Chapter 355: Earth Axis (地軸)

Chapter 355: Earth Axis (地軸)

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Chapter 355: Earth Axis (地軸)

A lifespan of ten thousand years has been gathered.

During the past years, I scattered sacrificial rituals across the Lower Realms to gather this Longevity Axis.

Through these sacrificial rituals, I accumulated 7,000 years of lifespan, and I took an additional 3,000 years from my own lifespan to reach a total of 10,000 years.

Now, the only thing left is to completely compress this Longevity Axis and make it mine, and to perform the ritual to announce to the Nether Ghost Realm that I have obtained the Longevity Axis.


I form an altar in the darkness and gaze upon the pillar of light that forms before my eyes.

A pillar created by the gathered lifespan of 10,000 years.

Once this pillar undergoes just one more refinement, the Longevity Axis will be complete.

But why?

Why do I feel uneasy as I look at this pillar?


It's not like I am taking more lifespan from the living beings of the Lower Realms.

Neither am I lacking in the strength to save my colleagues.

Nor is it time to hesitate. Even at this moment, my comrades are defending the Twilight Domain with all their might.

So why am I hesitating here?

'Have I not put in enough effort?'

That isn't it either.

I always took the minimum compensation and provided the maximum benefit while receiving lifespans.

And even when I took the remaining 3,000 years from my own lifespan, I had to endure hellish pain.

Tearing my own lifespan apart was excruciating and a form of extreme suffering.

'Then why?'

Why am I hesitating at the last moment?


I take a deep breath.

Then, without further hesitation, I begin the ritual to compress the Longevity Axis.

Now, all that remains is to announce to the Nether Ghost Realm that I have completed the Longevity Axis!

There is no more time to waste!


At the twelve directions surrounding the Longevity Axis, ghost fire blazes blue.

"The Earth Axis ritual begins now!"


I raise my hand to take the first step towards truly rising to the Earth Axis stage.

Earth Axis.

Why must the first stage of the Middle Boundary be the Earth Axis stage rather than the Four-Axis stage?

Earth Axis signifies the axis of a star.

The North and South of a star.

End to end.

The center that connects Pole (極) to Pole (極)!

That is the Earth Axis.

So what else would you call this stage which accumulates the attraction force that connects people to people and the world to me if not the Earth Axis?

'No...did I name it based on such logic?'

Thinking back, it wasn't that I conceptualized it logically and decided that the Four-Axis stage was the Earth Axis stage.

Suddenly, a 'name' was 'engraved' in my mind.

[It is right to call this realm the Earth Axis] was a fact so clearly imprinted in my mind that I started calling it the Earth Axis stage and only later attached such logic to it.

'...Just what is this?'

I don't fully understand, but I proceed with the Earth Axis ritual anyway.

It's similar to the Seven Stars Ritual.

But unlike the Seven Stars Ritual, there's no need to conduct the ritual toward the heavens; it's enough to perform it in a place where the dragon vein flows smoothly.

Using the Longevity Axis as the center, I need to sequentially infuse the energies symbolizing the twelve hours (時) of the Nether Ghost Realm into it.

It's then,


I suddenly look at the ceiling of the basement.


[The Sky] begins to swirl with ominous energy.

'What...Heavenly Rejection? No...this is...!'

Jeon Myeong-hoon became a storm.

It's as if thunderclouds are densely gathering around him, scattering countless bolts of lightning rain in all directions.

The ghostly creatures with high cultivation scream and retreat, and the 'devotees' corrupted by the True Persons also recoil in fear from Jeon Myeong-hoon's lightning spear, which is no different from a Heavenly Tribulation.


Jeon Myeong-hoon dominates the battlefield with his lightning spear.

At this moment, he is the king of this place.


Red lightning swirls.

It sweeps in all directions.

It storms like a tempest.

It pierces like an awl.

It burns like fire.

Every time Jeon Myeong-hoon moves his six arms, the battlefield seems to fry in a sea of red lightning.


However, Jeon Myeong-hoon's expression gradually worsens.

'I'm slowly reaching my limit.'

The red lightning he is emitting from his entire body is in essence a transformed Heavenly Tribulation.

He is using the Heavenly Tribulation to fight his enemies, and this Heavenly Tribulation is becoming stronger as it is judged that Jeon Myeong-hoon is receiving 'external assistance.'

Since the Heavenly Tribulation is both an elixir and a dharma treasure for Jeon Myeong-hoon, it doesn't matter if it grows stronger to some extent.

However, he can feel it.

The Heavenly Tribulation in his hand is becoming heavier and thicker.

