Chapter 250: Why am I generous? Well, that’s not my money

Chapter 250: Why am I generous? Well, that’s not my money

The three rivals stopped at the top of a tree on the edge of a cliff. This landmark overlooked a valley teeming with monsters. The only time Priam had seen so many beings united in fury was during a protest. The French sure knew how to go on a strike.

“According to the coordinates Laepa and Vysharratjekto gave me, the tribes’ camp is less than twenty kilometers away,” Priam said.

“I don’t even know how you can pronounce his name,” sighed Jasmine. “What a mouthful.”

“Dexterity,” grinned Priam.

“Mmh. Are we going to destroy these corrupted creatures?”

“I don't think that's the best use of our time,” Kazuki replied.

Priam nodded. “It's paradoxical, but the more time we have, the better we must use it.”

Back in Time was a compromise between surviving his Tribulations and saving his loved ones. Deep down, the Champion knew he could progress incredibly if he used his reward well. To do that, he couldn't waste a single second.

“If the tribes are attacked during our discussions, it’ll be good if we help them,” Kazuki pointed out.

“Then we just pass through... and maybe stir them up a bit.”

The assassin merged with his shadow as Priam leaped into the void. Two wings of fire spread from his back, charged with aether. His skin covered itself in spectral scales as he broke the sound barrier, diving toward the army of the dead.

Less than a second later, a wingbeat adjusted his course, allowing him to skim the heads of the necromantic creatures. Smiling, Priam burst into laughter as the servants of the Necromoon screamed and turned towards him. The fiery trail left by his [Phoenix Wings] was particularly visible in the dark sky.

As a clamor rose beneath him, with the corrupted creatures trampling each other to get to him, Priam called upon Pyro. The Concept responded, overloading his wings and expanding their span to that of a troop transport aircraft.

With a thought, Priam disconnected the feathers created by his skill, letting them fall. A new wingbeat propelled him forward as the flaming feathers hit the ground.

A dozen simultaneous explosions ravaged the ranks of the undead army, plunging it into chaos. The flames created by Pyro were hard to extinguish, consuming bone, flesh, fur, and even the air to spread. As the abominations tried to move away, a gust of wind pushed the flames towards them; Kazuki was fanning the fire.


Banishment of a corrupted (Tier 0 - common) - Sun point +1

Banishment of a corrupted (Tier 0 - common) - Sun point +1


Lvl Up: [Phoenix Wings] lvl 15

META(Focus) +2

META(Endurance) +1

A chorus of cawing made Priam look up. Above him, a murder of crows descended. As he prepared to unleash his Domain and kinetic mastery to crush them, the birds passed into the shadow of a cloud and disappeared.

“Leave me some points,” Jasmine said.

“Every man for himself,” Priam replied, directing his aether to his phoenix wings. The skill absorbed the energy to create new feathers, allowing the Champion to continue his bombardment.

Without a Tier 3 to command it, the army was powerless against the alliance of the three rivals.

The tribes' camp was divided into three parts. The Snaherts to the east and the Gaeserts to the west were separated by a wide road leading to the northern quarter of the Aelbes. At the road's origin, the camp's only entrance faced south.

“It’s well guarded,” Kazuki remarked, observing the entrance.

“Too well guarded just to repel mindless corrupted,” Jasmine murmured. “They’re noting entries and exits and searching every hunter-gatherer. Someone's expecting betrayal.”

“The three tribes were allies of convenience,” Priam confirmed. “Could you infiltrate those defenses?”

Jasmine nodded. “If I disguise myself, I could pass as a huntress and get into the camp, but when the real deal returns, they'll realize the trick.”

Priam was surprised. “Can't you just slip through the shadows?”

“Hard to say,” the assassin grimaced. “The wooden palisades look easy to jump, but it’s like our rampart: there’s an invisible magical barrier surrounding the camp. Since I see few patrols on the guard path, I deduce that their Tier 4s are confident in their enchantments. As I can’t sense the shadows in the camp, I guess they aren’t overconfident.”

Priam frowned, realizing he couldn’t perceive the campfires they saw beyond the defenses. Normally, he would have been able to share the perception of the flames and teleport to them.

