C320 Yi Xi Qiao's house

"The ones who paid the price were you and the family of Yuxi Qiao who are behind you." An Xiaoyu said disdainfully: "You are local snakes in the west of Yu City, so you are just small bugs here. Furthermore, even if we were to arrive in the west of Yi, you cannot do anything to me because my surname is An! "

The male driver suddenly thought of something and his face turned extremely ugly. He knew that he had fallen today, and it was a terrible thing to do. This had brought trouble to the family, a huge trouble!

When the white-robed man heard the name 'An', he suddenly thought of something, and his face changed. He knew that he had encountered some trouble.

"If you disappear right now, I might leave you with a way out and never appear in front of us. Otherwise, something might happen."

An Xiaoyu looked at the spear in her hands, and only spat out one word: "Scram!"

The man in white and the man behind the driver dejectedly left like dogs that had lost their homes.

Zhu Xingxing looked at the car that was getting further and further away, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Yu, do you know where he went?"

"You want to kill him?"

An Xiaoyu gently shook her head: "Don't do that, I will take care of this matter. Letting them go does not mean that I have forgiven them, but it does so to make it easier for me to take action. "

Zhu Xingxing stared at her for a while, "Xiao Yu, looks like I've been underestimating you. You're not that simple! "

"I'm not that simple, it's just that men are used to thinking that girls are very simple and stupid."

An Xiaoyu stuffed the gun back into her waist, her eyes unusually calm: "To me, killing people is an extremely common thing, it wouldn't even cause me the slightest bit of mental barrier. I even really like the feeling of killing people. That kid from the Qiao family met me, it must be his misfortune! "

Zhu Xingxing sighed: "What you mean is, I just need to enjoy the situation, there is no need to do anything?"

An Xiaoyu got on the carriage, and gently nodded: "That's right, you don't have to bother with this matter anymore. I know there are a lot of people watching the family. This is a very good opportunity. "Hubby, I can handle this matter perfectly."

"I only hope that you are not in danger. That is the most important thing. Other aspects are not a problem."

Zhu Xingxing kissed her, "Xiao Yu, do you plan to do this kind of dangerous work forever?"

"Yeah, this is my hobby. It's also a form of training for me."

An Xiaoyu's phone rang, she looked at the caller ID and picked up: "Leader, you have a task?"

"Yes, there's an urgent mission right now."

A very deep male voice came out of the phone: "You are going to travel to west Henan now, the Qiao family will cooperate with your actions."

An Xiaoyu was startled: "Yuxi Qiao family? Leader, what kind of operation would need the cooperation of the Yuxi Qiao Family? "

"This is a secret operation, so it's not convenient to talk about it for the time being. When you get there, you will naturally know the details of the operation. "

The leader quickened his pace: "You should head to the airport now and take the chance to leave in two hours for the provincial capital of west Henan, Xi Jing."

After hanging up, An Xiaoyu frowned: What's going on? "Why do you need the cooperation of the family of Yuxi Joe? I didn't hear anything was going on there."

A bad premonition surfaced in Zhu Xingxing's heart. If An Xiaoyu went to the west side of Yu City, she would be in big trouble.

"Xiao Yu, I'll go with you."

Zhu Xingxing glanced at An Xiaomeng: "Mengmeng, I'll go with Xiao Yu. It just so happens that these two days I have a vacation, so I also want to go over to take a look. You and Nannan can stay at home for a few days. "

"Sure, you don't have to worry about us."

An Xiaomeng frowned: "Hubby, how can you follow Xiao Yu? This is a police operation, and you are not a police officer.

"Hubby, don't worry, I'll be fine." An Xiaoyu lightly patted Zhu Xingxing's shoulder: "Hubby, stay at home. Even if you go, you won't be able to help."

"You're wrong."

Zhu Xingxing said with a stern expression: "Not only can I help, I can also help a lot. If I don't even have the ability to protect you, what right do I have to be your husband? If I remember correctly, there should be one going to Xijing within an hour. "There's no mistake, this is the time. Let's set off now."

An Xiaomeng and Li An took a taxi back home as Zhu Xingxing drove in a berserk manner, bringing An Xiaoyu to the capital's airport.

Under normal circumstances, it should have been at least an hour and a half, yet Zhu Xingxing had already killed his way here in less than half an hour.

They had booked a plane ticket on the way here. After Zhu Xingxing boarded the plane, he sent a message to An Xiaoyu: Did you board the plane?

An Xiaoyu: I'm on the plane, I don't feel good. There's definitely something wrong with this operation. After we land, we will go to the Qiao family's residence in Xi Jing City.

"Understood, after I land, I'll go to the Qiao family compound." Zhu Xingxing quickly replied: Delete the text message, send me a text message when you are at a place, or call and shake me a little. If your phone is switched off, your schedule will change.

