T/N: Second update. 

As night fell and the red lanterns flickered, Zheng Lanyin repeatedly adjusted the accessories on her body. 

“Bai Shao. Hong Mei.” She called out the names of her two maids, but only Bai Shao entered. Lost in her thoughts, she doesn’t even notice this: “The people who are supposed to accompany me to the banquet are not here yet?”

Qianyi Pavilion was extremely secluded, close to the three palaces for the Consort Dowagers on the west side. Even if she opened all the windows and doors, she wouldn’t be able to hear the music and laughter from the New Year’s banquet.

“By this time in the previous years, the annual banquet had already begun. Is it because I live in a remote place that the palace attendants haven’t arrived yet?”

“Do you think my attire looks nice? Does it make me look unpresentable?”

“Milady.” Bai Shao poured a cup of hot tea for Zheng Lanyin but the latter waved it away: “Take it away. Ben Gong just finished applying rouge; can’t ruin it with tea. Go outside and see if the palace attendants have arrived or not.”

Tea splashed out of the cup and fell on Bai Shao’s hand, quickly turning it red. She wiped it off her hand and bowed to Zheng Lanyin: “Yes, Milady. This slave will go and check.”

As she walked out the door, Hong Mei, who was sitting in the courtyard cracking melon seeds, looked up and taunted: “Punished again?”

Bai Shao covered her hand without a word.

“Considering that we have worked together for many years, I advise you to find a new master as soon as possible and get out of here.” Hong Mei spat out the shell of the melon seed from her mouth. “Milady has fallen out of favor. You’re just wasting your time by staying here.”

“Do we slaves have a choice?” Bai Shao looked at Hong Mei. “Don’t do anything that goes against Milady.”

“You are so loyal to her. But, how does she treat you?” Hong Mei stood up and patted herself off. “Back then, she promised to let you leave the Palace when you turn twenty-five. What was the result? You’re already twenty-eight now. You endure beatings and insults in this dilapidated place while the palace servants treat you coldly on meeting.”

“Go and see those in the Mingyue Palace. Even the dog they keep has more face than us.”

“You want to work at the Mingyue Palace but do they want you?” Bai Shao advised kindly: “The Palace doesn’t tolerate servants who betray their masters. Hong Mei, don’t bring trouble upon yourself.”

“If you wish to be a loyal dog, do as you like. Don’t drag me into it.” Hong Mei sneered and took out two taels of silver. “After tonight, I won’t be serving here anymore. Keep this money for yourself.”

Bai Shao watched Hong Mei swing her waist and leave. She reached out to take the two taels of silver on the stone table. There were only a few niangniangs in the palace. And Hong Mei was a first-rank palace maid serving their master. Even if those niangniangs wanted to maintain a benevolent image, they wouldn’t allow Hong Mei to work at their palaces, lest they be accused of hitting a person when they were down.

Except the niangniangs, who else would dare to accept Hong Mei? 

Perhaps… the Department of the Palace, the Imperial Clothing Bureau, the Imperial Kitchen or so on could take her in. 

Bai Shao tucked the warm silver into her sleeve and walked out of Qianyi Pavilion, strolling in the alloys of the Palace. On New Year’s Eve, the palace maids were allowed to put on rouge, wear silk garments and gather in twos and threes to laugh and chat. 

Occasionally, laughter could be heard coming from behind the palace walls. Bai Shao stopped in her tracks, leaned against the wall, and looked up at the sky. Above her head was just the pitch-black sky, with a solitary red lantern hanging.

She knew well that no one would come to invite her master to attend the New Year banquet. She also knew that if she went back now, the latter would only vent her anger on herself.

The wind was a little cold. She covered her slightly aching abdomen with her hand, thinking of the girl with bright eyes and the cloak she draped over her.

Warm, soft and with a faint fragrance.

If this imperial Palace was a thorny bush that stretched on endlessly, that girl was a little magpie that unintentionally landed in it.

She had a pair of free wings and a lively, captivating voice.

“Ming Xiaozhu.” Chen Wang took two steps and turned around to face Jiuzhu, who was following him. “Let Xiangjuan stay by your side tonight. Take her with you no matter what.”

Jiuzhu nodded. “Okay.”

“Let’s go then.” He glanced at the entrance of the main hall and waited for Jiuzhu to come to his side before stepping inside the hall.

