Chapter 1839: imperial edict

Chapter 1839: imperial edict

Chapter 1839 Imperial Edict

This person is none other than Qi Yi, who was sent to Long'an Mansion by Emperor Jingyuan as a fellow magistrate.

Qi Yi had never met Qin Sanlang, but since he knew that he was Gu Jinli's husband and heard that he was brave and good at fighting and beheaded Le Muqin, he had a good impression of him even before they met and wanted to meet him. .

Dong dong dong!

Dong dong dong!

Open the gates of the camp to welcome you all!

The Daokougou camp was filled with drum music. Xu You led more than a hundred households of military attachs and soldiers with third-level or higher military exploits, more than two thousand people, to come out to welcome the conferment procession from the capital.

These soldiers have all been on the battlefield and seen blood, and each of them is full of murderous intent, which scares the adults from the capital.

However, the canonization team that came this time also included several ministers, including Dr. Yushitai, Minister Xu of the Ministry of War, Minister Zhao of the Ministry of Industry, as well as some high-ranking officials in the capital such as Ning Bo Mansion, Feng Bo Mansion, Shen Family, Fang Family, and Zheng Family. The people in the Zhi family have seen big scenes and are relatively stable.

Among them, Mr. Xin from Yushitai is the newly appointed supervisor of the army by Emperor Jingyuan. In the future, he will sit in the Daokougou Camp and perform the responsibility of supervising the army.

The person who came to the Ningbo Mansion was the eldest grandson. This time he brought the Ning family's new seven-shot repeating crossbow. It is the crossbow with the most consecutive arrows in Dachu at present. This kind of crossbow weighs less than twenty kilograms and only requires one soldier. It can shoot arrows with a long range and excellent accuracy.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

After Emperor Jingyuan saw the power of this kind of crossbow, he once again looked at the Ning family with admiration and gave the Ning family the opportunity to come to Daokougou camp to forge seven-shot repeating crossbows and teach soldiers how to use seven-shot repeating crossbows.

If the seven-shot repeating crossbow can achieve great success in the battle to regain the city in the future, the Ning family's title will probably be upgraded to another level.

Such important matters related to the future of the whole family should have been handled by the prince of the uncle's house, but old uncle Ning felt that the prince was already his grandfather, and he was a bit old. Even if he was given the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, he would not be able to do much. Nian Quan gritted his teeth and recommended the eldest son of the Ning family to Emperor Jingyuan.

If the eldest son of the Ning family does well, the Ning family will be rich for more than three generations!

From the Cao family of Fengbo Mansion came the serious head of the family, Uncle Cao.

The Cao family was one of the great grain officials of the previous dynasty. Their family had countless acres of land. They had the secret method of farming and the ability to level the warehouse. When Emperor Jingwu was in need of food in the world, the Cao family donated food and used the ability to level the warehouse to control the world. The sharp decline and sharp increase in grain prices in various places stabilized the world's grain prices, which greatly helped Emperor Jingwu.

Xu You respectfully accepted the imperial edict.

After he received the order, the adults in the canonization team felt relieved.

As long as Xu You doesn't get angry, after all, everyone is not stupid and they all know Emperor Jingyuan's intention of conferring him the title of loyal Chuhou.

Mr. Xin also said: "Congratulations to Mr. Xu. From now on, the Xu family will be the noble family that enjoys the title of marquis."


His Majesty has granted the Duke of Zhongchu Mansion in the capital. Lord Xu has to guard Daokou Gou and cannot return to the capital to express his gratitude. He must send his family to the Marquis Mansion in the capital as soon as possible to hold a wedding banquet.

To put it bluntly, the Xu family is asking the Xu family to send hostages to the capital to prevent Xu You from relying on his own troops and to be threatened by hostages.

This is the rule of the past dynasties. Xu You must abide by it. He responded: "Master Xin is right. I will send someone to send a message to my wife at home tonight, and ask her to take her eldest son to the Marquis Mansion in the capital to thank Your Majesty for your honor." kindness."

Xu You's first wife was married to climb up the ladder. His true love was Xu Liu's mother, so it was not pleasant at all to send his first wife and his eldest son to Beijing as hostages.

At this moment, Xu Liu did not come out to receive the order. Xu You did not let him come out and locked him up to avoid him for a while. This shows that he really loves his son.

Next, Master Xin read out another imperial edict, which was to confer a general on the second rank of Zhenxi General, and also put him in charge of the left army of Daokougou Camp.

The Daokougou camp is divided into five armies. The left army is not weak and has 50,000 people. This attack can be regarded as cutting off one of Xu You's arms.

After Xu You heard the imperial edict, he tried his best to suppress the urge to kill Emperor Jing Yuan... What a great Emperor Jing Yuan. He had gone through so much trouble to drive the thieves to Daokou Gou. Now that the war had calmed down, he attacked him. It's really What a cold-blooded and shameless person!

Thats right. Emperor Jingyuan could kill even Wei Guogong and his entire family at will, so what does Xu You mean to him?

So Emperor Jingyuan, don't blame him for having second thoughts. His second thoughts are all about self-protection. After all, the **** lessons of Wei Guogong's line are still before him, and he doesn't want the Xu family to make the same mistakes as Wei Guogong's line.

General Cheng had also received the news that he was going to be promoted a long time ago, but he did not expect that the emperor would ask Mr. Xin to read out the imperial edict at this time, humiliate Xu You in public, and roast him on the fire.

But now that the matter has come to this, he can only smile bitterly in his heart and say loudly: "Your Majesty, take the order!"