And it's becoming so hot that it's increasingly difficult for Jeon Myeong-hoon to handle.

'I can't keep this up.'

Eventually, the Heavenly Tribulation will become so out of control even Jeon Myeong-hoon won't be able to handle it, turning on him instead.

Of course, Jeon Myeong-hoon won't be harmed by the Heavenly Tribulation, but if it grows that strong, absorbing it could cause his dantian to explode.


He sounds thunder while breaking into a cold sweat internally.

'Damn it, hold on a bit longer, Jeon Myeong-hoon!'

He pushes himself harder, dancing while wielding the Heavenly Tribulation.

But the Heavenly Tribulation in his hand grows hotter, and Jeon Myeong-hoon finally gives up trying to control it.


The Heavenly Tribulation in Jeon Myeong-hoon's hand flashes a brilliant light and slips from his grasp.

Then, the Heavenly Tribulation begins to engulf Jeon Myeong-hoon and enter his body.

His lifespan, cultivation, everything begins to surge wildly.



Jeon Myeong-hoon's body grows even larger.

And at that moment!


Jeon Myeong-hoon's body becomes the thundercloud itself.

As the giant figure made entirely of thunderclouds roar, the entire vicinity rumbles with a deafening crackle.


Then, something like a translucent barrier forms around Jeon Myeong-hoon and spreads outwards.

The barrier expanded rapidly, eventually covering the entire Twilight Domain.

The Ghost Kings of the Four Major Factions see this and laugh dryly.

"...How insane. How is this possible? Reaching the Integration stage in the middle of battle..."

Jeon Myeong-hoon finally completes the process of Heaven and Earth Unity and enters the Integration stage.

[Come at me, all of you. As I've reached the stage, I will devour you all.]


Jeon Myeong-hoon's voice echoes from within his domain, spreading in all directions.

Tension rises in the eyes of those watching him.

"He already possessed formidable strength at the Four-Axis stage. How strong will he be now that he's reached Integration...?"

"As expected of the Chief Law Protector of the devilish cult...!"

But contrary to their concerns, Jeon Myeong-hoon is filled with tension.

'I've reached the Integration stage, but my power is far weaker than when I faced the Heavenly Tribulation.'

His strongest moment is when he faces the breakthrough Heavenly Tribulation.

Rather, the moment he succeeds and breakthroughs in cultivation is far weaker than when he is in the process of breaking through.

'Will bluffing work?'

Then, it happens.

The 96 Ghost Kings who have been attacking Jeon Myeong-hoon and the Twilight Domain retreat.

A look of hope crosses Jeon Myeong-hoon's eyes.

'Did it work?'

And then.

An urgent voice comes from Seo Eun-hyun, who is supposed to be in closed-door cultivation.

[Jeon Myeong-hoon, be careful. They're planning something crazy!]



Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud!

The seven devotees who have been attacking with the Integration stage Ghost Kings, advance even further towards the Twilight Domain as the Ghost Kings retreat.

[Sending the Corrupted Bodies forward means...they're planning to draw on the True Persons' power...? This is madness...!]


The seven devotees each shake their many heads and stretch their hands and limbs toward the sky.

Then, light descends from the sky, as if connecting the devotees with the True Persons.

'I, I have to block...!'

Kurung, Kurururung!

But before Jeon Myeong-hoon can act.

Thunderclouds once again gather in the sky, blocking the sight of the True Persons.

The devotees trying to draw power from the True Persons are disconnected from them.

Jeon Myeong-hoon sees this and smiles with relief.

[You're late! You snail-like bastard!]

[Sorry about that...]


A Ghost King with 19 heads flies to the side of the giant thundercloud figure.

The thundercloud figure forms a hand seal and points to the sky.

As Seo Eun-hyun finishes building the Longevity Axis, the thunderclouds that have been writhing as if ready to drop Heavenly Tribulation at any moment are unable to do so.

[I've delayed the Heavenly Tribulation a bit with my power. It should give us some breathing room...Anyway, Seo it done?]

[It's done. Now...we just need to open the 'side path'!]

Jeon Myeong-hoon sighs lightly.

Currently, Seo Eun-hyun has built two of the Five Blessings Axes.

And according to Yeon Wei, three of the Five Blessings Axes are needed to open the shortcut.

Of course, with the two axes Seo Eun-hyun has built, if Jeon Myeong-hoon, who has reached the Integration stage, combines his power, it could count as having three axes and they could open the side path.

But the problem is that if Jeon Myeong-hoon focuses on opening the side path with Seo Eun-hyun, there will inevitably be a gap in their defenses.

[Without you or me...can they hold on without us?]