“His Highness Chen Wang has arrived. Ming Xianzhu has arrived.”

The people who were chatting and laughing quickly fell silent and got up to greet the man and woman at the door, paying their respects to Chen Wang.

Some discreetly observed the expressions of Ming Jingzhou and his wife. Last time, when His Majesty held a birthday banquet for Su Guifei, Ming family’s daughter appeared with her. This time, at the New Year’s banquet, she came with Chen Wang. What exactly was the Ming family’s stance about the princes?

Sun Caiyao put down the teacup in her hand and saw that the seat where Chen Wang brought Ming Jiuzhu was the first seat of those of the xianzhu rank.

The seating arrangement at the imperial banquet was very particular about hierarchy and rules. Ming Jiuzhu, the daughter of an official who was bestowed the title of a xianzhu, was seated in a higher position than those xianzhus with imperial blood. The officials of the Ministry of Rites, who were responsible for arranging the seats, not only did not stop them but also greeted the two.

“Fourth Sister-in-law.” Jing Wangfei, who was closest to her, greeted her with a smile. “This is your first time attending a palace banquet as a member of the imperial family. If there’s anything you’re not accustomed to, feel free to let me know.”

“Thank you, third Sister-in-law.” Realizing that she had been staring at Ming Jiuzhu for too long, Sun Caiyao quickly averted her gaze and nodded with a smile.

“Have you seen the old Xianzhu sitting below Ming Xianzhu’s seat?” Jing Wangfei smiled, her voice gentle like a spring breeze, and her attitude friendly. “Her paternal great-grandmother was an imperial Princess. There were no titles left to be bestowed in her generation. When Father Emperor was in distress, the old Xianzhu secretly sent some things to his princely residence. Later, when Father Emperor ascended the throne, she got rather close to Mother Consort Su. His Majesty remembered the favor she showed him during his time in the Qian residence and made an exception to grant her the title of Xianzhu.”

Close to Su Guifei?

Sun Caiyao had some impression of this old Xianzhu. In previous years, she always sat in the first seat of the xianzhus. However, after entering the palace today, she sat in the second seat without hesitation.

The people in the palace were all cunning foxes ah; they had long mastered the art of rightly judging the situation.

After giving all the necessary instructions, and even peeling two fruits for Jiuzhu himself, Chen Wang stood up to leave.

After taking a few steps, he turned back again. “If anyone makes you unhappy, feel free to throw a cup at their face. I’ll take responsibility if it breaks.”

“Your Highness,” Xiangjuan couldn’t help but laugh. “Please rest assured, this slave will take good care of Xianzhu.”

Jiuzhu actually touched the cup seriously. It was such a delicately crafted cup that it would be a pity to hit someone with it.

Xiangjuan noticed her movement and suspected that no matter what His Highness said, Ming Xianzhu might take it seriously.

When the prince finally took five steps without turning around, Xiangjuan poured a cup of tea for Jiuzhu, who noticed a small embroidered stool under the table. She pulled it and placed it next to Xiangjuan. “Gugu, you sit first.”

“Thank you, Xianzhu.” Xiangjuan sat down behind Jiuzhu, her gaze sweeping over the people present with a gentle smile.

These small embroidered stools were originally prepared for the attendants, but due to the strict hierarchy among the noble families, most of these stools were just symbolic. Barely two or three masters let their servants sit on them.

Regardless of gender, she quietly explained the identities of the people present to Jiuzhu, their relationships with the imperial family, and their proximity or distance from them clearly.

Jiuzhu looked at her in admiration. “Gugu is amazing.”

“This slave is a fourth-ranked court lady of the Mingyue Palace. If this slave does not know these things, how can this slave have the face to serve niangniang?” Xiangjuan chuckled at Jiuzhu’s worshipping gaze. A court lady like her would be honored and supported by the imperial family for the rest of her life. Even lower-ranking officials would bow to her.

And since niangniang was a guifei, she was half a rank higher than the palace maids serving the other imperial concubines.

The senior palace maids were both the right-hand people and messengers of their masters. Therefore, some palace maids and eunuchs, secretly went to their masters’ natal families to seek benefits under the guise of it being their masters’ orders. Family members couldn’t enter the harem at will, so even if they were deceived, those people wouldn’t know.

“His Majesty has arrived!”

