Chapter 148: Dragon’s Law

Chapter 148: Dragon’s Law

A furious howl shook the forest as Priam vanished into the mist. Sixty meters away, he reappeared at the center of the circle formed by the skulcs. Without hesitation, he tapped into the mist concept. Taking advantage of the discount, he unleashed [Moon Mist] at full power. The air within his Domain transformed into a thick fog that began to spread.

In a heartbeat, Skull spotted him. With a bound, the boss closed the distance. Anchored firmly, Priam intercepted a titanic blow. His shoulders absorbed the impact while his feet sank into the snow. The ground trembled, but not his gaze; fear had no place in his mind.

Before Skull could launch another attack, Priam released some of the kinetic energy he had accumulated. Given the boss's mass, he should have been pushed back about ten meters. Yet, Skull didn't budge an inch. Demonic red eyes gleamed as he struck again. Priam absorbed part of the attack and blocked the rest, the force making him grit his teeth.

Without ceasing to channel [Mist Moon], Priam formed a dome with the expanding mist. He aimed to use its opacity to gain an advantage, but Skull had other plans.

A new kinetic attack slid off the skulc without effect. Swirling a thread of aether into his eyes, Priam swore. A shield conformed to the monster's shape. Whenever Priam attacked, the shield quivered, dissipating the kinetic energy. Skull sneered, launching another assault.

Let's see how long you'll keep laughing.

If strength alone didn't suffice, it meant Priam hadn't used enough.

With meridians ablaze, he released a quarter of his kinetic reserves. The deluge of energy finally shattered the boss's protection. The skulc leader soared, engulfed by the mist. Priam screamed in pain as his meridians crackled.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Micro allowed him to catch his breath. Without delay, Priam focused his aether into [Moon Mist]. The fog grew thicker, soon reaching the ranks of the spectators. The skulks became restless.

Activating his skill, along with others, swiftly depleted his resources. Priam could feel the cost accumulating, unable to precisely gauge how much energy remained. Unaccustomed to the aether, his soul could only provide a rough estimate of reserves and regeneration. If only I could...

[Aether Reserve: 126/191

Aether Regeneration: 35.3/j * 240 (ambient density)]

Nice.[Priams System] was indeed the best skill. The System was stingy with explanations, but his own system would one day uncover all its secrets.

Setting aside his thoughts, Priam focused on his plan. First, he needed to create a cloud. A big one.

One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. A disturbance in the mist signaled Skull's renewed assault. Enraged but unharmed, the boss stopped after covering a few dozen meters. Turning his head left and right, he sought his opponent amidst the fog's opacity.

Near the center of the forming cloud, Priam observed his opponent closely. To keep Skull occupied, he used his mist to materialize a dozen ice blades that crashed ineffectively against the boss's tough hide. Like a dog chasing a stick, Skull headed toward the source of the attack. Fool.

Without hesitation, Priam continued producing mist. If he couldn't block Skull, at least he could evade him.

[Aether Reserve: 91/191]

The fog now licked at the skulcs' feet. Most looked around, bewildered. Should they retreat to make way for their leader, or stay put?

A terrifying roar echoed through the mist. Skull, losing patience, expressed his anger. Though muffled by the fog, the fearsome cry robbed the skulcs of reason. Remaining in their places, warriors, watchers, and veterans were swallowed one by one. A few seconds later, a monumental mist dome dominated the forest.

Lvl Up: [Moon Mist] lvl 54,55




[Aether Reserve: 67/191]

The energy cost was staggering, but Priam smiled. Only five levels remained for his Epic skill to become Legendary.

Closing his eyes, Priam concentrated on his mist. The skulcs stood still, unsuccessfully probing the darkness created by his fog. It obscured light, sound, and aether. Even the vibrations created by the boss were swiftly absorbed by the thick cloud. His opponent nowhere to be found, Skull blindly massacred every tree in his path, sometimes passing just a few meters from Priam.

Finally, it was time. [Focus]. Priam's mind became a blade, wielded for one purpose: victory. [Priams System]. In an instant, his skill calculated hundreds of trajectories before taking control of his kinetic reserves.

Within ten meters of each skulc, the mist began to condense. Two heartbeats later, three hundred ice spheres appeared. [Priams System] propelled them, nearly depleting Priam's kinetic reserves. He fell to his knees as each projectile found its mark.

Three hundred eyeballs pierced, and two hundred ninety-two bodies collapsed. The eight survivors staggered. Some fell to their knees, clutching their eyes and screaming.

[Kinetic Control]. The spheres heated up suddenly, transforming into liquid and then boiling water. The last screams vanished.

Priam no longer cared about them. A surge of power invaded his body and mind. The world slowed down, gaining sharpness. The beats of his hearts were so powerful they made the air tremble. A terrifying energy inhabited every cell.

The Title he received as a reward for his quadruple Tribulation activated. Conquest transformed him into a juggernaut.

[Horseman of the Apocalypse - Legendary] - You're already a legend. Take control of your destiny. Choose one of the proposals and chart your course:


You are an artificial force. As such, you refuse to bow to Fate and Nature.

Conquest is a force that gains in power until it is stopped. Become the unstoppable Juggernaut. In this merciless world, you're charting your course.