“When there’s no obvious gap, it’s faster to count on the mediocrity of the guards than to try to breach the defenses of a zealous architect,” Jasmine concluded.

“In any case, we’re not here to hide,” Priam said, standing up. “At least not for now.”

The three rivals crossed the forest edge, leaving the shelter of the trees. Less than three hundred meters from the giant camp, the wood had been cleared to prevent a stealthy approach by necromantic forces.

The hairs on Priam's arms stood up as his draconic instinct sensed the attention of multiple Tier 3s. Without flinching, he walked up to the gate, waiting his turn behind a group of Gaesert warriors who eyed them with surprise.

When the deer carcass they brought back was declared free from the necro curse, Priam, Kazuki, and Jasmine stepped forward.

“Who are you?” one of the guards asked. From the tattoos covering his face, Priam recognized an Aelbes.

“Emissaries from Oasis,” Priam smiled, turning to the pairs of Snahert and Gaesert warriors also guarding the gate. “I hope Laepa and Vysharratjekto have validated our alliance?”

One of the Gaesert warriors stepped forward, smiling. “Cloudy eyes, fiery hair, misty clothes... Priam the arm ripper, I presume?”

Jasmine let out a snicker as Priam held back a sigh. My reputation is shot.

“That’s me.”

“I’m Gadrick. We haven’t sent the supply convoys yet, if that's why you're here.”

Priam shook his head. “I’m here for something else. Is it possible to speak with Laepa?”

The first adjective that came to Priam's mind to describe the Gaesert camp was “lively.” Their group weaved between tents arranged in a logic that eluded him. The first time Gadrick jumped over a pavilion, Priam thought it was a shortcut. The native corrected him: it was the normal path.

“Watch out!”

A ball flew towards the Tier 3, who stopped it with a chest control and grabbed it. Moments later, two teenagers came running.

“That’s out of bounds, the point is ours,” declared the first.

“No, Gadrick caught it before it touched the ground, it’s still in play!” exclaimed the second, trying to grab the ball tucked under the warrior’s arm.

“Are you kidding me? He wasn’t even playing!”

“Exactly, it’s like a tree stopped it, so it doesn’t count.”

“Did you just compare me to a tree?” Gadrick asked. The question was lost as the two boys were too busy shouting to listen.

Sighing, Gadrick shot the ball into the air. With the power of a Tier 3, the ball reached a hundred meters in seconds. “First one to catch it wins.”

He had barely finished speaking when the two teenagers ran off towards the likely point of impact.

“They don’t seem afraid of you,” Priam smiled.

“Why should they be?” Gadrick seemed surprised.

“You’re a Tier 3? When Laepa, Vysharratjekto, and Eleha came, the teens looked like they were walking on eggshells.”

The warrior let out a grunt. “Gabrielle is always like that. As for the other tribes... Eleha is insane and the Snaherts have a strict hierarchy: your Soul Tier, or at least your power, decides your position in the clan. We Gaeserts don’t care about that; we’re one big family.”

Priam nodded, masking a grimace. He admired that mindset, but it was because of it that Eve had chosen the Gaeserts for her attack. For this tribe, it wasn't just a matter of honor; every death was a tragedy.

A few minutes later, they arrived at a rectangle of packed earth the size of a tennis court. Laepa was there with a dozen young people training.

“Broli, move your elbow! You don’t want to cut off his breath, you want to cut off the carotid’s blood flow!”

The nearest teenager grumbled, correcting his position. Moments later, his opponent’s body went limp, and Laepa smiled.

“That was better. Wake up Timmy and switch roles.” She turned to the rivals and smiled. “Hey guys.”

“Gadrick told me the Gaeserts are a big family. As Chief, you're responsible for them just as I'm responsible for mine. Sphinx is my family, and she's a prisoner of the Fallen. If you do anything rash, she'll die. I'm far more afraid of that than of you.” Priam's voice was calm but firm.

The Tier 4's enraged features trembled. The standoff lasted a few seconds before the giant sat down, teeth clenched. Kazuki and Jasmine resumed their positions, visibly annoyed by the situation.