After the announcement was made three times in a row, the officials and mingfu stood up. Facing the door with proper posture, they bowed in unison: “Long live Your Majesty. Long live, long live.”

After performing the three bows, Jiuzhu heard the Xianzhu beside her continue with a strong voice, despite her advanced age: “Long live niangniang. Long live, long live.”

“Long live niangniang. Long live, long live!”

The old Xianzhu glanced at Jiuzhu, and Jiuzhu glanced back at her.

Both of them spoke almost at the same time during the singing and bowing.

The civil officials hesitated as they looked at Su Guifei, who was standing beside the Emperor. The large phoenix hairpin on her head was shining so brightly that it seemed to hurt their eyes.

The imperial relatives had all followed suit and greeted. Should they greet too?

In previous annual banquets, although Su Guifei accompanied His Majesty, everyone just made a perfunctory bow and said: “Greetings to Guifei niangniang.” Who caused trouble this year?

There was a brief period of stagnation in the hall until the two brothers of the Ming family, Assistant Minister Wu, and the officials of the third rank or above in the Ministry of Rites all made a bowing gesture. Everyone returned to their senses.

“Long live niangniang. Long live, long live.”

This time, most of the officials and mingfu also bowed down.

Watching the increasingly pleased smile on the Emperor’s face, everyone understood what he wanted.

He Tingyu sighed, ignoring the anger in Assistant Minister Yang’s eyes. He bowed and said during the third greeting: “Long live niangniang. Long live, long live.”

The third time was loud and uniform. Emperor Longfeng held Su Guifei’s hand and walked up to the high platform: “Zhen is deeply moved to know that zhen and officials’ feelings are interlinked.”


What feelings?

“Zhen has known Guifei since we were young. Over the years, she has given birth to a prince for zhen, managed the harem, and has always been respectful and frugal, never uttering a single complaint…”

Managed the harem?

Ever since His Majesty ascended the throne, when have there been new additions to the harem?

As for the words ‘respectful’ and ‘frugal’, as long as His Majesty himself didn’t feel embarrassed while saying them, they could pretend it was true.

“Over the years, Guifei has never left zhen’s side, shared zhen’s worries, but zhen has neglected her in every aspect due to state affairs.”

The expressions of the other imperial concubines altered between the shades of five colors1T/N: Five colours refer to black, white, red, yellow and blue. when they heard this. His Majesty was either in Taiyang Palace, in Mingyue Palace, or on his way to Mingyue Palace. How could that be considered neglect?

The more the civil officials listened, the more they felt that something was off with his words. What was he trying to do?

What are you trying to do?

“Recently, an official presented a memorial saying that the Palace cannot remain without an Empress for too long. Zhen had been feeling restless about it and even lost sleep. But in the end, zhen has to admit that this Beloved Official’s words were reasonable.”

The court officials looked at each other, trying to guess who was responsible for this matter.

When His Majesty ascended the throne, he wanted to make the Guifei his Empress. However, he had to give up because too many officials disapproved of it.

They believed that his affection for Su Guifei was only because of the days and nights they spent together in the Qian residence. They believed that as more women entered the Palace, that affection would naturally fade. Emotions were weak, all of the men understood this.

Unexpectedly, for more than ten years since His Majesty ascended the throne, not a single addition was made to the harem. Everyone blocked him from making Su Guifei the Empress, so he simply didn’t make anyone else one, and let Su Guifei dominate the harem.

As he strengthened his seat on the Dragon throne and controlled the military power of the country, the officials no longer dared to mention the matter of appointing an Empress in front of him. They were afraid that if His Majesty got the idea and wished to make Su Guifei his Empress, they wouldn’t be able to stop him.

So, who did this?

While the officials of the six ministries looked at each other in dismay, Ming Jingzhou and Ming Jinghai exchanged a glance, before lowering their heads in silence.

His Majesty had clearly fabricated this.

“The Guifei, Su-shi, is virtuous, kind, gentle, frugal and respectful, worthy of being zhen’s Empress.” Emperor Longfeng finally said the sentence that scared the officials: “Tomorrow, zhen will accompany Su Guifei to pay respects to the ancestors and promote her to the position of Empress.”

Thanks for reading ٩(๑ᴗ๑)۶! If you found any typo or want to suggest some corrections, feel free to do so in the comment section or on our discord server. And if you like my translation, please consider rating it on NU and supporting me on: