Chapter 820 Elomir Under Siege (8) - Handover

'Finally reached his limit? I'm surprised he stayed awake as long as he did,' Penthine mumbled.

"Should we investigate what he said?" Telite asked, not willing to accept the elf's words outright. If they opened a connection and it turned out to be an enemy, the consequences would be too dire to even imagine.

"We should rather send someone to the tower to take control of it. As we now have control again, we can start our counterattack. Hyrmeda, I would like you to stay and ensure that our enemy do not infiltrate further with the other magic towers."

"By your command." Hyrmeda answered.

"I will return as soon as I can." Penthine continued, "Telite, I want you to meet with the representative of the Chosen. I've heard they can talk with each other in real time without the restrictions that our magic items have."

"Thadeus, I need you to help in the fight against the Night Terrors inside the city. I assume the enemy has reinforcements on their way. They should arrive within the next ten or so minutes. Thanks to our elf friend, we regained control in time."

With that sorted, Penthine next sent a message to the duke of Taurtania, lord Vicar. "We have stabilized our situation. Focusing on counterattacking now. Please send aid to the others first."

Waiting atop the tower, Ceph kept watch over the flames spreading through the city. He wanted to rush toward them to offer his assistance, but he knew that now wasn't the time.

Everyone now and then, a group of disguised devils would make their way to the tower. Ceph would always spot them attacking others, so he was never in doubt that they weren't just civilians. He would dispatch them all swiftly when they approached the tower.

When a Night Terror attacked, he focused on sending it away. Buying time. Sadly, he had no method to kill it in the dark of night. If he tried to corner it, it would simply call for air. Ceph knew he could not fight multiple demons at once, and should the Tier 7 arrive, he would need to retreat.

After a while, a barrier formed over the inner city. Bringing light to everyone and weakening the enemies inside the city. With its arrival, the fighting moved towards the gates and towers. And the number of enemies surrounding him grew by the second.

However, the Night Terrors stayed away. 'A pity,' Ceph thought. 'With the divinity filling the city, even I should be able to kill them. I might even be able to contest the Tier 7 now.'

A handful of minutes after the barrier formed, a small squad of elite soldiers reached the tower. Noticing their approach, Ceph quickly flew back to the tower and headed down.

The group approached slowly, eyeing every corner with vigilance. But there were no enemies nearby. Which ate at their nerves. The quiet of their surroundings in stark contrast to the chaos filling the rest of the city.

Warily, they approached the doors. Deactivating the magic keeping them sealed, they moved inside. Where they found Ceph waiting for them.

"Who are you?" They asked, having expected a magical creature, not an elf.

"Cephaphyr, the Alicorn." Ceph replied, adamant sword in hand. "I need you all to swear and oath to the kingdom."

"An oath?" The apparent leader questioned. He was a massive centaur, his size reminding Ceph of the deceased Evules. Nearing three meters in total height, with massive muscles and two greatswords sheathed against his sides. He was truly the spitting image of Evules.

Ceph nearly fell into reminiscence. Shaking it off, he focused on the task at hand.  "Yes. Swear that you are loyal to the kingdom of Taurus." Ceph said, weaving his mana should it come to a fight.

"To the kingdom? Alright, I have no problem with that. But what god?"

"Asteria would be the most fit option. The entire city is being flooded with her divine powers. Even without the clergy, I will be able to tell if the oath is taken honestly."

"You will be able to tell?" The centaur questioned. Such an act was normally not something a normal mage could accomplish, but considering that Ceph was an Alicorn, it would not be too strange.

"Indeed." Ceph replied, shortly. "If you refuse, I will have to kill you."

"Well, I would like to continue on living." Despite being Tier 7, the centaur had no wish to test his abilities against an Alicorn.

He knew not how strong Ceph was, but the myths and legends of an Alicorn's control over magic made him fear the being before him. Especially inside a magic tower where mana was far denser and magic reigned supreme.

"I, Vasiss Mirnar, swear by the goddess of life, Asteria. That for as long as I may breath, I will stay loyal to my kingdom. To the kingdom of Taurus and its wide open plains."

Ceph nodded, feeling the surrounding mana reacting to the oath. "Alright, now your companions."

One by one, they all swore. Until it came to the last two. "Come on Lazus, Theras." Vasiss urged them to swear. Instead, they darted towards their captain. However, both fell to the ground after only managing one gait.

"Seems even the elites failed to notice the devils among them." Ceph commented. He could sympathize with the disbelief the squad felt, and the shock at their allies now lying dead at their feet. But he would not coddle them.

It was because they had become lazy that the chaos filling the city had become a reality. The warnings from invasions past having become mere myths, ignored by most everyone.

"How could you—!" One of the younger centaurs turned on Ceph, but was quieted when his captain struck him at the back of the head.

"Will you allow us to take control of the tower now?" Vassis asked, himself shaken at how quickly his friends had died. He had known them for years. His heart refused to believe that they were truly devils.

But regardless of what his heart wanted to believe, they were already dead. And Vassis had a mission he had to accomplish. Kicking up a fuss now would help no one, and might cause the rest of his company's deaths.

"Yes. I'll be on my way now." Ceph replied, passing by the centaurs. A few only barely controlling their rage at his apparent cold heartedness.

"You're back." Elizabeth noted as Ceph landed next to her. She was no longer on the barricades. With the fighting moving to the towers and gates, things were quiet.

"Yes, I need to know where to go."

Elizabeth nodded. "Most fighting is focused in the northern part of the city, apart from the fighting for the towers."

"So, the reinforcements are coming from the north?" Ceph doubted it would be so simple. Since the enemy had struck them from within, it would be dumb if they only had reinforcements coming from the front lines.

"Yeah, I am also thinking they want us to lower our southern guard. The mayor seems to agree. She's sent most to the north, but she didn't neglect the other sides. We have players with the squads she sent to ensure the gates are secure. So we won't be surprised."

Ceph nodded. Having the players there was indeed the best option. Even if they were killed before being able to relay a message, their death itself will be a message.

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