Chapter 83

Name:A Nerubian's Journey Author:
Chapter 83

When Krivax had explained to everyone that hed managed to find infiltrators approaching the portal hub by scanning Dalaran after hearing MalGanis testimony, it was enough to send them all scrambling.

The dire news was impossible to hide from the staff and quickly sent the A.D.F headquarters into a state of chaos. Less experienced administrators, already stretched to their limits by the ongoing attack on KulTiras, panicked after learning that there were Scourge infiltrators in Dalaran. People frantically attempted to contact their families, started making foolish mistakes due to lack of sleep, and began running through the corridors in a hurry to get to their stations.

Krivax did his best to project an air of a calm leader as he organized everything, but some of their frenetic energy was warranted as they needed to move very swiftly.

Emergency messages were being sent via magic to inform the Council of Six about the situation, a messenger had been sent to alert the city garrison, and Krivax had even sent one of his guards to muster the nerubian enclave to help defend Dalaran. Unfortunately, all of these things would take time that they did not have. The paths taken by the Scourge infiltrators were approaching very close to the citys critical defense infrastructure.

As such, Krivax had urgently gathered every combat capable member of the A.D.F into an adhoc squad to hold off the enemy forces until reinforcements arrived. This group included himself, Rommath, Ironaya, Illidan, his remaining guards, a half-dozen Sentinels, and a few other miscellaneous individuals in their headquarters.

Krivax was tempted to leave Magister Rommath to handle the frenzy, but the Magister was needed as he was both skilled enough and had the necessary permissions to teleport within the citys limits. This meant he would be able to position the assembled group to intercept the Scourge infiltrators.

The only difficulty was choosing which group of infiltrators they would be confronting.

Its faint. Much more so than the enemy group near the portals, but I can just barely feel a demonic presence moving through the Violet Citadel, Krivax reported grimly, not at all happy to have his fears confirmed.

A Dreadlord then, said Illidan, his voice containing a mixture of excitement and grim determination. One who intends to take control of the citys wards. The Burning Legions tactics havent changed in the slightest since the War of the Ancients.

Krivaxs heart dropped as he imagined what would happen if the Scourge succeeded in their plans. Dalarans anti-spatial magic wards emanated from the Violet Citadel, preventing hostile forces from teleporting whoever they wanted into the city. If they were able to seize control over those wards while simultaneously cutting off Dalaran from the rest of the world, the consequences would be catastrophic.

The Scourge would be completely free to open a portal into the city and allow their forces to pour in while the Alliance would be prevented from mounting an effective defense.

It would be a slaughter.

We need to focus on stopping one prong of their plan, said Magister Rommath, his normally composed demeanor strained by the gravity of the situation. Dalaran is only at risk of falling if both the portal hub and the wards are compromised. So long as we defend one, there is little the Scourge can do before the Council of Six intervenes. I suggest that we go to the Violet Citadel. It is far more defensible than the portal hub.

Ill never refuse the opportunity to slay one of the Burning Legions dogs, said Illidan, the fel green orbs behind his blindfold growing brighter with a deep desire for violence.

Krivax knew that there were few things that Illidan hated more in the world than demons and that he saw it as his purpose in life to destroy the Burning Legion. Should Magister Rommath teleport them to the Violet Citadel, he had no doubt that Illidan would absolutely tear the Dreadlord apart in short order.

That course of action was likely the objectively correct decision from a strategic perspective but there was a small problem with that.

If we go to the Violet Citadel, then a lot of people are going to die, said Krivax, his words immediately drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Not only are there more enemies in the group heading toward the portal hub, but one of them is absurdly powerful. If they go on a rampage, then it wouldnt be out of the question for them to slaughter hundreds of civilians and raise them as undead before we can respond.

Krivax couldnt help but shudder as he remembered the faint glimpse of potent necrotic magic that hed sensed beyond the concealment magic.

If scrying and scouting hadnt already confirmed that the Lich King was stuck in a block of ice near Shen-zin Sus head, then Krivax could have sworn that hed sensed the leader of the Scourge himself. However, since it was Guldan who had become the Lich King rather than Nerzhul, it made matters much more uncertain.

