Chapter 85 - EVO

Name:A Sinner's Eden Author:
Chapter 85 - EVO

***Tirnanog, Hochberg***


No teacher's outfit today? Magnus commented as soon as we entered Gaia's dream bungalow on her island paradise. Don't tell me you are slacking off already, oh wise one.

She was idling in the living room like always and looked confused at his statement before she regarded the oversized sweat suit she had chosen as her attire. Admittedly, one of the less enticing getups she had dreamed up so far.

The Avatar yawned as if to demonstrate her indifference and gestured at the chalkboard she had used yesterday to explain the horrific intricacies of electromagnetic forces and electrical currents.

Known physics was easy enough to grasp, but my sub-identities had gotten headaches as soon as Gaia began explaining how different layers of reality could be affected, like spacetime and the fabric of reality itself. For some reason, she was adamant not to call such things higher or lower dimensions which felt more relatable to me. Even Magnus had fought her opinion on the terminology.

Unfortunately, it was hard to argue with a being which perceived the world vastly differently from us and was lowering itself to our level to communicate.

How Gaia ever expected us to come up with this on our own, I had no idea.

My sub-identities rebelled at the mere sight of the formulas and the memory of what they could do. I knew it was stupid to complain about being tutored on the proper utilization of our abilities, but the lessons had given me headaches.

Unlike in earlier dream sessions, I hadn't woken up rested, but tired and annoyed while Magnus couldnt wait for the next lesson. Not even the culinary treats Gaia regularly conjured up managed to sweeten the time spent looking at those formulas.

I sighed and inwardly chided myself for being childish and lazy while Magnus and Gaia continued their bickering. Wasnt this the power I had always dreamed of?

Once we mastered Gaias teachings, we would be able to stand right next to the elders.

When Magnus first requested to be taught by Gaia, I thought it would be a waste of time.

But it quickly became obvious that Gaia hadn't given us just any random powers.

Yes, given.

I thought the avatar had been bragging when she claimed to have guided Magnus to Tirnanog. She also implied nudging him towards certain evolutions or at least providing the opportunities. Which meant, implicitly, my path had also been influenced by her.

For one thing was certain: our powers matched each other just a tad too well. Upon seeing the bigger picture, nobody could deny the harmony of our mutations.

The muscles provided power and speed while the bones ensured the body could withstand the force. The filaments extended the range at which we could apply our electricity and Second Sight allowed us to see the electromagnetic fields around us a necessity for more complicated manipulations. Precognition and other mental improvements allowed feats which would have been impossible to achieve with un-augmented minds.

Lastly, the remaining mutations shored up leftover weaknesses which were necessary for survival in Tirnanog.

I wasn't sure how to feel about Gaia's meddling. On one side, it felt like an invasive violation of my self-determination. Even if her methods were at worst a subconscious influence.

On the other, wasn't it preferable to be the best a demigod could come up with? Especially when this conflict was about much more than yet another war between humans.

I'll indeed teach you no further until you have proven to me that all of this effort is worth my time. The avatar hummed happily and conjured up a cup of ice cream. Ive been meddling with peoples evolutions for quite some time, but you two have received a lot more care than anyone else so far.

I grimaced. How much of the elders success and power was owed to a fickle entity paying a little more attention to how their mutations fell into place?

What do you mean!? Magnus complained and spread his hands in outrage. You have given us no more than ten lessons!

Nine times eight hours, Gaia clarified. Each one tremendously boring. It's like trying to teach toddlers their letters. You have to understand that I have no patience for such things. And besides, it's not like you could keep going with theory alone indefinitely. You need practice which you can't get in the confines of your chosen exile. At least without announcing your true abilities to everyone. Which is why I came up with an errand for you!

She licked her lips in anticipation and a spoon appeared in her hand which she pointed at us. You two are going on a hunt! To slay the beast which is after you! Then you are going to find a certain plant and eat it and I am going to improve you two, no downsides. I have recovered just enough power for that.

You sound like some stupid quest NPC from a computer game! Magnus retorted. Why would we go out and hunt some dangerous beast if we could send an entire hunting party after it? Assuming we even knew where it is hiding. Which we dont. Which makes the entire point moot.

Gaia dipped her spoon into the ice cream and took a demonstrative slurp. She looked irritated.

This posing wasnt getting us anywhere with someone like Gaia. Magnus was alienating her for no reason. Well, maybe he had a reason, but the avatar wasnt used to being treated like a minion or teacher who could be argued with. She had always been in control of her supposed plan and now that we were adding our unique contributions she had problems keeping everything on track as she desired.

I placed a hand on Magnuss shoulder and smiled at him sweetly. Haven't you learned anything about the clan's traditions? It's custom to hunt for new evolutions together with your partner. To prove our power.

