Chapter 799: Fleeing from the Enemy

In a certain mountain range in the True Immortal Region.

The rocks in the mountain range were golden in color, and they gleamed brightly under the light of the sun, presenting a stunning sight to behold.

A streak of white light was flying over the golden mountain range at an incredible speed that was far faster than the average High Zenith cultivator, and within the streak of white light was a giant white beast that was over a hundred feet in length.

The beast's entire body looked as if it had been carved out of flawless white jade, and there were some silver markings on the top of its head.

Straddled atop the white beast's back was a golden-robed young woman who appeared to be seventeen or eighteen years of age. Her breathtaking features were framed between a head of shoulder-length golden hair, but her expression was extremely cold and forbidding.

Despite her delicate-looking frame, she was holding a giant golden scythe that was even taller than herself.

The scythe was riddled with countless squiggly golden lines that were flashing incessantly while giving off an incredibly formidable aura, as if nothing could stand in the way of this almighty weapon.

The scythe should've appeared very much out of place in the young woman's arms, but instead, they seemed to complement each other perfectly.

These two were none other than Jin Tong and the Pixiu, and both of them were far more formidable than back when they left Han Li.

Jin Tong had already reached the mid-High Zenith Stage, while the Pixiu had also reached the High Zenith Stage.

However, at the moment, both of them were looking very apprehensive. In particular, there was a clear look of fear in the Pixiu's eyes as it flew onward as quickly as it could.

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers behind them was an enormous red cloud that was flying along in hot pursuit.Follow the latest novels at

The red cloud was constantly changing forms, and there projections of countless soldiers and horses could be made out within it, giving one the impression that the cloud contained a formidable army.

Deep within the cloud was a huge crimson stone platform with countless fiery spirit patterns engraved upon it, and a red-robed middle-aged man was seated atop the platform.

The man was very tall and imposing, and there was a golden crown on his head and a golden dragon embroidered onto his red robes, giving him the appearance of an emperor from a mortal empire.

At this moment, he was glowering straight ahead with a furious look on his face, and all of a sudden, he swept a sleeve through the air, upon which a layer of crimson light emerged over the surface of the stone platform.

Countless runes surged out of the layer of crimson light in a frenzy, and the surrounding red cloud instantly sped up significantly. As a result, the distance between the red cloud and the Pixiu began to rapidly dwindle, quickly shrinking down to less than a hundred thousand kilometers.

"Go faster!" Jin Tong urged with tightly furrowed brows as she swung her golden scythe viciously down onto the Pixiu's back with a resounding metallic clang.

The Pixiu yelped in pain as a layer of golden light surfaced over its body, and a pair of giant white wings that were riddled with countless spirit patterns emerged on either side of its body.

As the Pixiu flapped its wings, bursts of white air currents emerged, swirling around its body, and it also sped up significantly, but it was still far slower than the red cloud behind it.

Before, the distance between them had shrunk down to only around thirty thousand kilometers, and a cold look flashed through the red-robed man's eyes as he made a rapid string of hand seals, then pointed a finger up at the heavens.

In an astonishing turn of events, the sun in the sky instantly swelled to dozens of times its original size, and it was as if he were a deity capable of controlling the celestial bodies.

A streak of crescent-shaped golden light erupted out of the scythe, then struck the rapidly descending sun head-on, and the sun was instantly sliced into two, with the two halves just barely glancing past Jin Tong and Xiao Bai.

The red-robed man's expression darkened slightly upon seeing this, while the two halves of the sun crashed down onto the mountain range below before exploding violently.

The entire mountain range trembled as waves of white flames erupted in all directions, eradicating everything in their path.

Xiao Bai was sent flying by the shockwaves, but now that the white sun had been sliced apart, the pressure in the nearby area also faded, so it was able to stabilize itself in mid-air again.

All of a sudden, it began flying in a different direction before exhaling violently, and an enormous spatial storm erupted out of its mouth, while its bloated body quickly returned to normal.

At the same time, it was flying back at an incredible speed, even faster than when it was sucking in space earlier, and it vanished into the distance in the blink of an eye.

The spatial storm swept over the pursuing red-robed man, causing the red cloud around him to churn violently.

The red-robed man's expression darkened even further upon seeing this, and it clenched its hand into a tight fist before throwing a punch forward, unleashing a giant crimson fist projection that was several acres in size to strike the spatial storm up ahead, instantly scattering it with ease.

After that, the red-robed man swept a sleeve through the air, and the fiery cloud around him continued onward.

At this point, Jin Tong and Xiao Bai were already countless kilometers away, and the propulsion force generated by the spatial storm that had erupted out of Xiao Bai's mouth was finally completely exhausted.

Sitting on Xiao Bai's back, Jin Tong's aura had diminished significantly after unleashing that almighty attack, and the golden light around her had also become far dimmer than before.

At this moment, she was seated with her legs crossed, and the golden scythe was laying across her lap as she summoned a steady stream of treasures before stuffing them into her mouth.

As a result, her aura began to rapidly recover, while the golden light emanating from her body also gradually grew brighter and brighter.

"We can't keep going like this, Boss. Sooner or later, that bastard from the Nine Origins Temple is going to catch up to us. We don't know where our master has gone recently, but at this point, he should be back to the True Immortal Realm. Our spiritual connection with him has already recovered, so we should try and contact him for help," Xiao Bai said.

"There's no need for that. I can handle this on my own without his help," Jin Tong replied in a cold voice.

Xiao Bai couldn't help but grumble something under its breath, and even though it had made sure to be very quiet, Jin Tong still grabbed onto the scruff of its neck as she asked, "What are you muttering to yourself there?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking about how we can escape from our pursuer," Xiao Bai hurriedly replied with a sheepish smile.

"At this point, he already knows all of our tricks, so it's only going to become more dangerous for us from here onward. You should go and seek out Uncle on your own," Jin Tong said.

"I'm not leaving you, Boss. If it wasn't for your help, there's no way I would've been able to reach the High Zenith Stage so quickly. I'll admit that I'm a coward, but I definitely won't abandon you in your time of need," Xiao Bai said in a solemn voice.

Jin Tong took a surprised glance at Xiao Bai, then nodded in response and spoke no further on the subject.

"He's catching up to us again!" Xiao Bai said in an urgent voice as a pair of white wings reappeared on its back.