Chapter 85: A Truce in Sight?

Name:A Rattling Monster Author:
Chapter 85: A Truce in Sight?

The small peace that I hoped was a futile dream. The reason, I managed to run away quickly because they were scared of me, but they are still capable of finding me. And apparently, Oslo can't really see them, only know that they are coming. Explain to me once again, because I did really understand.

(It's easy, like I said before, since you are my Hero, I can see your surroundings. The stronger you are, the more accurate is my vision, and the bigger is the area where I can scout. But, to prevent other Heroes to meet each other, all of us have put a small invisibility spell on you. For example, the blessing that Aria granted you, the forsaken thing if I remember correctly. Well, that makes you totally invisible to any gods, except me since I tracked you from the beginning. So, if Krieg is watching the oasis where we are, he will only see a skeleton, number one. You are something that he can't see, except when his followers have a direct sight. You get that part?)

Yes, it is always about your Hero, you grant him many advantages and therefore, try to do anything to protect him. And since it is mainly a war between two gods, hiding a Hero from the sight of the other god is a smart idea. What I don't understand is how can you know that they are coming, but don't know how many? Shouldn't you be able to see the Chosen but not the Prophet?

(That's what I was explaining. The Chosen are, first of all, marked by Krieg, to make them his people. Then, they follow a dark ritual to grant them more benefits, like a minor Hero, if you have to think about something. So all that he gives to his Prophet, the Chosen receive a bit. And so, the invisibility blessing that I talked about, instead of making them invisible, it just caused a dark area in my vision. So I can see that blind spot moving, and it is coming that way.)

So, for example, if we do the same ritual to number one, shouldn't he be stronger?

(Well, that's not some basic ritual, it's is very costly, you need a lot of ingredients, some strange materials, sometimes, even the soul of a living monster. The nature of such a thing is based on the God that grants it, the Hero, the receiver of the ritual, a lot of things. In short, you won't be able to do anything like that. I am not a roaming god like Krieg, until we are back at Forslo, it would be impossible anyway. So just prepare yourself for the incoming fight.)

Do you have a book with all the rules and everything you can and cannot do? Because it looks extremely complex, all those interplanetary wars, world invasions, roaming gods, guardian gods. Newborn gods.

(No, you learn all of this with your experience and failures. A lot of failures. Normally, if you look toward the South, you can see them.)

Yes, I see them. Are they twenty-two? Didn't you tell me that only nineteen Chosen have survived? So why there are two additional people?

(Because they are not Chosen, it's the surrendering bastard and another lucky guy. I really wonder how they managed to survive. They probably hide in some dark holes and only the threat of the Prophet brings them here, in front of us.)

Well, at least we will have a familiar face, it's better than all those armors that are all the same. Maybe one of them is the one we met the first time we reached the base. But right now, I have barely 300MP, so no additional skeleton magician and number one is probably out of mana. What is your condition number one?

-I can cast four fireballs, master. Or just one shield, if you think it is better.

That's a great idea, I love it, I just think about a tiny detail. HOW DO I GET CLOSE?

(Ehhhh, you will find a way.)

Seriously? Ok, so let's make them think I play along.

-I ac-accept your offer, sleek sleek. But we have to ag-agree on the termsss. Nothing will be le-left untouched.

-Of course, like I said, by the rules. It will be a proper contract between two representatives, for you, you will be unable to harm us by any means in your possession, so your skeletons won't be able to assault my men anymore. While on my side, Krieg will leave Forslo.

(Stop, precise, all the followers, dead and alive, of Krieg, will leave Forlso. That's the most basic trap.)

-All the fo-followers, dead and alive, of Krieg wi-will leave Forssslo, sleek sleek. Don't try anything like th-that again.

-Fine, come closer, we have to be within reach of the power of both of our gods when we pronounce the oath. Don't worry, your god can tell you that I have not cast anything while we are speaking. You didn't, I didn't, so let's just end this. It's not even your world, so I have no idea of why you are focusing on us.

-You are the we-weakessst, sleek sleek.

That's true, but when he said that, that gives me the possibility to approach them. Oslo, what is that area of power that he was talking about.

(To make the oath working the two Heroes should be at less than fifty meters away from each other. So that makes you at a big distance from the army. More than the size your [Nightfall] can cover. You will have to run for at least 40 meters in broad daylight, but the connection with Krieg would have been lost. But if any of the followers is outside your spell, he will be able to spot you.)

So, I have to blind the twenty-two humans in front of me with one spell? Or multiples instances of that very spell?