At Jeon Myeong-hoon's question, Seo Eun-hyun looks back.

The followers of the Twilight Domain who have followed him have come out, looking up at Seo Eun-hyun, who has completed his closed-door cultivation.

Including Jeon Myeong-hoon, the other colleagues, the Guardian Ghost Kings, and Yu Hye who had come as a guest. All his connections are looking at him.

Seo Eun-hyun smiles.

[Don't worry.]

―Immortal Cultivation is about 'taking.' Take from the Devilish Path, take from the Righteous Path, take from the demons, and take from your enemies to elevate yourself. That is Immortal Cultivation! Take away anything that stands in the way of your will, no matter who or what it is. Even if it's an evil ghost, an enemy, or even a comrade. Even if it's a betrothed with whom a thousand-year union has been promised, taking it to complete yourself is the true meaning of Immortal Cultivation!

'Why' did I hesitate before building the Longevity Axis?

'Why' did I dislike the process of building it?

Yes, it's probably because the method of constructing the Five Blessings Axes is close to the Devilish Path, which involves plundering from others.

But now.

With 'my pure lifespan alone' constructing the axis.

I understand 'why' a stumbling block remains in my heart.

I look at the illusion of Yeon Wei before me.

No, it's the illusion of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect that had taught Yeon Wei. In other words, the illusion of Yang Su-jin.

"...How can I elevate myself by taking from others?"

I can only elevate myself through my own means.

"Immortal Cultivation is comprehension (懺悟)."

It is only by reflecting on oneself, realizing oneself, and overcoming oneself that one is completed. That is Immortal Cultivation.

How can something taken from others become mine?

And then, the [Voice] laughs.

―Yes, it's exactly that.

Even as my entire body is being crushed by the True Persons, I bow my head to the [Voice] with a deep sense of gratitude.

"I don't know who you are, but thank you for the profound enlightenment."

―Do you not know me?


'What does that mean?'

I make a puzzled expression to the feeling that the [Voice] somehow knows me.

―Did you not call upon me? Many times.

"What does that..."

But hearing the words of the [Voice] the next moment, my mind goes blank.

―Immortal Cultivation is comprehension.


The words I have just uttered.

I thought it was simply my thoughts organized, but I am mistaken.

This is the formula 'already' within me.

―Like tiny grains of salt gathering to form the sea.

It's the same as when I learned the name of the Earth Axis stage earlier.

'Ah, I see.'

It isn't something I realized through enlightenment.

I have 'already' known this through this formula.

―Build mountains through comprehension.

As if mesmerized, I reach out towards the illusion of the inverted cone before me.

―Building a mountain of salt is perhaps the fastest way to reach the heavens.

All this time, I have only been using the filtered information provided by Seo Hweol.

But now, I realize that I can read the [original] method of this technique.

The owner of the formula has granted me permission.


A pure white aura begins to form like grains around me.

I stand up.

The True Persons are crushing my body from above, but it's useless.

I now understand.

The true cultivation method of the Earth Axis stage.

First, make contracts with countless Lower Realm living beings and provide services after receiving their payment.

Then, in the end, sacrifice your own lifespan to build the axis instead of the lifespan received from the living beings, and return the payment back to them.

Yes, you are returning the blessings you received.

The Six Extremes is not something that exists, but rather refers to the absence of blessings.

Within this emptiness of vanished blessings, feeling the Six Extremes and comprehending both the Five Blessings and Six Extremes is the essence of the Earth Axis stage!


I laugh as I watch the white, grain-like aura swirling around me.

Previously, using this technique would cause my arms or the extremities of my body to turn to salt uncontrollably. But not anymore.

Now, I can control it perfectly.

I think I understand.

Just what was Hon Won thinking, using this method in reverse?

The name of this method is not the Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique.

It's not some reverse-heaven method that tears a single type of energy into seven pieces.

It's actually the exact opposite.

'Combining seven types of energy into one...'


The energy of Yin-Yang and Five Elements combine into one between my hands.

'An inverted A divine power that forms a mountain.'

That is the true effect of this strange technique mistakenly called the Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique!


I gather the energy in my hands and shoot it towards the sky, causing it to explode.

What emerges is a colossal, inverted cone-shaped mountain that fills the sky, incomparable to the vague display shown before with the Great Mountain Splitting Emperor Technique.

The brilliant white light sweeps across Heaven and Earth.

The bodies of the 'devotees' caught in that light start to melt into salt.

And from within that salt, the true forms of the 'devotees' begin to emerge.

The power of the True Persons that possessed the 'devotees' is being withdrawn.

