Chapter 2875: Mutation, clues are not broken

Chapter 2875: Mutation, clues are not broken

Chapter 2875 Mutation, the clues are not broken

Kun Shiyi and other dead warriors all know the rules and would not come here in person unless something serious happened.

"Bring them in quickly!" Wei Xiao ordered, looking at Mrs. Chen: "I found this marriage for Brother Wang, and the credit belongs to me, so you'd better be wise and don't push too far, otherwise there will be no reward. , the punishment must be enough!

Ah, you stingy boy, I curse you for stepping on pig manure and falling into mud puddles every time you walk!

After Mrs. Chen scolded Wei Xiao in her heart, she quickly smiled and said: "Look at what you said, how bad it is for the relationship between our two families. Come on, just save the reward first and give it to me later when it is more convenient for you. My aunt's family will make up for it... No need to send it away, my aunt knows the way and will go back to take care of Hui Niang."

He ran away quickly and took away the plate of bean dregs cakes.

However, she did not go to Luo Huiniang immediately. Instead, she went to tell the dead men brought by Wei Xiao: "Your master told you to drive to a nearby town and buy two tables of high-quality banquets for Concubine Luo to eat. Go to the drug store and buy five pounds of ginseng, bird's nest, and Ganoderma lucidum. Concubine Luo needs to take supplements to support her fetus."

The dead man frowned when he heard this: "Five pounds of ginseng?"

Do you know how outrageous it is to buy five pounds of ginseng? You have to have some common sense when you lie and cheat.

Mrs. Chen glared at him with her hands on her hips: "What, you still doubt that my wife lied to you? It was Wei Xiao who asked you to buy it. Hurry up and drive to buy it back. You missed Concubine Luo's health and harmed your master's only child. You Your life is over!"nove(l)bi(n.)com

The dead man would not quarrel with Chen. He just nodded and said, "I understand. Mrs. Gu should go back and wait."

Mrs. Chen: "Then you should hurry up and do it. I can wait, but your master's only seedling cannot wait."

After saying that, he happily ran to find Luo Huiniang.

After seeing Luo Huiniang, she said to her: "Huiniang, Brother Wang has decided to marry the county head, but my aunt's family is too poor and can't afford a decent engagement gift... My aunt thinks that Wei Erlang is very nice to you." , you go and ask him for some valuable jewelry to give to my aunts family, so that they can use it as an engagement gift for the Xiao family, otherwise the engagement gift will be too shabby, and Brother Wang will be laughed at by everyone in the capital!"

Normally, Luo Huiniang would never do such a thing, but now she agreed: "Okay, don't worry, Auntie, when he comes to see me again, I will tell him how much money I will get for Brother Wang." A piece of fine jewelry that money cant buy.

After eating, everyone made tofu together and set up a stall on the street to sell bean dregs cakes. The families formed a team and ran towards a better life together.

But now, because of Brother Wei and the throne, their families may no longer have the closeness they once had.

"Eat what you want. You're sick from the smell of oil. Don't eat. Let's eat at the banquet... Give this bean dregs cake to your uncle Dagui. He likes it." Mrs. Chen took away the bean dregs cake. He went to the yard next door and handed it to Gu Dagui: "I made your dinner with my own hands. Look how good I am to you."

Gu Dagui was counting his family's wealth and preparing engagement and betrothal gifts for Brother Wang. Hearing this, he laughed angrily: "Yes, yes, you are so kind to me. You just give me things that you can't give away." eat."

He also helped make this bean dregs cake. He also knew who he was going to give it to. This woman had the nerve to say such a thing. Can she get away with it by lying? !

Chen said angrily: "Eat or not? If you waste food, you will be struck by lightning."

He then said: "I asked Wei Erlang's people to buy high-quality banquets. You can eat the bean dregs cake first. When the banquets are bought, we will have a good meal."

Gu Dagui said: "You have said so, how can I not eat it?"

They have escaped the famine, so how can they dare to waste food?

He then reminded Chen: "Take it easy and don't take advantage too much. If you offend Wei Erlang and get into trouble in the capital, no one will help you."

Although Sanlang Xiaoyu is relatively close to them and is willing to help them, Wei Erlang should let Wei Erlang do the troublesome things.

"I know, I've always done things in a measured way." Mrs. Chen said her words of assurance, but soon she couldn't hold it in anymore. She leaned into Gu Dagui's ear and told him proudly: "I also asked Wei Erlang's people to We went to buy five kilograms of ginseng, bird's nest, and Ganoderma lucidum. When the time comes, we will keep three kilograms, take two kilograms as betrothal gifts to the Xiao family, and break up one kilogram and give them to the nobles in the capital."

You, what did you say? Gu Dagui was so angry that he almost fainted. He pointed at Chen and said, If you are so greedy, you are not afraid of being struck to death by Thunder God! Come with me to apologize to Erlang Wei!

"I won't go." Mrs. Chen said, "He is a prince, and everyone in the world belongs to his Wei family. Why do I want five kilograms of precious medicinal materials from him?"

"You must go!" Gu Dagui refused and dragged her out: "Wei Erlang does not lack this thing, but you can't lie. Go and apologize... Otherwise, when the matter is exposed, how will you let Wei Erlang see our home? , What do you think of Hui Niang? Arent you embarrassing our family!"