There was no telling what abilities such a powerful warlock may have manifested after becoming the Lich King that a shaman like Nerzhul never did during the original timeline. Although, Krivax speculated that Guldan was likely the type to favor his personal power.

Its slightly riskier, but Im fairly confident that Illidan is the only person strong enough to counter that threat, Krivax continued, knowing that he would need to explain further if he wished to convince them. Dreadlords tend to prefer subtlety rather than needless slaughter, so it's unlikely that they kill any more than necessary to achieve their goal. Besides, theres a good chance that team Rhonin and the city garrison will be able to prevent them from seizing the citys wards for long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

Fortunately, the Kirin Tor had been wise enough to leave Archmage Cedric behind to head the city garrison, so Krivax genuinely thought the Dreadlord could be dealt with without them. He could tell that his argument was enough to persuade Illidan.

However, he could also tell that Illidan was less than pleased with this arrangement.

So, you would accept a greater risk that the entire city falls just to protect a few hundred lives? Illidan said, his expression contemptuous. To be a leader is to make difficult decisions. This weak-willed nonsense will bring nothing but disaster.

A part of him agreed and wanted to defer to Illidans vastly greater experience in dealing with matters such as this but Krivax couldnt bring himself to do so. Illidan may have been instrumental in defeating the Burning Legion during the original timeline, but Krivax couldnt ignore the many times the reckless and obsessed night elfs decisions had caused irreparable harm.

Sometimes, the so-called difficult decision was merely a convenient excuse for callousness, and Krivax didnt want to go down that route. He still regretted the tremendous loss of life when the Cthraxx had attacked the Lordaeron Capital City.

He could only hope that he wouldnt live to regret it.

I understand that its a risk, but we have a duty to do what we can to protect the people of Dalaran, said Krivax, meeting Illidans gaze directly without hesitation. With your help, we shouldnt have much trouble defending the portal hub from the Scourge, unless you lack confidence in our ability to stop them?

I doubt nothing, aside from your strategic acumen, Illidan responded with scorn before pausing to take a deep breath. However, I will follow your lead in these matters, and we will see what comes of this decision.

Krivax wanted to say more, but they had very little time to waste.

Magister Rommath, please teleport us now, said Krivax, turning toward the high elf. I can feel them approaching the portal hub. We must leave now if were going to prevent them from entering the building.

Magister Rommath nodded gravely and instructed everyone to gather around him as arcane energy began swirling around him. After several moments, the spell was completed and Krivax felt the familiar sensation of spatial magic wrapping around their group and pulling them to the other side of Dalaran.

Almost immediately, they were greeted by the sight of startled Kirin Tor guards who had yet to be informed of the current emergency. They were brandishing spears at them with wild eyed expressions.

Halt! Spatial magic in this area is permitted only to authorized members of the Kirin Tor, one of the guards said immediately, hesitating only briefly when got a good look at their group. Present your credentials and allow yourselves to be examined for illusionary magic, or prepare to face immediate detainment.

Krivax was torn between appreciation that the Kirin Tor guards were performing their duties so diligently and frustration at the waste of crucial time. Given how on edge the Alliance was due to the war, all of the guards were extremely tense, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

As the only person in their group who was technically a member of the Kirin Tor, Magister Rommath was quick to step forward and present his credentials, a shimmering badge imbued with magic denoting his position.

Are you the commander of this post? Magister Rommath asked the guard that had addressed them, a broad shouldered human who introduced themselves as Commander Reynolds . Gather your forces and prepare to defend this location. The Alliance Defense Force has reliable reason to believe that it is about to be attacked by powerful Scourge infiltrators.

Please instruct them to avoid alerting the enemy before they enter the building, Krivax added quickly before the Commander could send out orders. We want to prevent fighting in the streets as much as possible in order to limit civilian casualties. It would be best to trap them inside and then strike.

And bring me some weapons, Illidan said while scowling contemptuously toward his Sentinel guards, who immediately began protesting. That is, if you truly wish for me to be of any use.

Krivax was truly glad that every nation in the Eastern Kingdoms had decided to place their garrisons on high alert, because the Commander merely nodded without complaint and immediately began shouting orders to his subordinates. Fortunately, the portal hub was built somewhat with defensibility in mind to prevent unauthorized individuals from easily leaving or entering Dalaran, so it only had a single entrance and sophisticated wards.

This meant all of the civilians who happened to be inside could be quickly and efficiently evacuated to a safer part of the building, while the defenders took positions near the entrance to create a choke point.

Meanwhile, Krivax and Illidan both made their way to a nearby room away from the entrance. There was a significant possibility that the Scourge could potentially notice the very distinctive Fel or Life magic emanating from them, so they needed to go somewhere where they wouldnt immediately be detected.

Naturally, the Sentinels refused to leave Illidans side and joined them as well.

Once they were there, Krivax cast a scrying spell over the portal hubs entrance while Illidan concealed their presence with his own spell. There was a decent chance that the Scourge would notice that they were being scryed, but they would probably not realize that their cover was blown. It wasnt out of the ordinary for critical infrastructure to be under constant monitoring, especially during such tense times.

Chances were that theyd simply planned to push their way through an unprepared defense force before any reinforcements could arrive.

Unfortunately for them, that wasnt going to be allowed to happen.

While it felt longer, it had only been around ten minutes from the moment Krivax had first sensed the Scourges presence to when they were fully prepared to fend the portal hub. The speed and sense of purpose with which everyone moved was impressive, and Krivax saw nothing but determined expressions as he steeled himself for battle.

He could even sense that the citys garrison was responding quicker than expected, and were already converging on the Violet Citadel.

What do you know of their capabilities? asked Illidan, his tone serious and sober as he took a few swings of the enchanted blades provided to him by the guards.

Something about the night elfs demeanor had changed dramatically. His typical arrogance and self-assuredness had been replaced with the sharper, more lethal focus of a life-long warrior preparing for battle.

Very little, other than that their leader is frighteningly powerful and that they are likely all undead, Krivax replied as he monitored the street outside of the portal hub via scrying.

There were fewer civilians out there than usual due to Dalarans heightened state of security and the general sense of unease in the city. However, there were still far too many in the streets for Krivaxs tastes.

He wished that he could warn them and tell them to take shelter, but it was more important that the Scourge wasnt alerted too early.

It wasnt long before the group of Scourge infiltrators stepped into range of his scrying spell. There were eight of them in total, all ostensibly appearing like normal Dalaran citizens of various races, merely seeking to travel to one of the Alliances major cities.

Their leader looked like a human man with a calm expression and wore the robes of an apprentice mage. He moved with strange grace, and his presence emanated a sense of authority that couldnt be hidden behind the concealment magics that shrouded him.

Illidan gave a curt nod. I suppose it doesnt matter. Even if they arent demons themselves, the Scourge is merely another facet of the Burning Legion and will crumble before me.

Krivax didnt react to Illidans proclamation and instead focused on the incoming Scourge. They were approaching at a casual pace and would hopefully be successfully lured into the building further away from Dalarans busy streets.

At least, that was their goal, but it became obvious that something had gone wrong when the leader of the Scourge infiltrators suddenly stopped the moment he stepped through the portal hubs entrance.

Krivax let out a short curse as he watched the guard commander approach the infiltrator with a smile on his face, clearly intending to play the part of the friendly greeter.

Good evening, sir. Is there an issue? the guard-commander inquired, feigning ignorance.

A part of Krivax didnt expect the Scourge leader to actually respond and instead just immediately attack, but he was pleasantly surprised when the man gave a slight smile, never breaking character.

It was likely only thanks to the layer of arcane shielding that hed wrapped around his carapace the moment he entered the Violet Hold, along with his enchanted defensive gear that he wasnt killed outright. Instead, the blow that impacted his chest as Guldan appeared from one of the shadow side passages only sent him flying into a nearby cell wall, making a large crack upon impact.

You stole my destiny, Guldan growled, his voice echoing with an otherworldly, abyssal tone as he launched a massive stream of dark magic toward Krivax.

Krivax watched in horror as his silk golem, which hed hastily unleashed from its container in an attempt to block the attack, immediately began to decay and unravel upon contacting the Lich Kings magic. Hed only ever seen the thing be even slightly damaged by the most heavily enchanted of weapons and strongest attacks, but never as severely as this.

