Chapter 500: Chaotic Battle

Han Li cast aside all of his errant thoughts as he focused his gaze intently on the green pill cauldron.

Three silver droplets emerged within the vortex, then fell upon the palace before exploding violently and crashing down as bolts of lightning.

Radiant golden light erupted out of the spirit patterns across the entire palace, forming a golden light barrier that kept the silver lightning at bay.

The golden and silver light clashed, releasing extremely formidable energy fluctuations that caused the entire palace to tremble violently.

However, no one was looking at the pill tribulation unfolding up above. Instead, all of them were staring intently at the pill cauldron, waiting for the next batch of pills to emerge.

Just like before, the silver light quickly subsided, while the golden light in the palace also gradually faded.

It didn't take long before both had completely faded, and yet another pill tribulation was successfully endured.

The three dragons on the pill cauldron opened their mouths, and three more High Zenith Pills shot out of the cauldron.

Immediately thereafter, three additional golden puppets emerged, seemingly from out of nowhere, then caught a High Zenith Pill each.

At the same time, everyone in the palace also rushed toward the three pills as quickly as they could. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Lights of different colors surfaced over their bodies before expanding outward to form a series of spirit domains.

At this point, everyone knew that it was time to display their true power, and eight or nine spirit domains of different colors had emerged within the palace in the blink of an eye.

All types of law powers were surging toward Han Li from all directions, instantly slowing him down significantly.

Everyone else was also slowed down by the multitude of spirit domains in the area, particularly Han Li's time spirit domain, which had the most significant slowing effect.

Han Li looked around momentarily, then abruptly slowed down so that he kept pace with everyone instead of darting ahead.

At the same time, all of the gray statues on either side of the palace also pounced forward once again.

However, they were also affected by all of the spirit domains in the area, and they were slowed down to an even greater extent than all of the cultivators present.

As for the golden array on the ground, it had just been destroyed by that eruption of gray light from the living corpse's body, so the white flame restriction wasn't triggered.

Even though everyone's speed was significantly diminished, the interior of the palace wasn't exactly a massive area, so everyone was still able to reach the three golden puppets in the blink of an eye.

Radiant golden light erupted out of the three puppets' bodies as they each threw a punch in a different direction, unleashing thick arcs of golden lightning that sprang forth in all directions.

The lightning attacks unleashed by these golden puppets were quite formidable, posing a threat even to Golden Immortals, but now that their attacks were scattered, they posed far less of a threat.

Hence, no one bothered to dodge the attacks as they briefly adopted some defensive measures before pouncing at the puppets to try and wrench the High Zenith Pills straight out of their hands.

Luo Qinghai harrumphed coldly as dazzling blue light erupted out of his body, and once again, his aura swelled to the High Zenith Stage.

The blue staff appeared in his hand amid a flash of blue light, and he swung it through the air, releasing a thick blade of blue light that tore through the oncoming arcs of golden lightning with ease before striking the right arm of one of the golden puppets.

The dark red threads also disengaged themselves from their clash against Han Li's time law threads and flew back up her sleeve.

Right at this moment, Han Li's voice suddenly rang out beside the elderly woman's ears. "I didn't expect to see you here, Fellow Daoist Wyrm 3."

Her expression stiffened ever so slightly upon seeing this, but she didn't slow down in the slightest as she continued flying back in retreat, as did the elderly man with her.

Han Li made a beckoning motion to draw his time law threads and Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords back to himself, and a faint smile appeared on his face as he watched the elderly woman fly away into the distance.

At this point, he was all but certain that she was indeed Wyrm 3.

Right at this moment, a resounding boom abruptly rang out nearby, followed by an eruption of black light.

Han Li turned to discover that all four Vast Flow Palace Golden Immortals and Nan Kemeng had been sent flying through the air, while Feng Tiandu and Qi Tianxiao were standing not far away from them.

There was a cold sneer on Feng Tiandu's face as he held a High Zenith Pill in one hand, and two halves of a golden puppet were laying on the ground at their feet.

It had only been a few seconds since the three High Zenith Pills had emerged, and all three of them had already been claimed.

Meanwhile, the gray statues were heavily affected by all of the spirit domains in the area, so they were still yet to even reach the pill cauldron.

All of the gray puppets began to glow with radiant yellow light, which instantly connected together to form that giant go board projection again.

Individually, these puppets didn't pose much of a threat, but this go board projection ability that they were collectively able to unleash was extremely formidable, and everyone hurriedly flew back in retreat upon seeing this.

Han Li also did the same, releasing a burst of azure light out of his sleeve to sweep up Jin Tong before flying away himself, while Daoist Xie flew back into his body as a streak of golden light.

However, right at this moment, two black chains suddenly shot out the space behind him before wrapping themselves around his body, instantly stopping him cold in his tracks.

As a result, he was caught within the yellow go board projection, and he instantly felt as if there were an enormous mountain weighing down upon him.

He turned around with some difficulty to find Feng Tiandu watching him with a cold sneer on his face. Even as he was flying back in retreat, there were two black chains protruding out of his sleeve.

Han Li gave a cold harrumph as radiant golden light erupted out of his body in all directions.

At the same time, a resplendent golden wheel appeared behind him.

Countless incredibly dense golden ripples surged through the air, spreading outward at an incredible speed, and both Feng Tiandu and Qi Tianxiao were instantly caught within them.

Immediately thereafter, both of them were stopped cold in their tracks, and it was as if they had been frozen on the spot.

Some of the nearby gray statues and close to half of the yellow go board projection were also encompassed within the golden ripples, and they were all slowed down to a crawl as well.

Luo Qinghai and the others were all astonished to see this, while Ouyang Kuishan exclaimed in incredulity, "Surely that's not the Mantra Treasured Axis!"

As a dao lord of the Blaze Dragon Dao, he was naturally aware of the Mantra Axis Scripture, but this Mantra Treasured Axis was unlike anything that they had ever seen or heard of before!

In particular, the hundreds of Time Dao Runes on the axis was simply mind-boggling to him!