Not you too, Astra. He turned to face me. I went along with the caving trip because you said it's akin to a marriage ceremony. This is an entirely different matter.

I narrowed my eyes at Magnus, willing him to understand that this was the wrong battlefield. No. Its supposed to always happen when a partnered pair decides on a new mutation. Buying subsequent materials for advancement is fine, but the first is supposed to be special.

You just have a thing for outdoor trips, Magnus grumbled.

Gaia chimed in from the side. Hey. Don't make this into something between the two of you. This is between you and me.

Magnus turned back to face the avatar. Why?

Because I need to ensure my alterations are going in the right direction. The avatar flickered and suddenly wore a white scientist's cloak. Listen well, my students! You need to suck out the marrow of an acidroot. This will allow me further improvements to the tissues throughout your body and give your blood a little boost. What holds you back right now isnt the theoretical power you have access to, but keeping your muscles supplied properly. Its a bottleneck we have to fix.

Magnus smiled and clapped his hands together after he put the spetum away. Then lets do this! The longer we wait, the likelier it is for pursuers to catch up to us.

I sighed and held out my arms for Magnus. We touched our palms together and interlinked our fingers before we nodded at each other. Together, we adjusted the ring formed between our arms and chests. Any inaccuracies, we would have to account for with more power and inefficiency.

The process was fairly simple in theory though whether we were able to create the necessary magnetic ripples was another matter.

I sneaked out a few filaments from beneath my armour and interwove them around our arms, joined by Magnus from the other side until we were tightly interlinked.

At last, we added some more filaments to the strange construct from beneath and above to shape and concentrate the magnetic field.

Ready? I asked while I circulated a low current down my left arm and tasked several sub-identities to supervise and adjust the process. Maybe we should try a low-power test run first?

Magnus nodded and answered in kind until we circulated the power between us perfectly. Just as we had trained in our quarters.

Once we had the timing down, he made eye contact with me. I suppose I will give a countdown and then we sink everything we have into the attempt. But dont power yourself out needlessly if it looks like it doesnt work.

I took a deep breath and nodded. If we got it right, the process should be relatively quick, but power intensive.




I felt him send the circulating current into my right arm, which I caught and amplified before sending it down my left. Arcs of electricity traversed down the stabilizing filaments and ignited a little ball of plasma between us. It was held in place and flickered violently around as it tried to escape the magnetic field.

We put more power into the effort and pulled, slowly expanding the plasma into a ring.

I grit my teeth as I felt my chest and arms heat up from the effort.

The plasma stretched with a final effort and snapped back into a ball while we collapsed the magnetic field around it.

Then it dispersed with a crack and a gust of hot air which would have singed my eyebrows if it hadnt been for the helmet.

Yes! Magnus exclaimed with glee and we untangled ourselves, careful not to interfere with the creation between us.

To the naked eye, it seemed like there was nothing between us, but Second Sight revealed something. It looked like a three-dimensional fracture. A crack in a mirror?

It looks like a multi-faceted crack inside a block of glass, I concluded once I had taken a look from different angles. I hope Gaia isnt teaching us to create black holes and destroy the world in its entirety.

Nah, Magnus denied with a huge grin on his face. This is a small dent in space-time at most.

He reached out and stuck his arm through the anchor before I could stop him. See?

It looked like nothing happened to my normal eyes, but with Second Sight I could see how the energy running through his body warped slightly.

Idiot! I slapped his forehead. Dont use your arm to test it!

Magnus laughed. I see you are trusting Gaias lessons less than I do.

What if we made a mistake!? I pointed out the wavering edges of the anomaly. The anchor isnt stable!

Magnus went closer and squinted his eye as if it would help with his Second Sight. Which it wouldnt.

Its stable enough for our purposes. We will have to monitor it to see how long it will hold. I would give a finger for some instruments to take measurements. For now, all we can do is eyeball it.

I giggled. You want the honour of being first? Gaia said it should be safe once the anchor is set. All we have to do is lock onto it and jump.

I will try! Magnus answered with glee and began running down the hill. Occasionally, he flash stepped forward a dozen metres which was some kind of hard limit for the technique.

Once he was about two hundred metres away, he turned around and waved.

I waved back and stepped away from the anchor.

Magnus began running back and flash stepped after a few metres, appearing closer as if he had made a normal flash step. It hadnt worked.

He ran back to his starting point and tried again. This time, he vanished and the anchor warped, expanding until it popped open a portal for the barest fraction of a moment, spitting out Magnus before it returned to its original state.

Did you see that!?

I didnt answer, because I was already running down the hill to try it myself.