I was here to talk to the old man about having him sail me to Dewford so I could register my challenge towards the end of the month. After that I needed to go find Steven in the cave system near the city that he should be in at the moment to deliver the letter from Mr. stone. Then I needed to go to Slateport to track down the traffickers since the other stuff on my list of stuff to do should only take me a day at most. Once the trafficker were punished I then needed to have Mr. Briney come pick me up before my challenge date so that I could train my team for Brawly.-
There was a little back and forth in this plan but sadly this was just how it would go until I could get a pokemon that could carry me through the sea safely. With all this in mind I chose to allow the old man to have his way and pull me into the house. The inside of the house was warm and had all the things a home needed such as a kitchen and bathroom but it was clear that it hadn't had a women living in it in a long time if ever.-
On the table was the wingul that I had rescued from the aqua grunt looking at me in a friendly manner. "Can I offer you some tea lad?" Mr. Briney asked while moving to grab a clay cup from the rack of them against the wall to the right of the door frame. I agreed to having some tea since I was a little thirsty from the trip here. It was actually quite good too as it was made with ground dried berries and tea leaves in a steeping bag.-
The tea was thus naturally sweet and had a gentle tartness to it that complimented the tea leaves well. "You are in luck lad , I was actually expecting a guest in the next day or so and might not have been here if you came any later." Mr. Briney said with a chuckle. "Someone from Devon right?" I asked with a smirk. "How'd you know?" he asked with a surprised look. "Because that person is me , I made a deal with the president of Devon and part of it was transport over the seas. He said that you were my transport." I said smirking.-
Dewford was much like in the game an island city with the city itself taking up about a quarter of the island and the rest being rocky land with a few trees or beaches. The building reflected this as they were mostly made of stone or corrosion resistant metal. The Gym itself was at the highest point of the island interestingly enough with a steep path being the only clear way there. Mr. Briney parked the boat next to a dock and immediately got to work tying it to the dock.-
"I'll go grab some grub with Peeko and wait for you to finish your business here lad." he said and I gave him a thumbs up. Walking down the dock I got my usual stares but that was to be expected by this point for me so I ignored it. I didn't head to the gym first though since I wanted to get this letter delivered to Steven before I did that since the Gym was closer to the boat. With this in mind I crouched down slightly and in the next moment kicked up a good amount of sand as I took off running along the coast.-
Those stares went from interest to amazement as I ran at inhuman speeds down the coast towards where I believed the cave was from the game. Like usual the cave was much further away from the city than in the game but there was no missing it. There were several colorful signs around it's entrance and plenty of fisherman on the shore of the nearby beach. I slid to a stop in front of the entrance that was basically just a jagged hole in the rockface about eight feet tall and four wide.-
I reached into my satchel and removed the glowing crystals that I had from the cave I went through with Gaia awhile back. These crystals would basically remove the need for a flashlight for me as my eyesight worked great at this point. Not enough to see in near complete darkness but certainly enough to be fine in low light like the crystals would provide. I also released Gaia , Vulcan and Rune from their balls to accompany me through the cave. "Gaia you will bring up the rear as I am pretty sure there are Sableye in this cave and I'd rather not have one attack us from behind." I say seriously and she hummed in agreement.