It is because of you, that I was delivered to Kiljaeden! It is because of you, that I lost everything! Guldan shouted as he was forced to end the attack by Illidan, the night elf dashing forward and colliding with the Lich King. The resulting explosion of Fel and Death energies was enough to rock the prison, shattering many of the nearby walls.

Despite this, the monk being possessed by Guldan never took his eyes away from Krivax as he blocked Illidans ferocious strikes with an impossibly fast parry. But it is no matter. I have acquired the power of a god, and I will use that power to destroy everyone who sought to deny me what was rightfully mine. Starting with you, that over-glorified lizard who killed me, and finally the Burning Legion itself.

Illidan must not have liked Guldan ignoring him, because with a roar of primal fury he swung down at his opponent with both of his blades and unleashed a wave of Fel magic that forced the Lich King back. The green flames seared into the possessed pandarens form, causing visible burns across the undeads flesh. But the Lich King didnt falter, instead he let loose an unearthly growl and sent forward several dark, necromantic tendrils toward the night elf that decayed everything they touched.

Seeing that Guldan was fully occupied, Krivax stumbled up off the ground and used the last dredges of his Life energy to heal his cracked carapace. Meanwhile, Illidans few remaining Sentinel guards were locked into combat with a pair of Guldans Death Monks. It was fortunate that the majority of the undead monks had been either destroyed in the previous fighting or were preoccupied with the Kirin Tor, because Krivax doubted he would still be alive otherwise.

It was likely only because the Sentinels were among Tyrandes most skilled that they could hold their own against such a powerful foe.

Once he had recovered, Krivax made a quick assessment of the battlefield and decided to focus on helping Illidan. The Sentinels seemed like they would be able to last long enough on their own, and Illidan would need his help to take down the Death Monk being possessed by Guldan

The battle between Illidan and the Lich King had taken the two of them out of sight down a nearby hallway, so Krivax hurried to catch up.

As he turned the corner, he was met with the sight of the two combatants locked in a struggle that few on Azeroth could even hope to participate in. Guldans necromantic magic was eating away at the stone walls of the prison while the souls of the slain swirled around him and attacked his opponent. This would be enough to overwhelm most, but Illidan merely burned through these souls with contemptuous disregard and let loose a flurry of blows against Guldan.

Krivax, knowing that he would be most useful supporting Illidan, focused on using his magic to distract the Lich King. Since the Violet Holds wards prevented him from using geomancy on the stone floor, he instead summoned several water elementals and joined them in launching spears of ice toward Guldan whenever there was an opening.

Even then, with the constant barrage of spells and powerful strikes from Illidans blades, it was obvious that they were still at a disadvantage. Every attack barely seemed to faze Guldans vessel, while the Lich Kings retaliatory strikes forced both Kirvax and Illidan on the defensive several times.

Krivax thought that the tides had turned when the Sentinels unexpectedly managed to defeat their opponents and joined the fight with a volley of enchanted arrows. However, he quickly learned that individuals who lacked protection from the Lich Kings overwhelming Death magic, such as Krivax and Illidans respective empowerments, could not tolerate Guldans presence for very long.

It only took a few minutes before the Sentinels began to convulse, their expressions twisted in pain as their life forces were sapped away by their mere proximity to the Lich King. Only due to Krivaxs quick ability to sense and deduce what was happening, he managed to save their lives by ushering them away from the battlefield.

As he rejoined Illidan in their struggle against the Death Monk possessed by Guldan, he began to truly fear what the Lich King could do in person. Such absurd and overwhelming power was enough to drive anyone to desperation. Guldan was beginning to show signs of being visibly weakened, but Krivax and Illidan were both in worse shape.

After reaching the conclusion that the two of them would be unlikely to win a straightforward confrontation, Krivax began to consider other options. It took longer than he would have liked, but Krivax eventually recalled something about their current location and came up with a plan he thought might work.

Needing Illidans cooperation but not wanting Guldan to overhear his plan, Krivax took a moment to cast a spell that would open telepathic communication between him and Illidan. Itd taken a while to learn the spell, but he was more grateful than ever that hed decided to ask Vizier Hadix to teach it to him prior to their mission in Pandaria.