Long may it be.

In battle, every enemy you defeat temporarily increases your momentum.

Laughter echoed in the mist. Priam felt powerful. Conquest created a sense of invincibility surpassing [Emotional Disciple]. But how powerful was he?

[Conquest - Temporary Boost:

210 skulc watchers defeated (PHY +105%).

82 skulc warriors defeated (PHY +82%).

8 skulc veterans defeated (PHY +8% META +8%).


Strength 401 > 1183 (temp)

Constitution 689 > 2033 (temp)

Agility 426 > 1257 (temp)

Vitality 540 > 1593 (temp)

Perception 629 > 1856 (temp)

Aether Reserve: 86/210 (temp)

Conquest Timer: 4 min 57s]

... I am unstoppable.

Priam's draconic heart quickened at the sight of his temporary attributes. That was the power of a Legendary Title.

Coincidentally or not, Skull chose this moment to shatter a tree trunk less than three meters away. The wood exploded towards Priam but hung suspended in the air. Skull turned his head, suspicious.

Priam leaped first. His powerful muscles created a crater in the ground as he reappeared in front of the boss. [Spear Slash]. Promesse described an elegant arc before striking the Tier 1's temple.

Lvl Up: [Spear Slash] lvl 12

STR +1

The impact's violence created an energized shockwave that pierced the mist. Skull's catapulted body finished its course after obliterating four spruces.

Without hesitation, Priam lunged. His power was such that he seemed to teleport. His perception, agility, and strength far exceeded his dexterity. Without Micro, Priam would have been unable to control his own body.


Lvl Up: [Tribulation Piercing Spear] lvl 10

STR +1

AGI +1


The spear pierced Skull and emerged on the other side. The momentum of the two adversaries brought them closer.

A titanic fist struck Priams hip.

Under the impact, his fingers released Promesse. The shockwave uprooted nearby spruces. His dislocated body was catapulted through the forest. Bouncing off the snow, rocks, and stumps, Priam disappeared into the mist.

Over a hundred meters away, another unfortunate tree halted his course. A trench several dozen meters long indicated the direction of the battle.

The fog slowly began to dissipate.

Lvl Up: [Star Iron Body] lvl 38,39


Snowflakes fell on the desolate fir forest. One of them landed on Priam's cheek. On the brink of death, he regained consciousness. His aether-starved mind hadn't managed to take control of his body.

He didn't need his add-on to understand that he was in a sorry state. His spine had shattered at his pelvis. He no longer felt his legs. His human heart had stopped beating, and his draconic heart struggled to beat. With a thought, Priam regenerated his second heart through one of his Merits. The specter of death receded slightly.

Gathering his will and pushing aside his fear, Priam tried to regain control of his body. Micro seemed to ignore his calls. That was not the case with his pain. Each movement was torture. Should he continue? Why not give up? He had a bonus life, after all.

His instinct whispered to him to continue, for his reward awaited him. Priam clung to life.

It took him several minutes to move his fingers. Persisting in his efforts despite his suffering, he managed to regain control of his arms. His skills remained out of reach, and Priam had to resign himself to crawling.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he braved the cold, fatigue, and pain. Leaving a trail of blood in the snow, he headed towards the origin of the battle.

He didn't stop once. If he had, he knew he wouldn't leave again.

Half-mad with pain, Priam would have been unable to say how long he crawled. Snow under his fingernails and fir needles in his wounds, his mind could only think of moving forward. When he looked up at Skull, fatigue didn't even allow him to be happy.

The boss was on his knees, a vacant look on his face. One of his hands tried to stem the flow of blood escaping from his body. His skin had lost its red hue to regain a pale green color.

Skull slowly turned his head toward Priam. His hand fell to the ground, revealing a massive hole in his chest. Half of his heart was missing, and his lungs were gone. His vitality was trying to heal him, but a white aura prevented the organs from regenerating. Conquest's aura had properties similar to a Mastery. Was there a link between the two?

Priam felt he could dispel this aura. Skull looked him in the eyes before sighing. His heart beat a final time before the monster slumped.

Behind him, a path had appeared in the skulc forest. Priam's attack had decimated the trees over more than a hundred meters. The aether drill, reinforced by Conquest, had created a half-cylinder in the ground. The snow had covered it in white.

The attack could have wiped out ten wyverns.

Priam's vacant eyes rested on Skull.

His draconic instinct and body trembled, eliciting a painful groan. A primal power slumbered in the corpse, and Priam's cells longed for it. His reward demanded to be harvested.

Thus is the tradition of the Dragons.

Priam trembled at the alien decree. A Dragon had uttered these words once, and they had become law.

Dragging his body, Priam approached the corpse.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 419 (+18)

Constitution 696 (+7)

Agility 429 (+3)

Vitality 540

Perception 632 (+13)


Vivacity 341 (+1)

Dexterity 443 (+6)

Memory 140

Willpower 657

Charisma 446 (+6)


Meta-affinity 364 (+11)

Meta-focus 261

Meta-endurance 200 (+9)

Meta-perception 131 (+3)

Meta-chance 219 (+3)

Meta-authority 15

Potential: 654 (+37)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.

[Tribulation]: Five Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 175 days 20 hours 24 minutes 51 seconds.