As Forrest had expected, it was a group of refugees.

Their hometown is in the north, and they fled here with their families. As for what place this place is, they are also ignorant.

Last autumn, when they started to harvest grain, they only managed to escape for a few more than five o'clock in autumn.

When they escaped from their hometown, there were still tens of thousands of them, but up to now, there are only a few hundred left.

"What are your plans to escape here?" Fowles frowned and asked, thinking a little. There was a shortage of more people in the eastern town.

"What's your plan?" Forster was asked by Fowles a Leng, "of course, is to cultivate a few acres of thin fields, build a few thatched cottages, and then settle down?"

"Settle down? You No escape... " Fowles wondered.

The refugees were even more puzzled and even frightened: "aren't you an adult of the mage guild? The bards who went through our hometown said that as long as they fled to the land of the Federation of the East China Sea, the masters would arrange us fields and houses for us to live in, and we would be exempted from taxes for three years... "

This place, it seems, is the border between the paville Empire and the Federation of the East China Sea.

As Forrest had heard, at that time, the relationship between the mage guild and the Bonaparte empire was not harmonious, so they issued the decree to dig the foot of the wall at the border of the two countries. Allandon was also in the decree area. Because it was close to the sea, most of the refugees were drifting on the sea.

However, as soon as the marriage between the princess and the son of the aristocratic family was put on the agenda, the decree came to an end.

Fowles didn't know that when he left, he upset the mage guild. The Heinrich family fell to the altar, and the aura of the son of Orlando disappeared. The marriage was abolished, which indirectly led to the re application of the law

Looking at a group of people with all their faces and bones, Fowles felt compassion and took out meat from his bag.

At this time, wild orchid and plum also came down to help light the stove, and in an instant, the steaming fire rose.

Over the bonfire, there are iron hooks and iron racks, large shark meat barbecue, hanging pots and pans filled with water for cooking.

The firewood crackled, and the meat flavor spread in four directions without any disguise. There was no seasoning, much less any flavor and cooking skills. Therefore, the smell was not good. However, for the refugees who did not know how many days of starvation, it was unimaginable delicious.

These people were surrounded by the fire one by one. Their eyes were green and their saliva was flowing. Their expression of honor was more ferocious than when they saw wild orchid and plum.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, she can't fill her stomach. For these hungry people, food is the most beautiful in the world at this moment!

The water gradually boils, the shark meat gradually changes color, the fragrance gradually becomes rich, and the food can enter the mouth. A group of refugees can't help but stir up. However, almost when they are about to reach out, a thunder like sound is heard in the distance. From far to near, the speed is extremely fast

The sound was so loud that the refugees were stunned. The delicious food seemed to lose its attraction to them. They were like wood carvings.

After a moment, these people finally return to the body, to the mouth of the meat can not care about, embrace the head bow waist began to flee: "not good, not good, mountain Ranger chase!"

But in an instant, a group of people like birds and beasts scattered. In the original place, the bonfire was still burning, the soup pot was still boiling, and nothing changed. It was just that there were no onlookers, making everything just like a big dream.

"Long skull..." At the other end of the mountain road, there were two long lines of cavalry, carrying the momentum of indomitable progress, galloping toward this side.

However, they did not ride a horse, but a four legged monster with small eyes and small ears, which looked like a rhinoceros.

The monster was much heavier than mark, so the sound of running was extremely fierce. It was like beating a war drum.

"Are you the mage who came here to meet you? Stop When they were about to reach the campfire, the cavalry in front of them spoke from a distance. With a wave of their hands, the two groups of cavalry stopped charging as if they were braking sharply, but

Obviously, the training was not good enough. This sudden stop was a drag, and the front row was pushed out of the front row, and the back row was squeezed into the front row. The originally neat long line suddenly turned into a group, with monsters howling and soldiers complaining.

There are about 100 cavalry in these two teams. Although their training is not very good, their skills are very good. The worst is the fighting division. The first one is even a fighting master.

Obviously, they had the same misunderstanding with the refugees. The top cavalry lightly pressed the saddle, jumped off the animal's back, looked at the bonfire, went around the fire and went to Fowles. When they saw may and wild orchid, their faces were astonished.

Not only he, but also the cavalry who gradually formed a formation behind them all looked at the two women with astonishing eyes and began to talk.The cavalry captain came up to Fowles, calm and silent.

Fowles didn't understand what was going on and didn't speak.

