Chapter 48:

There was a forceful silence that permeated every corner of this area. This little 'haven' that seemed to exist within this realm of death and cold.

Was it fear? One so ingrained on the inhabitants of this desolate realm, those abominations that continue to exist through malice and regret? It seemed like the lingering touch of death even refused to come anywhere near this woman, the true ruler of this realm.

She stared at me, not making a sound as I approached, my feet breaching the otherwise pristine snow was the only sound that existed in these moments.

Every step I took was evaluated, judged, and weighed. I felt the gaze of Zelretch, my previous self, and I could only attribute it to that same feeling. As if I was being completely seen through, all my secrets laid bare before her eyes.

It almost made me pause, give a second thought to my objective. If Zelretch was 'gentle' then this woman threw away all conventions of civility with nothing but her gaze. The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

The feeling rising up in my chest, anxiety, repressed feelings I didn't want to acknowledge. I felt as if I would be found wanting.

How many times in one's life are your worst parts laid bare, shown to something to be judged?

Under her intense stare, all of it was bubbling up to the surface.

I wasn't unaware of my own issues, my shortcomings and my faults. Despite what one may think, having another lifetime's worth of memories doesn't mean I don't feel emotions, that I don't have problems and fears. Irrational some of them may be, but I was still only eighteens years old.

I am petty sometimes, perhaps a bit too whimsical and prone to flights of fancy. My greed gets the better of me and I can admit at being a tad lustful. No, my memories don't stop these things, they give me perspective.

Someone who is depressed can't just fix themselves by knowing they're depressed. Wisdom is not the same as maturity, I knew that, along with all my own issues.

This didn't stop me; it didn't halt my steps as each one felt heavier.

Even now, I don't know the true reason I'm here. The obvious answer was that I wanted to become stronger, but why?

Did it have to do with the Spider? Did I perhaps perceive some kind of debt to my past self and this world? The cynical part of myself could tell this world to fuck off and I could go anywhere.

No, it was much more selfish, childish even.

I wanted to prove something, prove my existence to the world. It was foolish, stupid even, but I felt the need to be relevant.

My steps finally halted, only a few feet away from the legendary woman, still in the same positions, her eyes never leaving me.

I dropped to the ground, forehead touching the cold tundra underneath as I prostrated. "Please, teach me."

She didn't answer and I stayed prone. There was only the slightest fluctuation, like vitality returned to this land and I heard the sound of long breath being taken and the world shifting. I tilted my head up to see her taking a breath of cold air.

"So old, yet still so young." Her words sounded.....tired. "Raise your head, child."

I lifted myself up, into a position on my knees. "Will you be my teacher, then?"

"To come so far, the effort itself is a gesture I cannot ignore." She stood up slowly. "You have potential." Her worlds were simple and direct.

I followed suite, standing up. I brushed the snow off my clothes, only pausing as I felt an intense bloodlust lock onto me.

Scathach placed a hand on her spear, looking back towards me. "Defend yourself." Were the only words of warning I received.

Her cursed spear rocketed towards my heart, no sympathy for my wellbeing. Bloodlust and magical energy surged around like it a torrent.

The Boosted Gear appeared in my hand, blocking the impossibly sharp weapon, but I was still flung back several yards before regaining my footing. I wasted no time in pulling out Mirage. "Four Birds."

I gathered my wits, looking around, I was laid back in a chair at a large table that could accommodate dozens of people, at the other end was Scathach...with the Boosted gear sitting in front of her. But that wasn't all, Dawnbreaker, Ascalon, Mirage. All of my armaments, my stuff was sitting about as she went over it all.

I looked down at my ring completely missing.

"Did you...take my stuff?" I couldn't help but asked.

"Yes." She said with no reservations.

"Can I have it back?"



"It's mine now." Her lips curled up as Ddriag let out a laugh.

She took the boosted gear out of my soul when I was unconscious, the realization dawned on me even after seeing the gauntlet sitting there.

"Dammit Ddraig, what've you been telling her?"

"Everything." He said with amusement.

I couldn't help but scowl, I did not like my stuff being taken. It almost gave me an itchy feeling seeing someone else play with my stuff. "You know, if you wanted a ring from me that badly there are different ways of going about it."

"He defaults to flirting when he's embarrassed."

"Fuck off Ddraig."

"Hmm, it's alright, I don't have much interest in boys. I prefer men." Scathach's words went straight of the jugular.

"Damn, I would have loved to fight you in my prime." The dragon said happily.

Scathach smiled lightly at the comment, turning her attention fully towards me. "You have some potential." She said plainly. "But your foundation is abysmal. We will have to build it up from the ground, that is why I sealed your magical ability for now."

Wait what? I tried to pull on any amount of magical energy, my circuits refused to respond.

"I have devised a plan; we shall begin tomorrow." Her words authoritative, leaving no room for response. "Relish this peace, there shall be none once we begin."

I am starting to have second thoughts. Maybe I should just make a break for it? Grab my stuff, and hope for the best? I think I like my chances better with that horde of undead....Ddriag can go fuck himself and can stay here with the scary lady.

"Hit him." Ddraig said, across the room. "I recognize that face, he said something about one of us in his head."

God dammit Ddraig.

Scathach nodded her head. "I shall remedy his attitude through training."

Well, what's the worse that could happen?


Well, Christmas plans were ruined because someone got Covid (Not me). Fun fun, anyways here's the final chapter for the weekend, the next one will be on monday. Happy holidays everyone!

If you want to support me or get five chapters ahead, visit my Pat /Astoryforone.