Chapter 551: Familiar Aura

Could it be that he perished to a sneak attack?

The reason that Han Li was speculating this was due to the wound on Mu Yan's lower abdomen.

He wasn't able to find out how Mu Yan was killed through his memories, but he could sense a great deal of resentment in the remnants of Mu Yan's soul.

All of a sudden, Han Li noticed something on a corner of Mu Yan's sleeve, and he reached out to tear the sleeve apart, revealing a small white silken handkerchief that was riddled with tiny text.

The material of the handkerchief was identical to that of his clothes, and it had been concealed very well. If it weren't for the fact that Mu Yan's sleeve was currently stained with blood, Han Li would've failed to notice the handkerchief.

After examining the handkerchief for a moment, an elated look immediately appeared on Han Li's face.

The passage of the text on the handkerchief contained none other than the Mantra Domain secret technique, and this was most likely the full version, one that was much more comprehensive and even more profound than the incomplete version that Han Li had derived from Immortal Lord Miro's lecture.

He began to pore over the passage of text, and the more he saw, the more stunned he became.

The Mantra Domain was one of the most advanced secret techniques of the True Mantra Sect, and it was said that upon achieving full mastery of the secret technique, one could speak things into existence and influence heaven and earth with their words.

Of course, at the very least, one had to be at the High Zenith Stage to even have a chance of achieving such miraculous feats, and at Han Li's current cultivation base, he could only use the Mantra Domain to unleash some illusions.

Even so, it had proven to be very useful in several past battles, and if he could use it wisely in conjunction with his time spirit domain, he was confident that it would serve him very well in future battles.

Han Li quickly read through the entire passage of text on the silken handkerchief, committing it firmly to his memory, and not a moment too soon as the final Time Dao Rune on the Mantra Treasured Axis faded almost immediately thereafter.

After a rush of dizziness, Han Li's spiritual sense quickly returned to his body.

The translucent wall of light in front of him was gradually dissipating, while he looked on with a dazed expression.

The vision had shown him what had happened in the final moments of the True Mantra Sect, while also displaying to him the power of the Time Dao Ancestor.

Even though all of these things had happened in the distant past, Han Li was still reeling from what he had seen.

Through cultivating the Spirit Refinement Technique, he had already pitted himself against the Heavenly Court, and now, his cultivation of the laws of time was eventually going to set him on a collision course with the Time Dao Ancestor.

Even a Great Encompassment Stage mighty figure like Immortal Lord Miro had stood no chance against the Time Dao Lord, how was a mere Golden Immortal like himself going to fare?

The Time Dao Lord most likely wouldn't even have to lift a finger to kill him.

A wry smile appeared on Han Li's face at this sobering thought, but there was no point in thinking excessively about such matters. Inevitably, such a day would come, but for now, he had to focus on becoming more powerful and making it out of the primordial land alive.

With that in mind, he flipped a hand over to produce a blank jade slip, then pressed it against his own forehead and recorded the Mantra Domain secret technique that he had just memorized into it.

Three more months passed by in the blink of an eye.

These specks of golden light surged steadily into the golden vial at Han Li's behest, and a series of tiny specks of golden light instantly began to appear within the vial.

Close to a year flew by in a flash, and at this point, the Clear Time Vial was already filled with specks of golden light, resembling a translucent bottle that was filled with golden fireflies.

Han Li sat completely still on the spot with his legs crossed, and his entire body was basked in a radiant river of golden light, with countless specks of golden light continuing to surge out from within before entering the Clear Time Vial.

The vial seemed to have reached its maximal capacity, and all of the specks of golden light instantly began to converge to form a ball.

That ball of golden light then vanished into the vial in a flash, manifesting itself as a Time Dao Rune.

At this point, there were already five other Time Dao Runes on the vial.

With the addition of this latest Time Dao Rune, the Clear Time Vial began to buzz audibly, and Han Li suddenly stopped what he was doing, upon which all of the flowing golden light around him quickly vanished.

Immediately thereafter, he rubbed his hands together, and the Clear Time Vial vanished as well.

The fourth chapter had been far more difficult to cultivate than the third one, requiring one to manifest six Time Dao Runes, but once again, it had barely posed any obstacle to Han Li at all.

He rose to his feet and exhaled as he swept a hand through the air to withdraw the restrictions around his cave abode, then made his way over to one of the windows in the outer room.

It was late at night at the moment, and there were countless bright stars in the clear sky.

Han Li took a glance up above, then made a hand seal, and his Clear Time Vial appeared on the window sill in front of him amid a flash of golden light.

The six Time Dao Runes on the vial instantly began to flash, and tiny specks of white light emerged within the moonlight that was spilling in through the window before being drawn into the opening of the vial.

Han Li gave a pleased nod upon seeing this.

However, the rate of absorption of moonlight was very slow, and at this rate, it was going to take a considerably long time to manifest a time water droplet.

Right at this moment, the sound of footsteps rang out from outside, and Jin Tong entered the cave abode while riding on Xiao Bai's back.

Her brows were tightly furrowed, indicating that she was troubled by something, and Xiao Bai could sense that she was in a bad mood, so it was making sure to walk very carefully to avoid jostling her.

"What's wrong, Jin Tong?" Han Li asked as he stowed his Clear Time Vial away.

Jin Tong opened her mouth to say something, but seemed to be rather hesitant.

"It's alright, if you have something on your mind, then tell me. I'll look out for you," Han Li assured with a smile.

"I've been feeling a very familiar aura... Well, it's not actually that familiar, it's just very similar to mine, like another me, and this aura is currently getting closer," Jin Tong revealed.

"An aura very similar to yours? Could it be..."