I first saw …… you, I wanted …… to be by your side forever. But with a body that gets tired easily,…… I somehow managed to work really hard,…… and even after that, I was told that I was not athletic,…… and that was that. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to be with you …… or not …….”

Jeanne spilled her heart in intervals.

As she spoke, she started to cry again, as if she was remembering.

“But when …… I consulted with her, …… she used her healing magic and …… sniff…. …All thanks to …… Hirune’s …… Oh, I’m so grateful …….”

(Oh …… Jeanne ……).

Hirune knew that Jeanne, who was more compassionate and kinder than anyone else, had been working hard all along.

When she saw Jeanne crying, Hirune naturally moved her hands.

“We’re together again, Jeanne.”

Hirune hugged Jeanne.

She hugged Jeanne’s slim waist and back with both hands, holding her tightly as if she would never let go.

“Hirune-sama, ……!”

Jeanne nuzzled her face into Hirune’s shoulder, crying tears of joy.

“Congratulations, Jeanne.”

Holly pulled out a handkerchief, wiped away her tears, and hugged them both together.

The three of them hugged each other in Hirune’s room, happy to be together again, feeling each other’s warmth and knowing that they were precious to each other.

(I can be with you two. …… It’s nice. ……)

Tears were flowing from Hirune’s eyes as well.

The tears trickled down her cheeks and fell onto Jeanne’s neck.

When the tears bounced, they turned into stardust and jumped, and small particles were sucked into Jeanne.

(I pray that this healthy child will always be happy. ……)

Hirune wished Jeanne well, and then thinks of the light blue-haired girl who hugs them from the outside.

(May the strong Holly be happy forever. ……)

Perhaps by chance, the tears that flowed fell and bounced this time on Holly’s spinning hand.

Once again, the tears turned into stardust and sparkling particles were sucked into Holly.

Hirune continued to pray for her little friends’ happiness until Jeanne stopped crying.