
Name:A random pokemon journey Author:

"Was wondering if you'd bring that up. The Joy clan was the ones that broke faith in this regard I'm afraid." Watson said seriously. I frowned at it though as the Joy clan shouldn't have even known about the move to begin with. Watson seemed to understand my confusion and explained further. "You are on the list lad and you are considered an asset by the league too so when you made that whole plan and report about the move Birch and Stone both had to report it to the leagues higher ups."-

"The thing is that we all agreed to keep the move a secret until you set off that plan of yours since if it got out before that you'd have a huge target painted on your back. I can assure you that that crone has gotten in serious trouble for leaking it like she did. It kicked up quite the storm in the Joy clan as well. A few of them thought she hadn't done anything wrong given the situation while others understood that she had used this whole thing as an excuse to vent out some of her own displeasure."-

"Not going to sugar coat it lad , the Joy clan is not a fan of yours at all. Even so they know when they've done wrong and have been in discussion with the league about how to compensate you." Watson said with a tired sigh. "Kill her." I said coldly. Watson froze the moment I spoke the words and gave me a stern look. "You understand exactly what you are asking for correct?" he asked seriously. "I am a simple person Watson since this was a personal matter rather than something done by the entire clan then I won't punish the whole clan for it unless they insist on protecting her." -

"That said she crossed a line and must pay the price for it and I don't believe in giving second chances for people that threaten my life. She dies by their hand or my own , the only difference is the amount of bodies getting put in the ground." I said staring him right in the eye. "There is no coming back from this Alex. If I put forth this demand that clan will hate you no matter where you go." he said firmly. -

First was I could see whether or not the Joy clan was being sincere or not and second I draw the line for everyone to see clearly from this point onwards. This news will undoubtedly get out and reach people with ill intentions towards me which will likely make them rethink their actions towards myself. If I am willing to demand the head of a member of a hegemonic clan like the Joys then I am DEFINTELY willing to go after anyone else who crosses the line. A bit of controlled insanity if you will to keep everyone in line.-

I didn't stick around Mauville after that and headed north along the path left by Groudon since it was the fastest route towards Lavaridge. Tank had been sent off to Birch before I left the city and I had the Spiritomb clipped to my belt since I planned to work with it during this travel. Even after I took the ball out of stasis mode however the thing hadn't tried to leave it's ball. In fact I was almost willing to bet money that it was watching everything going on from inside it's ball and making it's own conclusions.-

It made no difference to me since my plan was the same regardless of what it thought. Once I was good and far from anyone else I released the thing from it's ball only for it to act like a normal rock by hiding in it's keystone. "I know you are awake it's pointless trying to play dead." I said calmly and a small black cloud seeped out of the keystone and manifest a red "eye" that glared at me angrily but also with caution. 'Not perfect but better than nothing.' I thought seeing this.-

"In case it wasn't obvious I caught you for the purpose of adding you to my team." I spoke and the cloud hissed in defiance. "Don't bother trying the whole stubborn resistance thing , we both know this is only good for you. I can guarantee that had I not caught you the league would have killed or sealed you so the very least you can do is listen to what I have to say." I said calmly and the red eyes turned thoughtful before staring at me impatiently. 'Maybe this won't be as hard as I thought' I thought with a smirk, I was wrong I quickly learned.