An Xiaoyu immediately replied: Understood, if the trip change temporarily, I will leave a message. Do not return.

After a while, Zhu Xingxing switched off his phone, and the plane took off.

Closing his eyes, Zhu Xingxing started to think about what he should do after arriving at the Western Capital.

"Hey, have you heard? Something big happened in Xijing. "

"What's the big deal?" Why haven't I heard of it! "

The two male guests sitting opposite to him were chatting, which caught Zhu Xingxing's attention.

"The Qiao family's coal mine collapsed and over a hundred people were buried inside. "In order to avoid responsibility, the Qiao Family created a murder case, which covered up the truth of the matter."

"F * ck, why would the Qiao family need to do that?" "The Qiao family is the local emperor of western Henan, who can do anything to them?"

"It's not like that now, the higher-ups are very strict on this sort of thing. Once the higher-ups know the truth about this, no matter how powerful the Qiao family is in the west, they won't be able to do anything."

"Aren't you afraid of others knowing that the Qiao Family is doing this?" At least we know. "

"What's the use of knowing? There's no basis for empty words, and there's no evidence either. Saying that is equivalent to not saying anything."

did not continue to listen to their nonsense. He was pondering how valuable the information he had just heard was.

Zhu Xingxing continued to close his eyes to rest, and before he knew it, he was at Xi Jing airport.

Zhu Xingxing got off the plane and went to the reception hall. Zhu Xingxing went to the supermarket to buy some things, then went into the washroom, he glanced around and quickly entered the squatting position at the furthest corner of the women's restroom. He rolled up a piece of paper and a ballpoint pen, and stuffed it into the corner under the crack of the door, so that no one would be able to find him unless he carefully searched for it.

Zhu Xingxing quickly left the female restroom, and went to the male restroom to relieve himself. Just as he was about to leave, two men suddenly walked in.

The moment he saw the two of them, Zhu Xingxing immediately thought of the subordinates of the Qiao family's young master. No, no, their clothes were the same, they were definitely members of the Qiao family!

Zhu Xingxing walked out of the squat, pa pa pa, two men were knocked unconscious by him.

He lifted the two men into a crouch, took a deep breath, and tried hypnosis.

After trying for more than ten minutes, he succeeded!

Zhu Xingxing spent more than 20 minutes to obtain the memories of the two men, turning them into puppets under his complete control at the same time.

It's done.

The two men stood by the wall and suddenly regained consciousness. They didn't know what had just happened to them.

Only after they left did Zhu Xingxing walk out of his squatting position and washed his hands in the washroom outside.

An Xiaoyu's journey would not change, because the Qiao Family's target was her!

The problem the Qiao family was facing wasn't just the collapse of the coal mine but other aspects as well. They needed a big family to help them get to the platform, and An family was their first choice.

An Xiaoyu's leader should be in cahoots with the Qiao Family. She was arranged to be here because she wanted to let her walk into this trap that had already been set up, so that the Qiao Family would have enough time and opportunity to take care of An Xiaoyu. By controlling her, this important person of the An Family, she could achieve her unspeakable goal.

However, the Qiao Family did not expect that the Qiao Family's Third Young Master and Zhu Xingxing would meet today. A conflict had occurred, causing both Zhu Xingxing and Zhu Xingxing to want to kill each other!

Actually, the third young master of the Qiao family had already been controlled, so it was not very likely that the Qiao family would know of this matter for the time being.

A coincidence is fated.

Zhu Xingxing walked out of the bathroom and arrived at the parking lot. He scanned his surroundings and quickly found the location of the surveillance camera.

He pulled out a car key and opened the trunk. He took something out and stuffed it into his backpack.

Zhu Xingxing closed the trunk, threw the car keys inside, closed the door, and quickly drove away.

Half an hour later, Zhu Xingxing arrived at the Qiao Family compound which was located in the eastern suburbs of Western Capital City.

The Qiao Family Residence was the most famous historical monument in Xi Jing. 90% of the tourists that came to Xi Jing City would come here, so it was not strange for Zhu Xingxing to be here.

Today, the place was packed with tourists.

Zhu Xingxing bought a ticket and went inside the Qiao Family compound. The place he wanted to go was a place that was not open to the public, the home of the Qiao Family: the backyard.

Ten minutes later, Zhu Xingxing was in the forest on the west side of the backyard. He knocked out two of the sentries, hypnotized and controlled them, then continued to move forward.

Zhu Xingxing walked and stopped, only after he had hypnotized and controlled 30 people did he change into a new set of clothes and rub his face, changing into another face, then appeared in the backyard.

"Third master, where are you going?" An old man came out from the west wing and said with a frown, "Third Young Master, I heard that you went to the capital. Is there a problem with the news?"