Chapter 71

Murong Yuan was unable to bring Xie Xun back with him.

The ministers waited in vain in Ganlu Hall.

Emperor Hongtai’s face was gloomy and dark, "Crown Prince, where is the third prince?"

Murong Yuan knelt on the ground, full of self-blame, "Father, I am incompetent. My younger brother said that the person who banished him from the capital years ago must personally fetch him, then only would he agree to come."

On hearing this, the ministers frowned and began to discuss.

"Even back then, we knew the third prince was a wastrel, unabashed and indifferent to learning. Unsurprisingly, after sending him to the countryside for fourteen years, there's no change in him. He even dares to demand the emperor to personally retrieve him, he has grown too bold!"

"That’s right, a man who could infuriate several top-ranking scholars to the point of resignation at the age of three clearly has a natural rebellious streak. It's hard to change one's nature; not just fourteen years, even forty years would not make a difference."

"Emperor, the third prince's blatant provocation is too arrogant. Please punish him severely!"

"I second that."

"I, too, support this."

"Please punish the third prince severely, to uphold the imperial authority —”

For a while, the grand hall was filled with the unified voice of the ministers.

Murong Yuan raised an eyebrow, he initially thought Murong Xun would be difficult to deal with, but it turned out he was a fool, offending all the civil and military officials as soon as he entered the capital, effectively digging his own grave.

In the women's section, Ye Chan stood out in her soft water-blue waist-pinching robe among all the noble ladies.

The Consort of King Ning, sitting beside her, sneered, "I told you so, he was worthless fourteen years ago, and he is still worthless now. He even dared to ask the emperor to personally receive him, is he tired of living?"

Saying this, she took her daughter's hand and spoke with a relieved tone.

"Fortunately, Chan broke off the engagement early. Otherwise, if you were to marry such a man, he would ruin the King Ning's mansion in the future."

"My Chan is born with a phoenix destiny, destined to mother the world. The third prince, even if he is the legitimate son, has no family, no background, and no ability, he is not worthy of you."

The late Empress was brought back from the battlefield by Emperor Hongtai. Being alone, she had no maternal family, and naturally, Xie Xun had no maternal grandparents.

In the power struggle of the royal family, the influence of the maternal family is indispensable.

Xie Xun, despite his status as the legitimate son, was a notorious wastrel. Compared to the "chosen son" Murong Yuan, he obviously had no advantage.

Ye Chan listened to her mother's words and responded with a soft hum.

However, as she lowered her eyelashes, she inadvertently recalled the brief glimpse she caught of him in the daytime.

Ye Chan shook her head, casting aside the chaotic thoughts.

Her mother was right, he was nothing but a worthless pretender, not worthy of her.

The calls of the ministers continued, and Emperor Hongtai's face grew more and more unsightly.

Xie Xun originally planned to climb the tower, but Jiang Xiaoxiao found it troublesome. In a single leap, she brought him to the top of the tower.

Xie Xun: "......"

So much for the sense of ceremony.

And so, atop the tower, Xie Xun gazed at the stars alone, and Jiang Xiaoxiao was engrossed in her candy.

Watching her, Xie Xun didn't know whether to be annoyed or amused.

Suddenly, they heard noises coming from the room below.

Xie Xun listened carefully for a moment and his face turned strange as he realized what was going on.

Jiang Xiaoxiao also heard it. She wanted to lift the roof tile to take a peek.

Xie Xun immediately covered her eyes, "No peeking!"

Jiang Xiaoxiao said, "There's someone moaning down there. It sounds like they're in pain."

Xie Xun choked, "That's none of our business."

Jiang Xiaoxiao had never heard such sounds before. Since the tile was already lifted, she thought there was no harm in taking a glance. What if it was a spirit she had never seen before?

Seeing her bend down to sneak a peek, Xie Xun reached out, held the back of her head, and kissed her accurately.

Jiang Xiaoxiao froze, the candy figure in her hand fell, sliding down the sloped roof.

It was different this time compared to when Xie Xun was drunk and asked her for a kiss.

This time he initiated it. Jiang Xiaoxiao couldn't put into words how she felt, she only felt her heart pounding wildly, beating fast and chaotic.

Finding the mask bothersome, Xie Xun ripped it off and kissed her again. She had just eaten the candy, her lips were soft and sweet.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded.

She had no idea how to respond, only feeling overwhelmingly hot, as if she had lost control of her body.

Her breath was fast, so was her heartbeat.

"Xie Xun... I-I'm uncomfortable."

Jiang Xiaoxiao whimpered.

However, Xie Xun, as if addicted, would not let her go, his lips sealing hers tightly.

Jiang Xiaoxiao felt her body's temperature reaching its peak.

The next moment, she grunted, and then suddenly shrank.

She transformed!