Illidan, help me lure him to Archmage Kelthuzads laboratory. I have a plan, Krivax projected his thoughts into the night elfs mind. Given how obsessed he is, Guldan will follow us. But we need to make it seem like were running away.

It took a moment for Illidan to respond, but eventually did with a subtle nod.

With that, Krivax started to deliberately pull back, casting his spells defensively and making sure to move to Archmage Kelthuzad and Queen Kithixs shared laboratory. Illidan began to parry and dodge more than he attacked, feigning exhaustion as he retreated.

Guldan immediately took the bait, releasing a triumphant roar as he attempted to ensnare them with dark tendrils. Running, are you? Theres nowhere to hide!

Having visited Archmage KelThuzad and Queen Kithix several times for various reasons over the years, Krivax was easily able to lead them through the twisting halls toward the laboratory. When he arrived there, Krivax nearly let out a cheer of relief as he saw that the Archmage had left behind several prototype samples of the same anti-undead alchemical concoction that hed made use of in Pandaria, exactly where he had last seen them.

Wasting no time, Krivax telepathically shared the rest of his plan with Illidan moments before Guldan arrived.

Though calling it a plan may have been a bit generous when Krivax simply used every dredge of power he had to freeze Guldan to the ground for a fraction of a second. With swift movements, Illidan picked up one of Kelthuzads vials and hurled it at Guldans frozen form.

The moment the vial shattered it was obvious that the elixir was having an effect on the Lich King, even if it was dramatically weaker than Krivax had wished. It was designed specifically to attack the necromantic magic that sustained the undead target, effectively stripping them of their will and removing them from the control of their master.

However, the Lich King was the most powerful necromancer to ever walk Azeroth, and it would take more than a single vial to severe his control.

Therefore, it was a good thing that Archmage KelThuzad was the type of person who was rather obsessive in his research and had several shelves with various prototypes of the elixir.

The next few minutes felt less like a heroic battle and more like a crude brawl as Krivax and Illidan did everything they could to keep Guldan in the laboratory while pelting him with glass bottles filled with bright liquids. It was clear that the Lich King was beginning to lose control over his vessel, each successive impact making the Death Monk less and less coordinated in their motions.

Much to Krivaxs relief, he soon began to see signs that the undead pandaren was actually fighting against Guldans control. The previous unwavering, dark glow the pandaren monks eyes began flickering intermittently with a hint of awareness and confusion. His initial plan had been to simply weaken Guldan as much as possible, but his vessel turned out to be far stronger-willed than expected.

Eventually, with one final vial shattered against his form, Guldan let out a furious bellow as the necromantic magic surrounding the possessed monk receded dramatically.

Dont you dare consider this victory! Guldan shouted, his hate-filled eyes locked directly onto Krivax. Im coming for you and this city! And when I do, no amount of trickery will save you!

Uninterested in Guldans overdramatic threats, Krivax said nothing as he watched the undead monk suddenly collapse forward, the Lich Kings control over them severed entirely.

Illidan approached the undead with his twin blades poised to strike, but Krivax tiredly held out a hand to stop him. Wait! Hes no longer being controlled. Killing him now would be senseless.

Unsurprisingly, Illidan looked up at him like he was crazy, as the people of Azeroth generally didnt tolerate undead in any form. However, Krivaxs perspective was a bit different since he recalled the undead who had managed to break free of the Lich King in the original timeline and fight against their former master.

After several tense moments, Illidan nodded and lowered his blades. Very well. I will stay my hand for now, but you owe me an explanation. Both for this, and for the nonsense that the Lich King was spouting throughout our fight.

Krivax couldnt help but wince, not looking forward to that conversation. It shouldnt be too much of an issue, since Tyrande was already aware that he was a seer and should be able to keep Illidan in line, but it still wasnt a topic he liked talking about.

Not seeing any way to avoid a future explanation, Krivax nodded in agreement before turning his attention to the undead monk. Hello. Im Vizier Krivax, leader of the Alliance Defense Force. Who are you?"

The undead monk was quick to respond with an urgent tone, but Krivax suddenly remembered that he hadnt learned the pandaren language. Turning a sheepish gaze to Illidan, the night elf scoffed before casting a translation spell over the both of them.

Krivax wished that he knew how to do that, but translation spells were surprisingly complex and his time wasnt unlimited.

