Chapter 1003: Chen wants to fight

Chapter 1003: Chen wants to fight

Chapter 1003 Chen wants to fight

Mrs. Chen greeted Gu Dagui, and the couple worked very hard to carry the bamboo boxes containing vegetables. Seeing that Erqing was about to move, Ms. Chen said: "Hey, don't move, we will do it. You have to work hard to serve Xiaoyu." , Its time to take a rest.

He smiled at Gu Jinli again and said, "That's right, Xiaoyu."

Ms. Chen's smile was so flattering that it startled Gu Jinli: "Auntie, are you okay?"

She and Brother Qin came back late and delayed the dinner at home. Mrs. Chen didn't praise her and even praised her maid. This was wrong.

Brother Cheng ran over and informed Gu Jinli: "Second sister, the eldest lady has something to ask of you, and she has been talking about you at home for more than an hour. If you don't come back, our ears will be turned off by her." Im deafened by the chanting.

Gu Jinli suddenly realized that he really had something to ask of her.

Then why is she so polite? It was Mrs. Chen who was busy preparing rice and serving soup.

After several families had finished their meal happily, Gu Jinli said again: "Erqing and Xiaoji have also worked hard. This bowl of chopsticks?"

Fu Tai Lou only packs dishes in bamboo boxes, and the tableware and chopsticks are from home, so they still have to be washed.

Chen understood instantly and immediately patted Gu Dagui and said, "What are you still doing sitting here? You've just had a good meal in vain. Do you still want to sit down and be a master? Follow me and wash the dishes."

Gu Dagui had no choice but to glare at her and then followed her to clear the dishes.

Mrs. Cui smiled beside her and said to Gu Jinli in a low voice: "Take it easy and don't go too far, otherwise your noble aunt will have to give up the fight with you."

Gu Jinli said: "Mom, don't worry. Looking at the attitude of the noble aunt, she must have something important to ask of me. Even if I make her faint from exhaustion, she will not dare to get angry."

But Gu Jinli just asked Chen to wash the dishes and make tea for everyone, and then he didn't bother her anymore.

When Mrs. Chen saw this, she immediately said: "Xiaoyu, have you noticed that the people in this city are stupid and have too much money?"

Chen said it very sincerely, and Gu Jinli also saw that Chen really wanted to open a shop in Fucheng.

However, she didn't want to agree so quickly or let go too quickly. Chen would not cherish her and would have to hammer her hard to make her understand that this job was hard-earned.

"Let's do this. Write down your ideas on how you want to run this shop and show it to me. Then make a ledger and estimate how much money you need to open this shop. Then write it all down in the book. After I read it, if If you think its feasible, just agree.

Chen was confused: "What? What do you want me to write down? I can't read!"

Mrs. Chen felt that Gu Jinli was playing tricks on her, but Gu Jinli said: "Uncle Dagui is literate, just dictate it and let him write it. Besides, these are all necessary. If you don't even know what you need to do to open a shop, , How dare I let you do it in Fucheng? What if you lose money? That is our familys money."

Ms. Chen had no choice but to accept her fate and drag Gu Dagui back to the house, and began to force Gu Dagui to help him write some business ideas.

"What else can you think about selling tofu? Xiaoyu girl has too much to do!" Mrs. Chen complained while speaking out what she was thinking.

Gu Dagui was almost stunned by her, and said angrily: "You bitch, what exactly do you want me to write? Can you first express your ideas on how to run the shop before you curse?"

Chen said angrily: "Okay, okay, I get it, why are you yelling?"

After scolding, they followed Gu Dagui to fight at night, and the one who couldn't sleep tonight was Zong Zhengya.

Zong Zhengya and the others were busy until midnight before they finally settled down.

Then she remembered what Qin Sanlang said to Gu Jinli, and immediately summoned another group of shadow guards and ordered the captain: "Immediately go to the He'an government office and Tianfu county government office to check if there are any Qin Sanlang and Gu's daughter in the government office. Registration record of engagement letter or marriage certificate.

As long as the matchmaker is marrying, there will be a letter of appointment for the engagement, and there will be a marriage ceremony. If there are no registrations in the yamen, she can count Qin Sanlang and the daughter of the Gu family as having an affair without a matchmaker.

After hearing this, the Shadow Guard Captain frowned, feeling very dissatisfied with this second young lady.

Because of her temptation, eight of their brothers died. Now she still doesnt want to give up and wants to continue spending time here. What is she trying to do?

I have been saving the manuscript recently to prepare for the update, so I will update three chapters (6,000 words) every day. Dont worry, you will feel comfortable reading it when the update is released. The relationship between the male and female protagonists can only be expressed in four words: trust + mutual love. Dont worry about any **** plot happening. Zong Zhengya came here after listening to Ning Jis words, but she is not a fool. She has the balance of family interests between the daughters of the aristocratic family. , it is impossible to fall headfirst into Qin Sanlang, a poor guy who is still a hundred households. She will soon feel that Qin Sanlang is not as good as Qin Erlang, give up and leave. Finally: Thank you for your support^0^