One second, two seconds

Ten seconds, twenty seconds

The cavalry finally realized that he was wrong, and raised his finger to Fowles: "are you new here? Do you understand the rules? "

"The rules? What are the rules? " Fowles was surprised.

"The old rule, two gold coins for one person." The cavalry frowned, "don't even know this. Are you from the mixed mage guild?" He looked at the clothes of Fowles and found in vain that although he was wearing a formal robe, he did not have the badge of the mage guild.

Fowles vaguely understood that this place belonged to the Bonaparte Empire and the Federation of the East China Sea, and the nobles here often fell on their feet. In recent years, they belonged to the Federation of the East China Sea, and in other years they belonged to the Bonaparte empire.

Since there are frequent disputes between the two sides at this juncture, it would be appropriate to have such a group of things as a buffer. Therefore, the forces on this side are often linked with both sides, and this should be the case in front of us.

The Federation of the East China Sea issued a strategy to attract the people of the Barnabas Empire, so these border territories turned a blind eye and allowed the refugees to pass through the territory, but There's a capitation charge across the border.

"Isn't that law repealed? Why?" Fowles also wanted to cross examine at will. But he didn't realize that the captain of the cavalry saw that his robe was not correct. He noticed that his badge was not on. His eyes swept around Mei and Yuan yelan, and his face changed: "how dare you pretend to be a member of the mage guild to hand over to us? You want to die! Brothers, copy the guy, go on

All the cavalry were indignant. They drew their swords, drew their swords and jumped off the monster. The mountain road is narrow. Since the monster has stopped, it is impossible to start charging again.

By this time, the cavalry captain had already jumped to the front of Fowles, and the Epee in his hand was merciless, and his eyes flashed with fire.

Although the little mage is really a mage guild or a fake one, he complains. He even puts away the badge of the mage guild and doesn't take it with him. The two little ladies' skins are too beautiful! The cavalry captain changed his mind, and under his strong swing, he seemed to have seen two parts of Fowles' body, and the two beauties behind him were trembling with fear and allowed themselves to do whatever they wanted

And then And then his aggressive swing stopped.

He is Dou Zong, and Fowles is also Dou Zong. However, there are ups and downs in the strength of the same Dou Zong.

In fact, the cavalry captain is not low in Dou Zong, and can be called the medium level. But the problem is, Fowles is too high!

If the first promotion is a low valley, and the peak of douzong is a high mountain, then Fowles is the sky. Under the sky, there is no difference between high mountains and low valleys

Forster's right arm suddenly became thick and thick. He stretched out two thick fingers like radish and firmly clamped the Epee of the cavalry captain: "what do you want to do?"

The cavalry captain was completely stunned.

He looked at a plate of bean curd on the table, which was fresh and tender. He couldn't wait to take it up and put it in his mouth. Then he found that it was granite

I'm so surprised that I forget the pain of my teeth

The cavalry captain froze, while the others didn't, but again, they didn't realize as intuitively as the cavalry captain that Fowles was not a role they could bully.

These people didn't even think, why did the captain cut down with one sword and then stopped moving, one by one with guns and sticks, whistling and drinking.

"Go away!" With the thunder of spring thunder, Fowles shook his hand. The shadow of the fist was unreal, but the strength of his fist was real. In a moment, he hit the underachievers, and the other side was frozen and stood there like a wooden chicken.

The strength of Fowles' fist was highly condensed. It was not wasted. All the impact was absorbed by the enemy's body, and none of it was turned into momentum again, and the opponent was beaten back to fly back.

"BAM, BAM, BAM..." For a moment, I didn't know how many punches, until there was a bonfire, and a group of cavalry finally realized that it was wrong and ran back with a cry.

"Still want to run!" The irascible Mei is already in a long time. Where can these people leave leisurely? The flying skill comes to the top of the deserters in an instant. With a move, large elements, purgatory demons and corpse skeletons, the mountain road is suddenly covered.

As the cavalry screamed in terror, they had no choice but to fight against the summoned ghosts. In addition to wielding and chopping, they also directed the monsters in their crotch to carry out magic attacks.

The monster is called the thunder beast. It's a cavalry mount that releases lightning.

In this chamber, there were endless shouts and screams. Fowles listened to those sounds as if he heard the birds flying and dogs jumping. But in a flash, he noticed that a new wave of shouts and murders joined in, and the direction was not the mountain road.

It's not a mountain road. Where is that?

Forster turned his head in doubt. Then he saw that the refugees who had just escaped into the forest were already crying for their father and mother. Behind them, the fat ogre was chasing after him with , the fastest update of the webnovel!