Lets try that again, Krivax said as he turned his attention back to the newly freed undead. My apologies. Can you tell me your name?

The undead pandaren didnt lose any of his urgency as he responded, this time in what sounded to him like nerubian. My name is Shang Xu, and you must evacuate this city immediately.

Oh, dont worry. The city isnt in any danger, said Krivax, feeling relieved to learn that the undead was actually friendly. The portal hub isnt in any danger, and I can sense several of the Alliances strongest mages have already returned to Dalaran.

Krivax wasnt lying. The Council of Six had teleported back to the city sometime during their fight with Guldan and converged on the Violet Citadel. Not long before their arrival, the demonic presence had disappeared, most likely teleporting away rather than fighting multiple angry Archmages. He could feel that the Dreadlord had succeeded in doing something to Dalarans wards, but he doubted it mattered.

Even if the anti-spatial magic wards had been harmed beyond repair, the portal hub was fine so the Alliance would be able to reinforce the city even if the Scourge started teleporting in undead.

Though, it was a bit strange that the Council of Six was still here and hadnt returned to help defend Kultiras.

Krivax explained all of this to Shang Xu, who shook his head in frustration.

You dont understand. Tichondrius is not one to rely on any singular plan, Shang Xu urgently explained. He knew that there was a chance Guldan would fail due to his obsession, so he devised an alternative plan to destroy the Violet Citadels tallest spire if the portal hub was not disrupted.

Krivax felt his heart drop as he understood what the undead was implying. It wasnt something that many people knew, but the tallest spire of the Violet Citadel was actually a powerful anti-siege weapon capable of channeling the citys leyline nexus.

All of the Alliances plans to defend Dalaran assumed the full operation of the spire, which was why they felt comfortable leaving the city relatively undefended.

Krivax immediately ran out of the laboratory and began making his way out the Violet Hold, leaving a startled Illidan to follow. Once he exited the prison, it became clear that Shang Xu had been telling the truth as he saw the reason why the Council of Six had yet to leave the city.

The tallest spire of the Violet Citadel, once looming high over the city as a testament to Dalarans might, had been completely destroyed. The rubbles of its remains laid in the streets in front of the fortress, with Fel green smoke rising from the center of the impact.

Thank the Sunwell that youre here, Vizier Krivax.

Krivax pulled his gaze from the horrible sight to Magister Rommath, who looked uncharacteristically exhausted as he ran toward his side.

Magister, what happened? Krivax urgently, though he already felt like he knew.

We dont know. The Citadel simply exploded after you entered the Violet Hold, Rommath said grimly after taking a deep breath to steady himself. But thats not why I was looking for you. A few moments ago, I received a report that the Scourge was seen leaving KulTiras and began moving toward the coastline of Silverpine Forest. The Council of Six believes that they intend to attack Dalaran and has ordered an evacuation.

His worst fears confirmed, Krivax immediately began making his way to the A.D.F headquarters, so he could do everything he could to help evacuate, and then hopefully defend the city. The threat from Guldan, which he previously hadnt paid much mind to, now seemed much more immediately threatening.

Everything that the Lich King had said and done during their confrontation, from his hate-filled words to his focus on killing Krivax, made it obvious that Guldan was indeed coming for him. Across Lordamere Lake, he could see every day a city that had suffered potentially irrecoverable harm as a result of his decisions, and now the Lich King intended to deliver an even worse fate to Dalaran.

Krivax had every intention of doing whatever was necessary to prevent that from happening. Oh, Dalaran might be vulnerable with the Violet Citadel damaged, the Alliance navy likely lagging behind in the Kultiran harbor, and the Aspects all unavailable, but hope was not lost.

Since hed successfully defended the portal hub, the most powerful members of the Alliance would be free to arrive in Dalaran far before Guldan.

Not only that, but Krivax had been doing what he could to prepare Azeroth for the Lich King from the moment he hatched from his egg. This was what Krivax had been working toward for his entire second life, and if Guldan thought that destroying Dalaran was going to be easy, then the arrogant bastard had another thing coming.

I need to contact the High King, Krivax thought, his mind racing. I think this is an appropriate time for Azjol-Nerub to reveal Project Sanctum.