Adjusted goal

Name:A random pokemon journey Author:
Adjusted goal

"Groudon and Kyogre are currently clashing and we were hoping you might calm them." I said honestly. I also noted that Rayquaza had confirmed my theory of people having known of this location but kept it quiet. 'It's been about five hundred years since those two last battled so I am surprised that you mortals even remembered that I was the one that calmed them at that time. Usually by this point in your growth cycles you have very few records of us.' Rayquaza said calmly. "What do you mean by growth cycles?" I asked with a suspicion I wasn't going to like the answer.-

'I suppose there's no harm in telling you. This is not the first time you mortals have formed a civilization that has grown so advanced. In truth it isn't even that special really as I have witnessed the rise and fall of such a thing no less than twenty times. There are differences of course but the general structure is always surprisingly similar. In an ironic twist you mortals also tend to be the reason for each and every one of those civilizations falling in the end and having everything reset for you.' The legendary said with an amused tone.-

I REALLY didn't like what I heard at all. How could I when I had basically just been told that in all reality my goal was impossible to achieve. What good is leaving a legend when the civilization it belongs to will likely self destruct and erase all trace of it with it? I wasn't surprised to learn that civilization rose and fell over the course of this worlds history as similar things happened on earth but learning they were as advanced as the current one or even further yet still fell put a serious damper on things.-

'Ah yes , I recognize that look. You were hoping you were something special right? You mortals always do. Honestly it's almost funny how you lot always seem to think the world revolves around you only to have that shattered by the reality of just how insignificant you really are. While you stay here and contemplate that I should go stop those two before they damage your cycle beyond repair. Do stay put though, I am curious what conclusions you come to.' Rayquaza said before the tower rumbled as it uncoiled from around it and shot into the sky.-

"How will you get back from this island without me though?" He asked concerned. I shrugged "I guess I could try and convince some Altaria in this place to fly me to the mainland after I talk with Rayquaza." I said casually. It was true too as while getting to this island required some help from Steven since I lacked a flying pokemon myself getting back to the mainland was a simple matter given the many Altaria that were living here.-

Convincing at least one of them to take me should be possible and if not well I could always risk sounding rude and ask Rayquaza instead. If that doesn't work I guess I could call someone to come get me because I am NOT swimming. "I'll stay so we can go together but I think I'll wait at the bottom of the tower for you to get done here." Steven said and I nodded. "Can't say I blame you." I said with a chuckle. He had already proven his bravery by not shitting himself in the face of Rayquaza in my opinion.-

There fear and then there's the sort of inbuilt dread that comes from standing before something you have no chance of surviving should it decide to end you. This was beyond simple emotions and was hard coded into every living being capable of determining danger. I certainly wasn't immune to it as even I froze in front of Rayquaza until it personally snapped me out of it. While I waited for the ancient pokemon to return Steven made his way down the tower like he said he would and I sat down on a broken chunk of stone to wait.-

About ten minutes later I got an update to my quest that told me Groudon had been stopped but yet the quest wasn't finished. No new objectives showed up but the quest was still incomplete which was weird. 'Did this thing glitch out? Wait can it even glitch out!?' I was starting to panic when the air grew heavy dragging my thoughts back to reality just in time to see Rayquaza coil around the tower again. 'All done , you left out the part where you mortals were the ones who awoken them.' The legendary said without seeming to really care.