Hu Heng can't stand the stickiness of Fu Yan's moon cake, "stay away from the fox, and the fox will take you."

Two moon cakes are flying strangely in the air, reaching the house where everyone gathered. They jump to the roof.

Fu Yan moved away a tile, two moon cakes, looking at the scene in the room. Before I saw anything, a smell of decay came out of the opening of the tile.

The scene in the room was very strange: the candle swayed gently, and the place where the light touched was rotten soil, in which there were human limbs.

It seems that the reason why the young master didn't open the door should be that he lost his life.

Above the earth is a flower. It is leafless, gorgeous and shaped like a leaping frog.

"Ghost orchid." Women show their swords.

In people's eyes, the flower grew bigger and bigger under the light of the candle, and its shape became more and more strange and frightening.

This ghost orchid will only grow in the damp and dark swamp, how can it appear here. Fox Heng stares at, feel very strange.

"The flower has become a demon. The spirit must be valuable." Fu Yan's opening his mouth destroyed the seriousness of this work.

Hu Heng gave him a white look. "Can you catch it? Just a moon cake. "

Fu Yan is speechless. He just wants to stop mentioning the fact that he is just a moon cake.

This woman's surname is Yin, so she should be the mistress. It looks like a demon killer. Although this system always pits him, it gives the opposite identity of men and women, which is also a kiss to father.

"Sir and madam, you'd better step back." Words fall, the woman a sword split the door, ghost orchid tentacle immediately stretched out with her sword entangled together.

The flower began to change. A human figure was formed in the middle of the flower. It was extremely beautiful. When the woman's sword gets rid of its tentacles and comes to its human form, the master who is bewitched by the flowers moves in front of it.

Yinqinxue immediately takes back the sword and wakes the master. Warning: "everyone out."

Those people immediately scrambled out. And the lady cried: "that, is that our child?"

The master followed the direction of her fingers and saw that the rotten clothes under the rotten soil were really what their children were wearing.

"Well Let's go. "

"Wu Wu!"

This woman is quite powerful. She fought with that strange flower for a long time. She regardless of their own safety, sword light sharp stab to the ghost orchid, she also rushed up. Take out the dagger from the leg and stick it straight into the heart of the flower.

When the flowers were destroyed gradually, she took the ghost orchid Lingzhi, looked up and found that there were two moon cakes that were not right. One of these mooncakes seems to have high spiritual awareness.

Hu Heng, who watched the good play, immediately left with Fu Yan, who was reluctant to give up the ghost LAN Lingzhi. With the wind of broken bamboo, the sword completely lifted off the skin of the two moon cakes.

When yinqinxue wanted to chase again, the voice of the master and his wife came from outside. Thinking of the good harvest today, she gave up.

The moment they removed the outer skin of the moon cake, the two just recovered. Hu Heng is OK. When he sees that he has nothing, he immediately recovers himself. Fu Yan was naked and didn't know what to do.

Hu Heng turned around and unexpectedly saw the human white body at a glance. A small thin muscle, small navel, legs symmetrical slender, straight as the column. And

When he noticed Fox's sight, Fu Yan immediately blocked the most important part. He crouched down and hid himself in a rotten mat.

Even these actions Fu Yan did have unlimited amorous feelings. As the prototype of a fox, Hu Heng couldn't hold back and a stream of liquid came out of his nose.

Fu Yan was shy and flushed. He was touched by the rotten mat and trembled. He hesitated: "can you help me find a dress..."

In order to hide the embarrassment of his nose bleeding, Hu Heng immediately flew onto the roof and went to dress Fu Yanxun.

During the process of looking for clothes, Fu Yan was always in a state of panic.

Fu Yan's drooping eyes saw that when the snow like clothes fell to the ground, he looked up and the mat was suddenly lifted. The handsome face of the man appeared in his sight.

He covered Fu Yan's face with his clothes, turned around, coughed softly and said, "put them on."

The appearance of human just now made him feel pathetic. Fox Heng chagrin, he is how long has not seen a woman, how can have this kind of feeling to a man.

Fu Yan reluctantly put on his clothes. As long as he lifted his eyes, he could see that the man was standing in front of him, and he couldn't see himself outside. In this way, it makes him feel very safe.

The hot smell of the ear suddenly came, and the familiar voice of human beings sounded: "I'm dressed. Let's go, little fox."

When he heard the name "little fox", Hu Heng's heart beat faster. He said, "who's the little fox? I'm bigger than you."

When he turned around, he didn't expect that this human was so close to him. So close that he could clearly see the curl of human eyelashes, and the light red lips under the high bridge of nose."If you don't tell me your name, I can only call you little fox." Fu Yan moved his lips.

His shoulders were suddenly pressed by the man, and the two men kept retreating until they retreated to the broken mat where Fu Yan was hiding.

Fu Yan, who knocked on the wall, cried, "it hurts I won't. well, as for what you've done to me

Hu Heng suddenly returned to his senses, and he backed back in a panic. Voice strong for calm: "listen, this fox name fox Heng. Next time I hear you call "little fox" and don't tear your mouth

Kneading the place where he hit behind him, Fu Yan said innocently, "Hu Heng, Hu Heng, OK."

It's a nice name to call out from human mouth. Hu Heng spared him this time.

At this time, a group of friars flying with swords appeared in front of them, as if they were driving outside the town.

"It's said that the dog bites."

"The friar happened to pass by this time. It seems that the dog will not live long."

"Who let this group of people not people, ghost not ghost half demon has been haunting."

Hu Heng squinted and turned his hand gently. The grass on the ground instantly sewed the mouth of the person who had just said those two words.

"No!" The man's mouth was bleeding all the time.

Ben and the people he was talking about saw the scene and ran away.

Who can sew a man's mouth with grass in a moment?

Besides demons, what else can it be.

Fu yanben was distracted by the word "evil dog". He thought of the monsters with human body and dog face that he saw when his people were destroyed. Noticing that the man's mouth was sewn, he turned his eyes to see Hu Heng. He seemed very angry.

It seems that he does not like to hear the word "Banyao".