Furthermore, this divine power's effect is not yet finished.






Heaven and Earth tremble.

No, the entire Nether Ghost Realm shakes madly.

The reaction is on a completely different scale compared to when I showed the inverted cone to the True Persons before.

To compare, the previous incident is like an adult accidentally getting punched in the solar plexus by a three-foot tall child.

This time, it's like the adult getting stabbed by a large knife by the child.

I can feel that the True Persons have 'properly' suffered serious injuries upon seeing the shape of the Salt Mountain.

My power is that of an insect compared to the True Persons, but the being beyond this Salt Mountain is not.

The pressure weighing down the Twilight Domain vanishes.

What remains are the True Persons outside the Nether Ghost Realm's dimensional boundary, writhing in pain as if they have truly gone mad.

I can feel their genuine agony and convulsions.

I smile as I look up at the sky.


Having shed the form of the Ghost King with 19 heads, I reach out with the axes built solely with my own strength and lifespan.

Two Orthodox Axes, and another axis-equivalent with the Vast Cold Heavenly Circle, intertwine and tear open the void.

Normally, the 'side path' can only be opened with the special secret arts of the Black Ghost Palace and the Nether Crossing Ship, but now it opens by my hand.


The side path widens and widens until it covers the entire Twilight Domain.

After opening the side path, I look back.

On the opposite side, the Integration stage cultivators from the Four Great Factions are staring at me with bewildered expressions.

Between us in the middle, the devotees freed from the True Persons are expressing their gratitude for regaining their lives, and Yu Hye is crying in the arms of Cha Jo-gwi.

I withdraw the beams of light that are lethal to those at the Entering Nirvana stage but harmless to those below, and I bow my head one last time to the Nether Ghost Realm itself.

It's a gesture of gratitude for the connections I have built in the Nether Ghost Realm and for this world itself.

"Well then, farewell."


Now it's time to return.

To the long-missed Bright Cold Realm.

Thus, the Twilight Domain enters the side path, leaving the Nether Ghost Realm behind.

Heavenly King Heavenly Domain.

The Palace of Light at the center of the Heavenly Domain.

Inside, eight colossal beings are exuding palpable signs of confusion.

: : The Great Mountain Supreme Deity is suddenly going berserk in the Earth Axis Heavenly Domain. : :

: : What kind of absurd power is this? The Heavenly Domain we've barely confined is shaking. : :

: : At this rate, the Mountain God we barely imprisoned will break free again. : :

: : We must quickly create a special confinement Heavenly Domain specifically for the Mountain God, just like we did for the God of Heavenly Punishment. It's unsettling to leave them confined in their own Heavenly Domain like this. : :

: : Just what is happening all of a sudden? Why is that being having a fit? : :

u0026nbsp;: It's difficult to know, as they seem insane. For now, some of us will need to personally go and reinforce the Heavenly Domain securely. If we don't, that being will break the Barrier of Light and emerge again...: :

: : A monstrous being indeed...worthy of being called the Supreme Deity equal to a Heavenly Venerable...: :

: : Naturally. Though they have fallen, they were once a noble being...: :

The eight figures exchanging opinions soon come to a decision.

: : Given this severe situation concerning a Governing Immortal, everyone should move. : :

: : Glory to the Radiance Supreme Deity. : :


The figures disappear suddenly to somewhere.

In the hall, only the Seat of Light is left floating alone.

Ancient Force Realm.

The main base of the Buk Hyang Fleet.

Inside, a woman in white is caressing a jade norigae.

She looks at the ghost lying in front of her with a bitter expression.

"Elder Song, are you leaving now?"

The ghost laughs heartily.

[It seems it's finally time for this old man to go. It has been...truly enjoyable.]

"Elder...surely there must be another way."

[What other way? I've lived long enough. Unless a basket of pure ghostly energy from the Nether Ghost Realm's mainland falls from the sky, I'll be leaving soon...]

The old ghost holds the hand of the woman in white with a peaceful expression.

[When I'm gone...please take good care of my disciple...]

It's at that moment.




The jade norigae in the woman's hand begins to vibrate wildly, emitting a strange heat.

"W-why is this happening?"

The heat emitted by the norigae gradually intensifies.

And then, suddenly.



The woman in white and the old ghost hear a massive explosion reverberate throughout the entire world.


After the explosion, the norigae's temperature neither rises nor falls, remaining constant, and a vibration echoes throughout the entire world.

The old ghost speaks in alarm.

[Th-the celestial energy is shaking. Could it be...?]

He gasps and continues.

[Some being from another world has entered the Ancient Force Realm...!]



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