Character Introduction *Includes spoilers up to Arc 5 (Part 2)

He was sent to the battlefield by those who shunned him because he disgraced the royal family, but he won many victories and passed through the hellish battlefield again and again. He is feared by the soldiers as the "Black Lion" due to his fearless courage and power, and the black armor he wears.

He came to know that the ideals he sought still existed in the Bogan who risked his life on the battlefield to save his life, and the soldiers who wielded their swords for honor and cause. His evil deeds gradually faded away, but when he was falsely accused of usurping the throne by the Cursed Child, Kreschenta, he crossed swords with Bogan.

He succeeded in luring Krische to hunt down Selene, but was ultimately killed by Krische's single sword.

Even though he had fallen into the wrong path, he was still unable to forget his former ideals, but when he saw Krische defeat him with overwhelming power, he was finally freed from his obsession.

&#9830Battle Command

An extremely aggressive commander. He prefers headhunting tactics above all else and aims to achieve decisive results by making the most of his abilities under any circumstances.

He prefers to be on the front lines, and prefers personal combat, but he also believes that victory is everything in warfare, and he will literally use any and all means at his disposal to achieve victory.

His obsession with victory is stronger than anyone else's, a dangerous being.

Appearance: Blond hair. Blue eyes. Tall and muscular. Beautiful.

Armor: Black lion plate mail.

→Krische: A monster left behind by Bogan, a demon born of the royal family. She is what the King he desired should be.

Strong points: Royal swordsmanship. Psychological insight. Entrapment. Tactics. Torture.

Likes: Battlefield. Wine. Women. Nobility.

Dislikes: those without pride. Those who have no attachment to their name.

Worries: None

◻ Salva Rinea Caldera -- Order Good

An old-fashioned noble who respects tradition. Former adjutant commander of the Third Corps of the Christand Army.

Born into a middle-class noble family with a long history and has long served as an adjutant under the Third Corps Commander, Terrius. His ability can be called excellent, and although he is capable enough to fight as a general, he has been buried in the Christand Army, which attracts excellent human resources.

He is not on good terms with Krische, and is very concerned about her young age and ruthlessness, and while he strongly admires her talent, he believes that she should not be allowed to have (political) power. A man who would have pledged loyalty to Christand for the rest of his life if it weren't for Krische, as it is fair to say that his apprehension (anxiety, worry, insecurity) towards her caused him to betray Christand.

He understood his defeat after Gildanstein's death, and voluntarily gave his head to Gallen.

&#9830Battle Command

His ability itself is comparable to Terrius', and he is very good. He has enough ability to be a general.

However, he lacks a certain kind of madness to rise to the top in Christand, and although he is not indecisive, he lacks boldness and is small in some respects. This is especially true when he is cornered, and while he is an excellent assistant, he lacks a great deal as a general.

Appearance: Dull brown hair mixed with gray. Blue eyes. Thin build. Thin beard. Sharp eyes

Armor: Silver plate mail.

→Krische: Beloved daughter of his master, Bogan. She is a genius, but a deviant with no sense of logic (reason).

Strong points: Zain-style swordsmanship. organizational operation.

Likes: Fighting for a good cause. Honor. Battlefield.

Dislikes: Those who neglect troops and people.

Worries: The family he left behind.

◻ Nakirus Rinea Felizar -- Chaos Neutral

Loyal to his master, a watchdog type of man. A Commander of the Alberan Kingdom's army. Nakirus the Strong Armed.

A man who has served as Gildanstein's right-hand man for many years. Despite knowing his notoriety, he was charmed with Gildanstein's virtues as a warrior and swore allegiance to him. Although not particularly interested in torture as he is, they have a close personal relationship and often drink together.

He possesses a strong arm that can wield two great axes at will, and his combat ability is extremely high, making full use of his 7-shaku physique.

He was able to break through Eluga's lines and defeat the Black Century head-on, but was overpowered by Krische’s overwhelming military prowess.

&#9830Battle Command

He prides himself on being a warrior, and has the willpower to succeed in carrying out orders given to him, literally at any cost.

When he is ordered to break through, he will break through without fail, when he is ordered to defend, he will defend without fail. And for that sake he would calmly throw away his life, that force of will is his strong point, and he is trusted by his soldiers, and morale is always high in his corps.

However, he is not suited for continuous battles due to his ability to push through the impossible. There have been many instances in which his troops have been annihilated.