There was no apology, but Priam didn't mind. He preferred a straightforward Braato, protective of his own, to an Ophis who seemed to dominate his emotions. The event, however, reminded him of a key point. Though the clans resembled humans, they were anything but. The men and women before him were aliens, with their own customs and laws. The first of these was Elysium’s law: power commanded respect.

“Where is Sphinx?” Mama Apo asked before the silence became too heavy.

“In their Divine Kingdom—their internal world."

“Sorry, but she's dead,” Gryphe bluntly stated. “You have access to the Colosseum, right? If she's a Tier 0, you should be able to resurrect her if you climb high enough.”

Priam glared at her. “I refuse to subject a child to the Wheels of Reincarnation.”

Gryphe shrugged. “It's not that bad.”

“Easy for a fossil who's about to see them up close,” Jasmine shot back.

The Aelbes shaman cackled with laughter.

“Do you have a plan to save her?” Mama Apo asked.

“I was counting on you. In exchange for all I know about this Fallen and even a diversion, I wanted you to save her.”

Gryphe, Ophis, and Mama Apo exchanged glances.

“Your information is important to us,” Ophis admitted. “We can't allow a hostile Fallen so close to our new land, and none of us will refuse the Achievement that comes with the kill. I'd like to help, but unfortunately, my build isn't suited for infiltrating a Divine Kingdom. If the Fallen resists, I'd have a hard time breaking in, let alone saving your friend before they kill her.”

Priam felt his hearts grow heavy. Despite the time rewind, if the Tier 4s couldn't help, then Sphinx...

“There must be a way?”

“... You mentioned a diversion. Could you get us into their Divine Kingdom?”

Priam turned to Braato, who had just spoken. “I'm sure of it.”

It was a lie, but Eve would find a solution—or die trying.

“I can temporarily protect someone by absorbing the damage meant for them,” Braato revealed. “But I need a visual. If their internal world is too big...”

“It's about two hundred meters in radius,” Priam said, suppressing his excitement. “A small forest full of... animals.”

If he mentioned the rabhorns and one of these idiots tried to locate it, Sphinx might die.

Mama Apo frowned. “A Divine Kingdom that size is too small.”

“They fused their Domain with a fragment of their former Divine Kingdom to stabilize it,” Priam said, quoting his phoenix mentor.

Gryphe shook her head. “What Mama Apo means is that even the smallest stable fragment is bigger than what you're describing. It's called a Divine Kingdom, not a divine garden; it's supposed to be vast. They must have destroyed part of their world to reduce the karma between them and their original, out of fear of their killer. They don't want to become the same god again; they want to create a new Divine Kingdom.”

Priam nodded. It was a plausible theory. If true, he could sell the existence of Sumstreh at the Auction, and his killer would likely come to finish the job. What held Priam back was Sphinx's presence: if a Tier 5 came to slay Bastard, there was little chance his friend would survive.

Ophis had a thoughtful expression. “If that's true, then they might possess fragments of their old Divine Kingdom.”

“They gave me a fragment of their former fulcrum to sell at the Auction,” Priam confirmed.

The Tier 4s flinched.

“Did you sell it?” Ophis asked.

A blind man could have seen the greed in the Snaherts chief's eyes. The other Tier 4s were more measured but seemed equally interested.

“I still have the fragment, and I'm willing to trade it.”

Priam summoned his best fake smile as the dragon within him roared at the prospect of amassing wealth for free. It was time to reap some of the benefits of the time rewind.

What could be better than buying ideal upgrades without spending one’s money?

“Anyone want to make an offer?”



Strength 726

Constitution 1 179

Agility 897

Vitality 1 130

Perception 767


Vivacity (D) 595

Dexterity 658

Memory 864 (+5)

Willpower 1 168

Charisma 692


Meta-affinity 829 (+4)

Meta-focus 417 (+2)

Meta-endurance 710 (+2)

Meta-perception 346

Meta-chance 274

Meta-authority 228 (+3)

Potential: 14 140 (+3)

Tier 0

Sun points: 1 485 003 (+2200)

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED

[Tribulation]: Five Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 153 days 3 hours 20 minutes 39 seconds.

Next thresholds: 12 attributes > 600 / 6 attributes > 900 / 1 attribute > 1 200

This arc is already complete on Patreon if you're interested in finding out what happens next!