This uncle is much younger than his mother, dongfangying. Dongfangwei, the king of filial piety, is Laolaizi. Fortunately, dongfangzixuan, who lives in the family's favor, still grows up to be the son of a family. Young, with the old father on the battlefield, without any arrogance and extravagance. He is the pride of Dongfang family and the hope of Zhongxiao Wangfu. It's a pity that his disappearance almost broke the family down.

The relationship between him and Murong Yifei has always been close. When they met, they both felt a lot of emotion, as if they were separated from each other.

"It's not a dream. You're really back. My grandfather has been bedridden since you disappeared. Fortunately, the imperial court has provided generous pension, and the family's livelihood is not difficult. Xiao Xu has learned a lot. " Murong Yifei briefly introduced the situation of Zhongxiao palace.

"It's all my fault. The old man suffered." Dongfang Zixuan self blame said.

If he hadn't been impulsive and disobeying the dissuasion, there would have been no later events.

Murong Yifei faces the table full of delicious dishes, but he has no appetite. Dongfang Zixuan also seems to want to finish the words held in his heart.

Xiao Yin doesn't have much interest in it. His most important thing now is to sacrifice his five bellies and six Zang organs. Never before has a task been so difficult to complete, his flame alliance sent out a third of the elite, fortunately, the result is not dishonorable.

Dongfang Zixuan was very emotional, and his two subordinates were naturally happy and sad. A table of food seems to be cooked for Xiao Yin alone. This guy doesn't care about other people's feelings. He's been hungry for eight years. A gust of wind blows up the remnant clouds. When he finally touched his belly and raised his head with satisfaction, he asked coldly: "Lord Oriental, what have you experienced in these two years? How did the people of East Timor keep you so long? "

Murong Yifei gratefully smiles at Xiao Yin. Yes, it's none of your business. It's chaos if you shut yourself up! Their uncle and nephew patronized to express their feelings of parting. Was it natural disaster or man-made disaster that caused their separation?

Dongfang Zixuan's face sank and sighed, which told the story.

It turned out that the baby who had attracted their eyes in Yunwu Mountain was just a well planned scam.

Nearly a hundred people have almost embarked on a road of no return. Dongfangzixuan has not found the so-called treasure. They went into the deep mountain and searched everywhere. However, they were attracted by the red light and went farther and farther. However, they lost their trace in the valley. Fortunately, we have prepared enough dry food, and there is clean water in the deep mountain. Can't we find the baby and the way home?

After a few days of rest, Dongfang Zixuan and his men set foot on the way back in memory, but about half a month later, he found that he seemed to be drawing a circle and returning to the valley again. After several times, he finally realized that the team was completely lost. The most worrying thing was that there was not much rice in the bag. They could not find a way out. Their survival would be severely tested.

When the autumn wind suddenly rises, not only his subordinates, but also Dongfang Zixuan are at a loss. Almost all the food they took with them had been consumed, and hundreds of people had to pick wild fruits and hunt birds and animals. But how long can they last? No one's heart has a bottom.

Dongfang Zixuan would like to pull out his sword to cut through the mountains. However, no matter how angry they were, they were as if they were trapped in a bewitching array. There were roads everywhere, but there was no way to survive.

Can't see everyone was so taken away from life, dongfangzixuan had to put everyone's bag of food together, in order to make a long-term plan. There are many kinds of wild fruits in the mountains, and there are few people here. It happens to be a good harvest season. There are many fruits and the branches are bent. He did not dare to waste any of them. In addition to feeding their hunger every day, he ordered his soldiers to pick them in large quantities, cut them into thin slices with army blades, and collect the fruits. They don't even dare to hunt and kill wild animals and birds in the mountains. If they are eliminated, then more than 100 people will be destroyed by nature. Everyone is living a half starved and half fed life. On the one hand, they try their best to reserve more food, while sparing no effort to find a way to live.

People's creativity is endless. When snowflakes are flying, clothes made of feathers and animal skins have become their weapons to resist the cold. Dongfangzixuan commanded the soldiers to use the natural cave to repair and become a place to live. He only hoped that people who could get out of this ghost place or the Western Chu would remember to come to rescue them.

"Uncle, my grandfather sent several people, but they didn't find your whereabouts. How big is Yunwu Mountain? If the two mountains can't get together, they will meet. " Murong Yifei remembers that the soldiers sent by his grandfather nearly overturned the Yunwu Mountain, but in the end they got nothing. This group of 100 people can't live or die.

"I know that my father will not give up, and we have never given up hope of survival, but it must be for some reason that we are not allowed to meet." Dongfang Zixuan believed that the team searching for them would not be half slack. The commander-in-chief of the three armies was his father!

"Later, my grandfather fell ill and was sent back to the capital, but my people never stopped searching for vegetables." Liu Feng took over the position of Dongfang Wei, but Murong Yifei took over the task of searching. In any case, he wanted an exact result rather than a lot of speculation."Yifei, thank you very much." Dongfang Zixuan said gratefully that if it was not for both sides' efforts, there would be no reunion today.

"What did uncle say? This is for the public and private, Yifei will definitely not give up Murong Yifei has never stopped investigating this matter secretly.

Xiao Yin was fascinated. It was amazing that these 100 people had persisted for such a long time. How did they do it over 700 days? That Yunwu Mountain is really a treasure house. It can support such a large group of people!

"Did you survive by breathing air?" Xiao Yin's admiration is that even the top killers of the flame alliance can't survive in the wild for such a long time!

Dongfang Zixuan had a wry smile. If they had this ability, they would have been immortal gods by riding the wind with their swords. Would they have suffered from the wind and the sun and suffered from hunger and cold? God knows, besides that amazing perseverance, what else can he rely on. , the fastest update of the webnovel!