Chapter 673: Acquaintance

Situated in the spatial storm, Han Li was like a leaf that had fallen into a vast sea. There were turbulent currents all around him, tossing him around against his will.

He immediately released his time spirit domain, and the surrounding spatial storm instantly slowed down significantly under the effects of the spirit domain, allowing him some respite, but the blades of white light weren't slowed down by much at all as they continued to rain down upon him.

Han Li took a deep breath, then made a rapid string of hand seals, and the golden flag around him brightened even further before fusing into his time spirit domain.

The surrounding river of golden light instantly swelled to around ten times its original size with a dull thump, and the golden stars within it also expanded drastically as it surged forward with tremendous power.

The blue shield was also glowing radiantly as it swelled to several times its original size, and a projection of a winding river appeared on its surface.

As soon as the blades of white light entered the river of golden stars, they were all involuntarily swept away, so none of them were able to strike Han Li.

However, there were far too many of these blades of light, and some would occasionally force their way through the river of golden stars, but they were kept at bay by the blue shield, which was also a very profound treasure.

All of the blades of white light would instantly warp upon making contact with the shield, causing them to veer off their original trajectories, and Han Li was feeling very reassured upon seeing this.

He was able to refocus his attention on forging ahead, but he didn't have much time. After all, using his spirit domain and two time-attribute immortal treasures at full capacity at once was extremely taxing, and even he wouldn't be able to keep this up for long.

Around fifteen minutes later, Han Li was finally able to rush out of the spatial storm and stumble out into the open.

However, the sight that greeted him on the other side was far from an encouraging one.

The entire surrounding space was filled with chaotic spatial turbulence, and both of the nearby continents had vanished without a trace.

He immediately came to realize that he had been swept away to an unknown place by the spatial storm from earlier, and he currently had no idea where he was.

The spatial turbulence was extremely dangerous, and he didn't have much immortal spiritual power left, so if he couldn't find a safe place soon, then he really was at risk of dying here.

With that in mind, he immediately took a pill, then flipped his hands over to produce a pair of mid-grade Immortal Origin Stones, replenishing his immortal spiritual power while doing his best to recall the location of the two continents from before.

However, he had completely lost all sense of direction while in the spatial storm, so there was no way that he could recall where those two continents were.

After a brief moment of contemplation, he set off in a certain direction while continuing to maintain his time spirit domain and the two immortal treasures.

Even though using all three of those things at once was very taxing on his immortal spiritual power, it also allowed him to traverse quickly through the spatial turbulence, and his current top priority was to find somewhere safe.

Thankfully, his luck wasn't completely terrible, and after flying for some time, he spotted a landmass up ahead.

An ecstatic look appeared on his face as he hurriedly flew toward the landmass, and at teh same time, he channeled the remaining immortal spiritual power in his body as he extended a finger forward.

A golden finger projection instantly appeared before striking the spatial barrier, poking a large hole through it.

Han Li shot through the hole like lightning, and the surrounding violent pressure instantly faded.

At this moment, he was looking as pale as a sheet, and he withdrew his time spirit domain and the two immortal treasures, then took a few deep breaths to steady himself.

However, there were simply too many of these beams of azure light, and Immortal Lord Hot Flame was still forced to constantly take evasive measures.

"Don't test my patience any further, Huo Zhuozi! Hand over the map, and I'll let you leave. If you continue to resist, then I'll just have to kill you first!" the azure-robed man yelled.

There were already quite a few wounds on Immortal Lord Hot Flame's body, but he wasn't backing down in the slightest as he spat, "Shut your mouth, you Heavenly Court scoundrel! If you want the map, then come and get it!

"In that case, I'll grant you the fate that you desire and send you to your grave!" the azure-robed man harrumphed coldly as a hint of killing intent flashed through his eyes.

Immediately thereafter, the azure moon above his head swelled drastically in size at his behest, and the number of beams of azure light that it was releasing instantly increased by severalfold.

A grim look appeared in Immortal Lord Hot Flame's eyes upon seeing this, and he opened his mouth to release a ball of blood essence into the golden mirror strapped to his waist.

The mirror immediately shot forth while releasing bursts of fiery golden light, and at the same time, it swelled to several times its original size before positioning itself in front of Immortal Lord Hot Flame like a shield.

The mirror had only just settled into place when it was struck by countless beams of azure light, and the golden ripples released by the mirror still had their usual slowing effect, but these oncoming beams of azure light were far faster than the ones from before, so the slowing effect wasn't all that apparent.

A string of resounding clangs rang out as the golden mirror trembled violently, and the golden light emanating from it was also flickering incessantly, looking as if it could completely fade at any moment.

However, the mirror remained in place in a resilient fashion, and the golden light around it refused to fade.

A hint of surprise flashed through the azure-robed man's eyes upon seeing this, and a greedy look appeared on his face as he gazed upon the golden mirror.

He then gave a cold harrumph as a burst of azure light erupted out of his body, forming an azure spirit domain that was several dozen kilometers in size.

Right at this moment, a burst of green light suddenly appeared beside the azure moon without any warning, then instantly enveloped it.

The azure moon instantly dimmed as the azure light emanating from it faded, revealing it to be an azure jade bead immortal treasure.

At the same time, a large golden lock appeared out of thin air behind the azure-robed man, then sped toward him like lightning.

"Who goes there?"

The azure-robed man's expression changed drastically as he swiveled around while opening his mouth to release a silver plate, which clashed against the golden lock with a loud clang.

Immediately thereafter, he swept a sleeve through the air to release an azure bamboo slip immortal treasure that transformed into an azure light barrier that encompassed his body from all directions.

At the same time, he reached out with his other hand to make a grabbing motion toward the azure jade bead up above, and a resounding boom rang out as a mountainous azure hand appeared above the jade bead before grabbing forcefully down upon the burst of green light.

The green light was instantly shattered with a dull thump to reveal a green gourd, and there were countless green runes surging around the gourd, giving off tremendous law power fluctuations that caused the nearby space to buzz and tremble incessantly.

That's an Essential Immortal Treasure!

The azure-robed man was ecstatic to see this, and a massive azure rune appeared over the mountainous azure hand at his behest, following which the enormous hand closed itself around the green gourd.

The gourd immediately began to tremble violently, as if it were struggling to free itself, but the giant azure hand held it firmly into place, refusing to let it escape.