
Name:A random pokemon journey Author:

Once the agony in my head vanished I opened my eyes and immediately threw up. X-ray vision as it turned out was extremely nauseating to use and to top it off gave me a huge headache. I had to take the rest of the day just to bring it under control as well as when activated it went full power right off the rip and believe me that was some intense shit right their. I also learned thanks to my pokemon that when I use it my eyes change shape as my pupils widened drastically and glow faintly as my aura passively flowing into them.-

Needless to say unless I want to wear a blindfold for the rest of my life the hide it's usage peeking through clothes in public was a no go. I know right? Really just killed my whole buzz with that understanding as any straight man can tell you that was the first thing they would use it for. I refuse to believe that superman hasn't peeked at women before with the ability at least once. Still despite the perverted application being pretty much off limits this ability did have plenty of good uses.-

The best in my opinion was treasure hunting as I could quite literally look straight at any mountain or even the ground and figure out if it held treasure so long as it was within my normal visions range. Hell merely looking through the forest floor let me see several valuable things under the stone meters below the surface. Unfortunately I could only use the ability in short bursts as not only did it drain aura rapidly but it gave me a splitting headache every single time I used it. I of course told my pokemon what ability I got with mixed reviews all around.-

For Gaia she was interested in how it made it easy to find metal for her to eat after she evolves again. Vulcan thought it was useless if it couldn't be used in battle which I can't say I wasn't expecting. Tank thought it would help me with my poke medic skill which I honestly hadn't even thought of but was totally true. Being able to literally see within a pokemon without cutting them open or using a machine will definitely help me treat pokemon injuries in the future. -

Thanks to this Rune was pretty much untouchable if he pulled the move off in time and the opposition didn't use a wide area attack. The Electrike was less than pleased at missing and used discharge to try and do damage. I scoffed at that as the blast of electric energy struck rune and he shivered in pleasure as his volt absorb kicked in letting him actually get benefit from the attack instead of damage. "Quick attack!" I called while the Electrike was weakened and caught off guard after the attack failed epically.-

Discharge was a risky move all around as it left the user quite tired afterwards due to the drastic cost of the move from their energy pool. Clearly the Electrike made the mistake of thinking it was fighting a fire type and thought the attack would cause damage while also letting it recover afterwards. Rune slammed into the spikey green furred dog pokemon while glowing white causing it to cry out in pain. "Rush him , don't let up!" I ordered and Rune obeyed.-

The Electrike simply couldn't recover during the onslaught and soon enough dropped unconscious as I called the fight in our victory as Rune panted. Using moves in quick succession like that took a heavy toll not only on a pokemons energy pool but also their physical stamina so a rush like this left one quite tired. That said it held serious merit as a battle tactic as once a pokemon is subjected to a rush recovery becomes very difficult. There were a few ways to break out of course but the pokemon getting rushed needs the time and focus necessary to do so first.-

The most used strategy for dealing with a rushing opponent is a signature of Brawly in the moves known as bide and counter. Bide causes the rushed pokemon to endure the damage in exchange for unleashing it and more on the attacker after a certain amount of time. Counter on the other hand directly had the attacked pokemon return fire after an attack that tends to end a rush before it can really begin. I walked over to the Electrike and used my X-ray vision to check for internal injuries before spraying it with a potion and walking away again since it was mostly just bruised and battered.