Chapter 699: Tribe

"Get back!"

A cold roar rang out from one of the carriages at the front of the procession, and a humanoid lizard being shot out from within.

He was far more imposing in stature than his brethren, and he had a round head with facial features that very closely resembled those of a human. The only difference was that his face was covered in gray scales, and he was giving off a tremendous Grand Ascension Stage aura.

With a sweep of his hand, a burst of radiant gray light was released, and it contained a gray bone sword that hurtled directly toward one of the oncoming gray birds.

The bird immediately attempted to take evasive measures in a startled fashion, but it wasn't able to completely get out of the way, and a long gash was sliced into its lower abdomen as it let loose an agonized squawk.

Three more figures flew out of the other carriages, and all of them were giving off Body Integration Stage auras as they lashed out at the other gray birds with various bone treasures of their own.

The gray birds let loose fierce squawks as they opened their beaks to release flurries of blades of gray wind toward the humanoid lizard beings. At the same time, their black claws began to glow radiantly as they reached out to grab at the bone treasures.

A ferocious battle immediately ensued, and the procession of humanoid lizard beings were plunged into a state of complete chaos.

The gray deer began to flee in all directions in a blind panic, while the humanoid lizard beings hurriedly chased after them before herding them away from the battlefield.

Before long, the humanoid lizard beings had been forced onto the back foot.

They were outnumbered by the gray birds, most of which were at the Body Integration Stage, and the Grand Ascension Stage humanoid lizard being was the most powerful figure on the battlefield, but a the moment, he was completely preoccupied with dealing with three of the gray birds at once.

The other three humanoid lizard beings were clearly struggling to contend against the remaining four gray birds, and if it weren't for a gray bone shield that was blocking most of the attacks from the gray birds, the three of them would've already sustained injuries.

Even so, the situation was rapidly worsening, and the three humanoid lizard beings clearly weren't going to be able to last much longer.

"We're in trouble, Chief!" the humanoid lizard being wielding the gray bone shield yelled in an urgent voice after withstanding another claw swipe from one of the gray birds.

Their chief had already noticed the perilous situation that his three brethren were in, and he was desperate to do something, but he was being completely nullified by the three gray birds.

All of a sudden, an agonized howl rang out as one of the humanoid lizard beings was struck by a burst of claw projections in a momentary lapse in concentration. Several long gashes were instantly torn into his body, and one of his arms was almost completely amputated, only just barely hanging onto his body by some small shreds of skin and flesh.

At the same time, he was sent flying by the attack, and their triangular formation was instantly shattered.

One of the gray birds squawked with excitement as it set off after the wounded humanoid lizard being, and an alarmed and furious look appeared in the chief's eyes as he opened his mouth to release a burst of gray light into his gray bone sword.

The gray sword instantly swiveled around before transforming into a massive ball of gray light that was churning and flashing incessantly.

Formidable sword qi fluctuations were surging out of the ball of gray light, causing the nearby space to ripple violently.

Two of the three gray birds hurriedly flew back in retreat upon seeing this, while a cold gleam flashed through the eyes of the final bird, and it spread its wings before swooping down upon the chief of the humanoid lizard beings.

At the same time, it opened its beak to send a plume of black light raining down upon the chief, who hurriedly made a hand seal in response, upon which the ball of gray light abruptly exploded at his behest.

Countless thin, gray streaks of swordlight erupted forth in all directions, instantly encompassing the entire surrounding area in a radius of several thousand feet.

A shrill cry rang out before immediately trailing off, and the body of the gray bird came tumbling out of the sky.

As soon as the trio descended out of the sky, all of the Gray Lizard beings on the ground below immediately knelt down and kowtowed to them.

Han Li was rather perplexed to see this.

While it was true that his cultivation base was far above theirs, these Gray Lizard beings were still acting far too respectfully. It was almost as if they were a group of beggars that were meeting the emperor.

Despite his befuddlement, Han Li didn't ask any questions.

The herd of gray deer at the back of the procession were still fleeing in panic, and they were yet to be reined in, so the process was still looking quite disorderly.

"Get those things in check! We're making a fool out of ourselves in front of these esteemed immortals! Also, pass down my orders to everyone, we're going to set up camp here today," the chief said with a stern expression.

One of the Body Integration Stage Gray Lizard beings hurriedly flew away to carry out the instructions, while the chief led Han Li's duo to the carriage at the very front of the procession.

"Please take a seat inside, esteemed immortals."

The carriage was over a thousand feet in length and around two hundred to three hundred feet wide, roughly equivalent in size to a small plaza, and there were around a dozen large tents set up on it.

A series of gray runes had been engraved onto the edges and the underside of the carriage, forming an array that was constantly releasing plumes of gray clouds to lift the carriage up from the ground.

As Han Li descended onto the carriage, he felt as if he had landed on a cloud, and it immediately became clear to him why a single rhinoceros-like beast was sufficient to draw such an enormous carriage.

The chief led the two of them to the largest tent on the carriage, and Han Li made his way inside without any hesitation.

Shi Chuankong was trailing along behind Han Li, and he knew that his aura alteration wasn't perfect, so he wanted to attract as little attention as possible. Hence, he was more than happy to follow Han Li's lead.

The interior space of the tent was quite large, and it was split up into two sections, one of which was a guest hall of sorts. At the center of the guest hall was a long table, on either side of which was a soft beasthide cushion.

The other section of the tent seemed to be the resting quarters, and the two sections were divided by a thick curtain.

Han Li didn't know what material the tent was made from, but as soon as he entered it, all of the outside sounds instantly faded.

"Please take a seat, esteemed immortals."

The chief gestured for Han Li's duo to sit down at the table, while he stood respectfully off to the side.

Right at this moment, a servant entered the tent, carrying three deer antler cups that were filled with white tea, which were giving off wisps of white mist and a faint fragrance.

"This White Antler Tea is made from the antlers of our Gray Lizard Tribe's Coral Antler Deer, combined with deer milk and over ten other ingredients. It has a cultivation enhancement effect, but of course, that won't apply to esteemed immortals of your lofty cultivation bases. Having said that, the tea is still quite delectable, so please give it a taste," the chief said with a fawning smile.

Han Li picked up the cup before taking a sip, then nodded as he said, "This a fine tea."

In reality, he didn't swallow the mouthful of tea. Instead, he funneled it straight into his Flower Branch domain as a safety precaution.

The chief was ecstatic to see this, and he immediately ordered the servant to bring Han Li's duo some more delicacies of the Gray Lizard Tribe.